Warfstache:Reader A Golden Deal

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The office was empty, and you couldn't see any signs of life inside. The cubicles were empty, most gathering dust in an eerie way.

The man told you to meet him here, and now you were starting to think that he was even going to show. Said he had something valuable. What a load of junk.

"Hi miss," a voice rang out through the silence. You turned around to face him, but the man was covered in shadows. "It's nice of you to join me here."

His voice was silly, like a deep and almost sexy voice got a case of the wiggles. Still, there was something about him that made you shiver.

"Ya. I'm joining. Cut the crap. Why am I here?" You said, not willing to play around. Then, the man stepped out of the shadows.

He was wearing a tophat, very sophisticated. His suit was red and white vertical striped, like a carnival man. He had a goofy smile and a small golden gun in his hand. But the most recognizable and by far most obvious this on him that you knew will never go away in your mind was an amazingly fabulous pink mustache.

It was a strange looking thing, but so entrancing. You could barely avert your gaze from him. You didn't know what to think of it other than that it was pink. A pink mustache. Wow.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he said. "My name is Wilford Warfstache. Here to give you the most valuable thing you could think of."

"Oh ya?" You retort, snapping out if the trance. "What's that, then?"

"This," he said, holding out the gun in front of you. You didn't move. "if you want it."

"I will take it. What is the price?" You said back. You took the gun in your hands and turned it over. It seemed entrancing, too. Everything this guy did seemed magical. Everything he had seemed magical. You weren't sure what to think of him.

"The price is so very low, you can hardly tell it exists," he said. You were very skeptical about it.

"What is it?" You replied.

"The price is your free time. I have a favour to ask of you."

"What's the favour?" You asked, intrigued.

"In the near future, I will be killed. I will kill some police or something and they will, in turn, kill me. Oops."

"Why do you need me?"

"I need you to kill both of them before they kill me. Also, there's a baby that will try to kill me. Can you kill that, too?"

"You want an assassin?" You said, a bit scared.

"Kind of. I don't like those police and I can't take them on alone," he said.

"How do you know the future?" You asked.

"Are you in or not?" He replied.

You thought for a second. If he knew this was happening for sure, you did want to help. It wouldn't be right to know that someone was going to die, but still not help them. Finally, you decided to agree.

"Fine," you said, folding your arms. "But how do you know the future?"

"Thanks for your cooperation. We'll be in touch."

"But how do you know the future? And why do you want to kill them? Can't you just avoid them?" You called after him as he turned to walk away. Just then, he turned back around and faced you.

"Warfstache don't take shit from nobody," he said with a wink, then walked back into the darkness of the offices building hallway.

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