An Unintentional Mistake

Start from the beginning

"I'll cut to the chase. I would like you to explain this." 

An afternoon tabloid smacked the table in front of Kaya and settled there. She leaned forward to read the headline. Conditus CEO's First Scandal! Who is the mysterious woman? And the picture...

Was Kaya?

Kaya snatched the magazine and flipped wildly to the page specified. "I... this... what?"

"You're not blind, nor are you stupid, according to Tobin." Ransom must have settled onto the couch nearby, because it sagged and the leather creaked. "Did you plan this?"

"What?!" Kaya sprang to her feet. "Absolutely not! What kind of person do you think I am?"

"I don't believe in coincidences. Why were you spotted leaving my apartment building in a shirt identical to mine?"

"I'm sure lots of people have this shirt, that's what tabloids do. They take things out of proportion. They lie." Kaya wrapped her arms around her torso. "I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. I don't even know you."

"Lots of people do not have that shirt." The leather creaked again as Ransom stood to his feet.

Kaya took a step back. "What do you mean?"

"That's not a shirt you can purchase flippantly. Do you have a wealthy boyfriend?" Ransom took a step closer.

Kaya took another step back, still not daring to lift her gaze. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"Then where did you get the shirt?"

Kaya rolled her lips together, her arms tightening around her own torso. "I... just borrowed it. It's just a shirt."

Black leather shoes approached Kaya rapidly. She backtracked. One step after another until her back hit the wall.

A hand landed against the wall on either side of her shoulders. "Stop lying."

For the first time, Kaya raised her eyes to see her new enemy. Ransom had a pretty face. High cheekbones. Solid jaw. Black hair. Dark, dark eyes. So dark they almost glowed purple. And all of it far too close.

Kaya froze.

"Do you want me to tell you how much it cost?"

Unsure what else to do, Kaya nodded.

Ransom leaned closer. Close enough for Kaya to feel his breath against her neck. He whispered an exorbitant amount into her ear.

"Seriously? For a shirt?" Kaya clapped a hand over her own mouth. She hadn't meant to say that so loudly.

Ransom returned his face in front of hers. "Now. Do you want to tell me where you got it?"

"I told you. I borrowed it from a friend. Oh! She did say it actually belonged to her cousin."

Ransom's dark eyes closed, then opened again. "I don't like to repeat myself, so listen carefully. I run a PR firm. I can't have a scandal. As of right now, you're dating Tobin."

"I don't want to date Tobin."

"Oh? Then do you want to date me? It is my shirt." Ransom plucked at the collar.

Kaya raised her hands and shoved at his chest. "I don't want to date anyone."

"Then how are you going to handle this whole misunderstanding? People pay attention to my life, if you haven't noticed."

"I'll handle it myself. I don't need to date someone to make it go away." Kaya shoved at him again.

This time, Ransom took a step back. "Fine. Have it your way. We'll see how long it takes you to come crawling back to my doorstep, begging for help."

"I don't beg." Kaya ducked under Ransom's arm.

Ransom snagged her elbow and settled her back against the wall. "You've never dealt with the press. When something bad happens, don't try to handle it yourself."

"Take your own advice." Kaya shoved a little harder this time.

Ransom stepped away. "As you wish. Here. Take my card." He held out a small rectangular business card.

Kaya huffed a breath and snatched it from his fingers. "I won't call you. No matter what happens."

"You will. When it happens, remember that I warned you. Tobin will see you out."

"I'm fine by myself." Kaya jutted her chin toward the scones on the table. "Enjoy." She bolted out the door.

What she didn't see was the scene that came after. Tobin stopped at the door to stare down his employer.

"She's probably never dated a day in her life. Why try to make her date me?"

"It isn't like you don't want that." Ransom rolled his eyes.

"And offering to date her yourself?"

"It was my shirt."

Tobin didn't say a word. He didn't have to. They both knew the gravity of the situation.

Ransom unbuttoned his jacket and sank into his seat. "Keep an eye on her, just in case. We will continue to use Cafe Dulcis to furnish our afternoon meetings."

"If she comes back?"

"There is no if. She'll be back. We'll discuss it then." 

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