An Odd Order

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Monday seemed to be a desperately busy time of the week at Cafe Dulcis

Kaya didn't have time to breathe, let alone sit down. 

"Two dozen Chocolate Macadamia cupcakes for delivery."

"Snickerdoodles to table three." 

"Table seven needs more water." 

The orders shouted at Kaya from her boss, Noel, never stopped. Kaya liked to be optimistic about people, but today Noel didn't seem as nice as when she hired Kaya. 

"Kaya, get your head together! You've gotta work faster if you're going to survive here." 

Kaya glanced at her boss as Noel stuck a pan of cupcakes in the oven and checked her watch. Noel had relegated herself to the kitchen, leaving Kaya to run the counter and wait tables. Maybe she should consider hiring more people. 

With a sigh, Kaya grabbed a pitcher of water and headed for table seven. Another suggestion: maybe they could make a water station instead of serving it themselves. 

Kaya smiled to the best of her ability and tried to focus on serving the customers. 

An unhappy customer will always give your business a bad name. Her mother's voice floated through her head. 

Kaya blinked to shut out the powerful emotions that came with the invisible voice. 

"Get your act together." Kaya ducked her head and turned back for the counter. She almost ran smack-dab into another customer. 

"I'm so sorry!" Kaya backtracked to avoid hitting him and instead ended up stumbling into the corner of a table. She teetered on her feet, her balance thrown. 

The man reached out, placed his hands on her shoulders, and steadied her. "My apologies, as well. I came to place a catering order, if that's possible. I tried calling, but I couldn't get through." 

"Of course it's possible." Kaya politely shook out of his grasp and jogged behind the counter. She grabbed the first pad of blank paper that she could find. "When do you need the order?" 


Kaya glanced up into a steady, professional young face. "Tomorrow?" 

A grin tilted up the man's lips. "Yes." 

"Okay... Address?" 

The man lifted one finger and pointed it across the street. "The Conditus building, floor twenty-three, conference room." 

Kaya's pen hesitated. Did she have the authority to take this order? It seemed like a big deal. "What would you like to eat?" 

"Strawberry Tarts have been requested."

"For how many?" 

"The meeting will have thirty attendants, but we'll only need portions for twenty-nine." 

"Why?" Kaya looked up again. "I mean... If you don't mind me asking." 

"The man running the meeting doesn't like sweet things." 

"That doesn't mean we can't make him something, too." Kaya didn't know why she said it. She shouldn't interfere with what the customer wanted, but it somehow offended her that someone would object to desserts and pastries just because they were sweet. 

The man chuckled. "What's your name?" 

"Kaya Parker. Sorry if I offended you." 

"No, I like you." He leaned his palms on the counter. "It's not often that anyone questions this kind of thing. So, I present you with a special mission." 


"Yes, you, Kaya Parker. If you can make a dessert that he will eat, we'll use Cafe Dulcis to cater all our afternoon executive meetings." 

"All of them? Can you do that?" 

"I have that authority." The man plucked a business card from his pocket and handed it to Kaya. "For now, impress me." 

"That's a tall order." 

"I think you can do it. You have... tenacity. How old are you?" 

"Early twenties. Wait... why are you asking?" 

"Personal interest?" The man shrugged a shoulder. "Tomorrow, three-thirty, twenty-third floor conference room. Deliver ten minutes early so you're not seen. Executives like to think things just appear in their lives. We don't want to ruin the illusion." 

"Wait! What should I make for someone who doesn't like sweets?" 

"I'm not an expert in that area. Then, I'll take it that you have my order. The card will be on file with the owner." The man bent his head in a nod/bow combination and sailed out the door. 

Kaya glanced down at the card in her hand. Tobin Crestley, Executive Secretary. 

She didn't know who he worked for or why he chose to trust her with such an order, but Kaya did know one thing. She had a lot of trouble on her hands.

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