张磊 & 刘惜君 ~ One Read Three Thousand (一念三千)

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Song from Queen Dugu

Zhang Lei: Shū nǐ méiyǎn tà píng fēng xuě
Wěn dàyǔ pāngtuó de zuótiān
Sīniàn wān yán huànhuà chéng jié
Shíguāng qiāoqiāo zǒu bì fēiyán
舒你眉眼 踏平风雪
思念蜿蜒 幻化成劫
Shut your eyebrows, calm the wind and snow
Kiss the rainy yesterday
Missing twists and turns into a catastrophe
Time quietly walks the wall and cornices

Liu Xi Jun: Yào bùshì jǐjīng jìmò de huāngyuán
Zhǎngxīn yǎnshēng yīpiàn lántiān
Liǎng zhī shǒu zěnme huì jǐn jǐn xiāng qiān wò chéng yǒngyuǎn
两只手怎么会紧紧相牵 握成永远
If not for the lonely wasteland
A blue sky in the palm of your hand
How can two hands hold each other tightly, hold them forever

Zhang Lei: Zài fánchén súshì yǔ nǐ pèng yīmiàn
Zài wú dǐ shēnyuān kàn hóngchén wàn juǎn
Meet you in the mundane world
Looking at the red dust in the bottomless abyss

Liu Xi Jun: Fánnǎo bù jiǎn chǒng'ài yě bù huì tuìquè lèi yìng chū tián
烦恼不减 宠爱也不会退却 泪映出甜
Worries will not diminish, love will not retreat, tears reflect sweetness

Zhang Lei: Sānqiān shìjiè duǎn duǎn yīniàn
Liànliàn bù jué bù bù qiǎnquǎn
恋恋不绝 步步缱绻
Three thousand worlds just one thought
Love is endless, step by step

Liu Xi Jun: Rènpíng wǒmen néng hù wéi bǐcǐ de yíng quē cǐ niàn zài yībiàn
任凭我们能互为彼此的盈缺 此念再一遍
Let us be each other's surplus and deficiencies, this thought again

Zhang Lei: Bù mǐn suìyuè liúwáng shì xiě
Zài yuǎn bùguò cānghǎisāngtián
Bù tīng liúnián pínpín gàojiè
Wǒ huó zài àiqíng de jié jiè
不悯岁月 流亡嗜血
不听流年 频频告诫
Exile and bloodthirsty
It's nowhere near the vicissitudes of life
Don't listen to the fleeting years, frequent warnings
I live in the barrier of love

Liu Xi Jun: Yào bùshì jǐjīng jìmò de huāngyuán
Zhǎngxīn yǎnshēng yīpiàn lántiān
Liǎng zhī shǒu zěnme huì jǐn jǐn xiāng qiān wò chéng yǒngyuǎn
两只手怎么会紧紧相牵 握成永远
If not for the lonely wasteland
A blue sky in the palm of your hand
How can two hands hold each other tightly, hold them forever

Zhang Lei: Zài fánchén súshì yǔ nǐ pèng yīmiàn
Zài wú dǐ shēnyuān kàn hóngchén wàn juǎn
Meet you in the mundane world
Looking at the red dust in the bottomless abyss

Liu Xi Jun: Fánnǎo bù jiǎn chǒng'ài yě bù huì tuìquè lèi yìng chū tián
烦恼不减 宠爱也不会退却 泪映出甜
Worries will not diminish, love will not retreat, tears reflect sweetness

Zhang Lei: Sānqiān shìjiè duǎn duǎn yīniàn
Liànliàn bù jué bù bù qiǎnquǎn
恋恋不绝 步步缱绻
Three thousand worlds just one thought
Love is endless, step by step

Liu Xi Jun: Rènpíng wǒmen néng hù wéi bǐcǐ de yíng quē cǐ niàn zài yībiàn
任凭我们能互为彼此的盈缺 此念再一遍
Let us be each other's surplus and deficiencies, this thought again

Zhang Lei: Zài fánchén súshì yǔ nǐ pèng yīmiàn
Zài wú dǐ shēnyuān kàn hóngchén wàn juǎn
Meet you in the mundane world
Looking at the red dust in the bottomless abyss

Liu Xi Jun: Shì nà yīyǎn sìjì huà jiǎnle gēngdié zhǐyǒu xǐyuè
是那一眼 四季化简了更迭 只有喜悦
It's at that glance, the seasons have simplified the change, only joy

Zhang Lei: Sānqiān shìjiè zhǐ shèng yīniàn
Wànjiébùfù yěshì yǒngyuǎn
There is only one thought left in the three thousand worlds
A thousand catastrophes no longer also forever

Liu Xi Jun: Shéi ràng nǐ wǒ zhēnxīn yīzǎo zì chéngrén jiān
谁让你我 真心一早自成人间
Who made you and me, sincerely in the adult room early in the morning

All: Zài niàn yě bù biàn
Read again also unchanged

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