周子琰 ~ I Am A Daughter At Home (我是女儿家)

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Song from Oh! My Sweet Liar!

Zhou Zi Yan: Cōnghuì de nǚ'ér jiā tí bǐ jiāng zhè shìjiān huà
Huímóu yīchànà piānqiǎo yùjiàn tā
Cóng cǐhòu xīnshì méi tíngzhǐ xuānhuá
聪慧的 女儿家 提笔将这世间画
回眸一刹那 偏巧遇见他
从此后心事 没停止喧哗
Smart, my daughter's house, draw this world
Looking back, I happened to meet him by chance
Since then, my mind hasn't stopped talking

Běn shì xiāoyáo zìzài shēn tā què zàixīn shàng luò hén
Zěnnài ài yuè xiàn yuè shēn xiéshǒu yīlù bēn hóngchén
本是逍遥自在身 他却在心上落痕
怎奈爱越陷越深 携手一路奔红尘
This is happy at ease, but he left a mark on his heart
Persevering love is deeper and deeper, join hands all the way to the red dust

Qiàolì de nǚ'ér jiā yī bǐ yī mò wèi tā huà
Gōulè chū àiqíng chúnměi de niánhuá
Fēng yáohuàng zhīyā fāngxīn yǐ méngyá
俏丽的 女儿家 一笔一墨为他画
勾勒出爱情 纯美的年华
风摇晃枝桠 芳心已萌芽
Pretty daughter's house, draw for him one stroke by one stroke
Outline the pure and beautiful years of love
The wind shook the branches, the heart has sprouted

Zěnme cān dé tòu yuánfèn ài tā shēnsuì de yǎnshén
Huà xià yī quān quān nián lún zhǎngxiàng sī shǒu xīnshàngrén
怎么参得透缘分 爱他深邃的眼神
画下一圈圈年轮 长相厮守心上人
How can I get the fate and love his deep eyes
Draw a circle of annual rings, look after your sweetheart

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now