黄诗扶 ~ Wedding Day (佳期)

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Song from Twisted Fate of Love

Huang Shi Fu: Sǎ mò dù chūnqiū yuán shēn wèi cāntòu
Lǐngwù zhōng guāngyīn jìng liú wǎngfù jìng xiāo chóu
洒墨度春秋 缘深未参透
领悟中光阴静流 往复竟消愁
Sprinkle the ink to spend the spring and autumn
Comprehend the quiet flow of time

Míngyuè zhào líng zhōu qíngsī qù fányōu
Yuàn cāngtiān cháng xǔ yī chǎng bānlán mèng wúshēng dàn wēnróu
Cǐ ài yì nán shōuzhí shǒu gòng báitóu
Pàn xī nián jǐyǔ yīduàn xiāoyáo sòng níngjìng yòu chángjiǔ
明月照灵州 情思去烦忧
愿苍天长许一场斑斓梦 无声但温柔
此爱亦难收 执手共白头
盼昔年给予一段逍遥颂 宁静又长久
The bright moon shines in Lingzhou, feelings and worries
May the sky heavens have a colorful and brilliant dream, silent but gentle
This love is hard to receive, hold hands together
Looking forward to giving a happy ode to the past years, quiet and long-lasting

Nuǎn rìmù xián yōu quán xīn dài jīnhòu
Gǎnniànzhe píngshēng rú mèng xǐng tòu shì xiāng shǒu
暖日暮闲悠 全心待今后
感念着平生如梦 醒透是相守
Warm the sun to relax and wait for the future
I am grateful that my life is like a dream, I wake up and stay together

Míngyuè zhào líng zhōu qíngsī qù fányōu
Yuàn cāngtiān cháng xǔ yī chǎng bānlán mèng wúshēng dàn wēnróu
Cǐ ài yì nán shōuzhí shǒu gòng báitóu
Pàn xī nián jǐyǔ yīduàn xiāoyáo sòng níngjìng yòu chángjiǔ
明月照灵州 情思去烦忧
愿苍天长许一场斑斓梦 无声但温柔
此爱亦难收 执手共白头
盼昔年给予一段逍遥颂 宁静又长久
The bright moon shines in Lingzhou, feelings and worries
May the sky heavens have a colorful and brilliant dream, silent but gentle
This love is hard to receive, hold hands together
Looking forward to giving a happy ode to the past years, quiet and long-lasting

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now