刘宇宁 & 张靓颖 ~ No Extravagance (无华)

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Song from Legend of Fei

Jane Zhang: Xīnghé suí shuǐliú jù sàn suì suì xīn niàn zhuìluò chuān
Xiǎng wèn nǐ píng'ān què bù gǎn cǐshēng dì yī cì dǎnhán
星河随水流聚散 碎碎心念坠落川
想问你平安 却不敢 此生第一次胆寒
The galaxy gathers and disperses with the current, the broken heart falls into the river
I want to ask you about your safety but I dare not be afraid for the first time in my life

Liu Yu Ning: Bànshēng shàonián rú mèng qiānfān zhuózhuó xīn guāngqū bú sàn
Cǐshēng jì yǒule zhè qiān bàn wǒ zěn hǎo dúzì ànrán
半生少年如梦千帆 灼灼心光驱不散
此生既有了这牵绊 我怎好独自黯然
A half-life boy, like a dream, Qian Fan and scorching his heart
With this bond in this life, how can I be alone

Jane Zhang: Hái mò dài nǐ zònghéng qún shān
I haven't taken you to the mountains

Liu Yu Ning: Hái méi jiāng nǐ de fǎ qīng wǎn
Haven't tied your hair lightly

All: Hái méi hǎohǎo zài zhè fēnluàn lǐ jiūchán
Qiàn wǒ (nǐ) nà bǎ dāo hái méi hái
欠我 () 那把刀还没还
Haven't been entangled in this chaos
I owe me (you) that knife has not yet been paid

Jane Zhang: Huīhuī jiānghú yǔ nǐ hùnjì bùcéng pà
Děng wǒ tì nǐ tà biàn tiānyá
恢恢江湖 与你混迹不曾怕
I'm never afraid to mix with you
Wait for me to walk all over the world for you

Liu Yu Ning: Wéiwéi jiāngshān wèi nǐ yuàn bǎ rèxuè
Sǎ guǎn tā yòu shì shéi de tiānxià
巍巍江山 为你愿把热血洒
The lofty mountains and I'm willing to sprinkle blood for you
Whatever it is whose world

Jane Zhang: Jí hán zhī xuě piāo dào nǎlǐ cái shì jiā
Bùrú ràng wǒ bǎ nǐ rónghuà
极寒之雪 飘到哪里才是家
The extreme cold snow is home wherever it floats
Let me melt you

All: Dāng chūn yànyáng wúxíng què huà zuò jiānshí de kǎijiǎ zhì ài wúhuá
当春艳阳 无形却化作坚实的铠甲 至爱无华
When the spring sun is invisible, it turns into a solid armor

Jane Zhang: Hái mò dài nǐ zònghéng qún shān
I haven't taken you to the mountains

Liu Yu Ning: Hái méi jiāng nǐ de fǎ qīng wǎn
Haven't tied your hair lightly

All: Hái méi hǎohǎo zài zhè fēnluàn lǐ jiūchán
Qiàn wǒ (nǐ) nà bǎ dāo hái méi hái
欠我 () 那把刀还没还
Haven't been entangled in this chaos
I owe me (you) that knife has not yet been paid

Jane Zhang: Huīhuī jiānghú yǔ nǐ hùnjì bùcéng pà
Děng wǒ tì nǐ tà biàn tiānyá
恢恢江湖 与你混迹不曾怕
I'm never afraid to mix with you
Wait for me to walk all over the world for you

Liu Yu Ning: Wéiwéi jiāngshān wèi nǐ yuàn bǎ rèxuè
Sǎ guǎn tā yòu shì shéi de tiānxià
巍巍江山 为你愿把热血洒
The lofty mountains and I'm willing to sprinkle blood for you
Whatever it is whose world

Jane Zhang: Jí hán zhī xuě piāo dào nǎlǐ cái shì jiā
Bùrú ràng wǒ bǎ nǐ rónghuà
极寒之雪 飘到哪里才是家
The extreme cold snow is home wherever it floats
Let me melt you

All: Dāng chūn yànyáng wúxíng què huà zuò jiānshí de kǎijiǎ zhì ài wúhuá
当春艳阳 无形却化作坚实的铠甲 至爱无华
When the spring sun is invisible, it turns into a solid armor

Jane Zhang: Huīhuī jiānghú yǔ nǐ hùnjì bùcéng pà
Děng wǒ tì nǐ tà biàn tiānyá
恢恢江湖 与你混迹不曾怕
I'm never afraid to mix with you
Wait for me to walk all over the world for you

Liu Yu Ning: Wéiwéi jiāngshān wèi nǐ yuàn bǎ rèxuè
Sǎ guǎn tā yòu shì shéi de tiānxià
巍巍江山 为你愿把热血洒
The lofty mountains and I'm willing to sprinkle blood for you
Whatever it is whose world

Jane Zhang: Jí hán zhī xuě piāo dào nǎlǐ cái shì jiā
Bùrú ràng wǒ bǎ nǐ rónghuà
极寒之雪 飘到哪里才是家
The extreme cold snow is home wherever it floats
Let me melt you

All: Dāng chūn yànyáng wúxíng què huà zuò jiānshí de kǎijiǎ zhì ài wúhuá
当春艳阳 无形却化作坚实的铠甲 至爱无华
When the spring sun is invisible, it turns into a solid armor

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now