陈意涵 ~ Lovesick Clothes (相思裳)

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Song from Jin Jiu Ling

Estelle Chen: Fēng zhuó yǔ xiāo jǐ dù cán liáng
Gū lěngqīng qiū hán mèng yōu zhǎng
Shù qǐ yīpiàn piàn yuèguāng guà zài shēn páng
Bùpà jiānghú lù yuǎn shāngāo shuǐ cháng
束起一片片月光 挂在身旁
The wind is turbid and the rain stays cold at night
Lonely and cold in autumn and long dreams
Beamed in the moonlight and hung beside me
Not afraid of rivers and lakes, mountains and rivers are long

Xiāngsī áo áo bùguò suìyuè cháng
Xiǎo xuān chuāng shéi yòu bàn xīn zhuāng
Jiǎn xià yīduàn duàn shíguāng fàng zài shǒu shàng
Bié pà cǐ qù jīng nián ài hèn liǎng mángmáng
相思熬 熬不过岁月长
小轩窗 谁又扮新妆
剪下一段段时光 放在手上
Lovesickness can't survive the years
Xiao Xuan window, who is wearing new makeup
Cut out a period of time and put it in your hands
Don't be afraid of love and hate over the years

Hóngchén wēi liáng bēihuānlíhé sù qíng shāng
Rú yān guòwǎng jǐnxiù fāng nián mèng yī chǎng
Ruò zàihuíshǒu xiàng wàng rì yǔ yuè màncháng
Bié yíwàng wǒ céngjīng de múyàng
红尘微凉 悲欢离合夙情殇
如烟过往 锦绣芳年梦一场
若再回首相望 日与月漫长
别遗忘 我曾经的模样
The red dust is cool, the joys and sorrows are separated
The past becomes dust, only a momentarily youth
If you look back to the Prime Minister again, the days and months are long
Don't forget my appearance you ever recall

Huíyì chán chán bù zhù de yōushāng
Líhuā xiāng luò mǎn dì rú shuāng
Liú xià yī diǎndiǎn mùguāng fàng zàixīn shàng
Bùpà niánhuá rěnrǎn bié lái liǎng xiāng wàng
回忆缠 缠不住的忧伤
梨花香 落满地如霜
留下一点点目光 放在心上
The memories can't cope with the sorrows
The fragrant pear blossoms, like the snow, scattered on the ground
Spare some beautiful images inside the heart
Don't be afraid how the time flies fast, never forget each other

Hóngchén wēi liáng bēihuānlíhé sù qíng shāng
Rú yān guòwǎng jǐnxiù fāng nián mèng yī chǎng
Ruò zàihuíshǒu xiàng wàng rì yǔ yuè màncháng
Bié yíwàng wǒ céngjīng de múyàng
红尘微凉 悲欢离合夙情殇
如烟过往 锦绣芳年梦一场
若再回首相望 日与月漫长
别遗忘 我曾经的模样
The red dust is cool, the joys and sorrows are separated
The past becomes dust, only a momentarily youth
If you look back to the Prime Minister again, the days and months are long
Don't forget my appearance you ever recall

Sùmìng huāngtáng rèn shéi táo bù kāi zhè wǎng
Xiāngsī rú shang dǐ bùguò chényuán hán liáng
Yuàn cǐ qíng huídàng gùrén líxīn shàng
Lúnhuí lǐ shàng kě dǐ suìyuè cāng cāng
宿命荒唐 任谁逃不开这网
相思如裳 抵不过尘缘寒凉
愿此情回荡 故人离心上
轮回里 尚可抵岁月沧沧
Fate is laughable, no one could escape it's entanglement
Lovesickness is like a dress, can't bear the dust and cold
May this affection echoes to they who'd departed
Face the vicissitudes of life in this reincarnation wheel

Hóngchén wēi liáng bēihuānlíhé sù qíng shāng
Rú yān guòwǎng jǐnxiù fāng nián mèng yī chǎng
Ruò zàihuíshǒu xiàng wàng rì yǔ yuè màncháng
Bié yíwàng wǒ céngjīng de múyàng
红尘微凉 悲欢离合夙情殇
如烟过往 锦绣芳年梦一场
若再回首相望 日与月漫长
别遗忘 我曾经的模样
The red dust is cool, the joys and sorrows are separated
The past becomes dust, only a momentarily youth
If you look back to the Prime Minister again, the days and months are long
Don't forget my appearance you ever recall

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now