高泰宇/敖子逸/刘润南 ~ Standing Proudly At The Edge of The Clouds (傲立云端)

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Song from Douluo Continent

Gao Tai Yu: Huǎnghū de zuótiān nǎohǎi lǐ màn man fúxiàn
Rúyuē bān zhùdìng xiāng jiàn ràng wǒmen bìngjiān zuòzhàn
恍惚的昨天 脑海里慢慢浮现
如约般注定相见 让我们并肩作战
The trance yesterday, slowly came to my mind
Destined to meet as promised, let us fight side by side

Liu Run Nan: Wǎngshì rú yúnyān piāo sǎn jìyì què làoyìn xīnjiān
往事如云烟飘散 记忆却烙印心间
The past is like a cloud of smoke but the memory is imprinted in the heart

Gao Tai Yu/Liu Run Nan: Céngjīng de gòng kǔ tóng gān rùn sèsù shíjǐn nián
曾经的共苦同甘 润色素什锦年
The past years of shared suffering and sweetness

Ao Zi Yi: Lùtú xiǎnzǔ rènzhòngdàoyuǎn mángmáng rén hǎi cānghǎisāngtián
Suǒxiàngpīmí yǒngwǎng wú qián shéi yǔ wǒ zhēng yàn
路途险阻任重道远 茫茫人海沧海桑田
所向披靡勇往无前 谁与我争艳
The road is dangerous and obstructed
Invincible and brave, who will compete with me

Gao Tai Yu: Tiānsè àn fēng jiàn hán niǎo guī cháo rìbóxīshān
Túpò wànnán qìshì yì fēifán dēngfēngzàojí ào lì zài yúnduān
天色暗风渐寒 鸟归巢日薄西山
突破万难气势亦非凡 登峰造极傲立在云端
The sky is dark and the wind is getting colder, birds return to the nest
Breaking through all difficulties, the momentum is also extraordinary
Reaching the pinnacle, standing proudly in the clouds

Ao Zi Yi: Zuò kàn niǎoniǎo qīng yān yuè měijǐng juésè shīpiān
Tóngzhōugòngjì xiéshǒu jǐn qiānfān
坐看袅袅青烟 阅美景绝色诗篇
Sit and watch the smoky smoke, read the beautiful poems
Together in the boat, we will do our best together

Liu Run Nan/Ao Zi Yi: Yě yào yǒngqì xiāngbàn liú fāngmíng zài chénshì jiān
也要勇气相伴 留芳名在尘世间
I have to be courageous and be with me, leave your name in the world

Ao Zi Yi: Xiào fēngqǐyúnyǒng qǐfú bōlán quán kàndàn
Shēn rú yǐng biànhuà duōduān shénsì fēng jìyì jīngzhàn
笑风起云涌 起伏波澜全看淡
身如影变化多端 神似风技艺精湛
Laughing wind is surging, the ups and downs are all bearish
The figure is like a shadow and the change is like a wind, and the skill is exquisite

Liu Run Nan: Suī xiéyáng qīngshān guī yuǎn réng wèi gǎi piānpiān shàonián
虽斜阳青山归远 仍未改翩翩少年
Although the setting sun and the green hills return far away, still hasn't changed

Ao Zi Yi/Liu Run Nan: Fēng xuě zài tú yì dànrán xìnbù fēng qǐ yún juǎn
风雪载途亦淡然 信步风起云卷
The wind and snow are also indifferent, strolling in the wind

Gao Tai Yu: Lùtú xiǎnzǔ rènzhòngdàoyuǎn mángmáng rén hǎi cānghǎisāngtián
Suǒxiàngpīmí yǒngwǎng wú qián shéi yǔ wǒ zhēng yàn
路途险阻任重道远 茫茫人海沧海桑田
所向披靡勇往无前 谁与我争艳
The road is dangerous and obstructed
Invincible and brave, who will compete with me

Gao Tai Yu/Ao Zi Yi: Tiānsè àn fēng jiàn hán niǎo guī cháo rìbóxīshān
天色暗风渐寒 鸟归巢日薄西山
The sky is dark and the wind is getting colder, birds return to the nest

Ao Zi Yi: Túpò wànnán qìshì yì fēifán dēngfēngzàojí ào lì zài yúnduān
突破万难气势亦非凡 登峰造极傲立在云端
Breaking through all difficulties, the momentum is also extraordinary
Reaching the pinnacle, standing proudly in the clouds

Gao Tai Yu: Zuò kàn niǎoniǎo qīng yān yuè měijǐng juésè shīpiān
Tóngzhōugòngjì xiéshǒu jǐn qiānfān
坐看袅袅青烟 阅美景绝色诗篇
Sit and watch the smoky smoke, read the beautiful poems
Together in the boat, we will do our best together

Gao Tai Yu/Ao Zi Yi: Yě yào yǒngqì xiāngbàn liú fāngmíng zài chénshì jiān
Tiānsè àn fēng jiàn hán niǎo guī cháo rìbóxīshān
也要勇气相伴 留芳名在尘世间
天色暗风渐寒 鸟归巢日薄西山
I have to be courageous and be with me, leave your name in the world
The sky is dark and the wind is getting colder, birds return to the nest

Ao Zi Yi: Túpò wànnán qìshì yì fēifán
Breaking through all difficulties, the momentum is also extraordinary

All: Dēngfēngzàojí ào lì zài yúnduān zuò kàn niǎoniǎo qīng yān
Yuè měijǐng juésè shīpiān tóngzhōugòngjì xiéshǒu jǐn qiānfān
Yě yào yǒngqì xiāngbàn liú fāngmíng zài chénshì jiān
登峰造极傲立在云端 坐看袅袅青烟
阅美景绝色诗篇 同舟共济携手尽千帆
也要勇气相伴 留芳名在尘世间
Standing proudly on the top of the mountain, sitting and watching the green smoke
Read the stunning poems of the beautiful scenery and help each other in the same boat
I have to be courageous and be with me, leave your name in the world

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now