陳哲遠 & 李墨之 ~ Nirvana (涅槃)

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Song from Renascence

Li Mo Zhi: Suìyuè tídēng zhàoguò xuān xiè zhēng péng
Zá cǎo cóngshēng de lù yǒu gùrén xiāngféng
Rén bùzhī què liúlián qízhōng
人不知 却流连其中
The lanterns illuminate the Xuan pavilion and Zheng Pong
Old people meet on the overgrown road
People don't know but hang around

Chen Zhe Yuan: Yáng shǒu huī bié zuórì shēngsīlìjié
Shèng xià yī pén rèxuè bǔ xīn de cánquē
Zhàn zài yúnduān kàn líbié
站在云端 看离别
Raise your hand and wave goodbye to hoarse yesterday
Left a pot of blood to fill the incompleteness of the heart
Standing in the clouds, watching parting

Li Mo Zhi: Ài yǔ chóuhèn wénwǔ shuāngquán
爱与仇恨 文武双全
Love and hatred, civil and military

All: Lái rú hóngyàn qù rú jiàn
来如鸿雁 去如箭
Come like a geese go like an arrow

Li Mo Zhi: Xīn zài hóngchén wàirén zài xiāngsī zhōng
心在红尘外 人在相思中
The heart is outside the world, the people are in love

Chen Zhe Yuan: Guòwǎng bù luòyǔ jīnshēng zhǐ wèi jiàn nǐ
过往不落羽 今生只为见你
The past will not fall, but this life is just to see you

Li Mo Zhi: Jūn qíng yǔ wǒ yì jiāngshān bùkě qī
君情与我意 江山不可欺
Your love and my meaning, don't bully

All: Yī yè zhī qiūmíng yīyǎn méng jǐn guīqī
一叶知秋明 一眼盟尽归期
One leaf knows tyumen, one glance at the end of the alliance

Li Mo Zhi: Suìyuè tídēng zhàoguò xuān xiè zhēng péng
Zá cǎo cóngshēng de lù yǒu gùrén xiāngféng
Rén bùzhī què liúlián qízhōng
人不知 却流连其中
The lanterns illuminate the Xuan pavilion and Zheng Pong
Old people meet on the overgrown road
People don't know but hang around

Chen Zhe Yuan: Yáng shǒu huī bié zuórì shēngsīlìjié
Shèng xià yī pén rèxuè bǔ xīn de cánquē
Zhàn zài yúnduān kàn líbié
站在云端 看离别
Raise your hand and wave goodbye to hoarse yesterday
Left a pot of blood to fill the incompleteness of the heart
Standing in the clouds, watching parting

Li Mo Zhi: Ēn ēnyuàn yuàn děng wǒ zhōngjié
恩恩怨怨 等我终结
Kindness and resentment wait for me to end

All: Fèng de cháoxué zài jiǔtiān
凤的巢穴 在九天
Phoenix's lair in nine days

Li Mo Zhi: Xīn zài hóngchén wàirén zài xiāngsī zhōng
心在红尘外 人在相思中
The heart is outside the world, the people are in love

Chen Zhe Yuan: Guòwǎng bù luòyǔ jīnshēng zhǐ wèi jiàn nǐ
过往不落羽 今生只为见你
The past will not fall, but this life is just to see you

Li Mo Zhi: Jūn qíng yǔ wǒ yì jiāngshān bùkě qī
君情与我意 江山不可欺
Your love and my meaning, don't bully

All: Yī yè zhī qiūmíng yīyǎn méng jǐn guīqī
一叶知秋明 一眼盟尽归期
One leaf knows tyumen, one glance at the end of the alliance

Li Mo Zhi: Tīng dāoqiāng jiàn jǐ kàn shānhé piāo xù
Gū yǒng hàn bù dòng tiāndì
听刀枪剑戟 看山河飘絮
Listen to swords and swords, look at the mountains and rivers
Lonely can't shake move the world

Chen Zhe Yuan: Wǒmen dōu shì mù yú jīngjí de yáng qún
We all pasture thorns of sheep flocks

Li Mo Zhi: Yòng nǐ de xuè qū hé wǒ de jià yī
Qù zhǎn kāi yītiáo yǒngbào bǐcǐ de lùjìng
Lái qù yù huǒ lǐ yǒu ài zhōng kě yī
用你的血驱 和我的嫁衣
来去浴火礼 有爱终可依
Use your blood to drive and my wedding dress
To cut a path to embrace each other
Come and go to bathe in the fire

Chen Zhe Yuan: Xún yīfāng tiāndì wèi nǐ fēng zhōng tiān yì
寻一方天地 为你风中添翼
Looking for a world to add wings to your wind

Li Mo Zhi: Mìngyùn de gū qī suí fēnghuǒ ér qù
命运的孤栖 随烽火而去
The lonely habitat of fate goes with the flames

All: Zhè yī hún yī pò chóngshēng yīrán zhuànglì
这一魂一魄 重生依然壮丽
This soul and rebirth is still magnificent

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now