谭松韵 ~ Flower Wish (花愿)

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Song from The Sword And The Brocade

Tan Song Yun: Bái niǎo chéng fēng tí yúnsàn shuǐ àn yǐ liǔ wàng qīngshān
Nǐ qīng qīng yáoyè zàixīn pàn dōng qù chūnlái jiāng fēng nuǎn
Tíng qián huā hǎo yuè yì yuán xīngguāng rú què nǐ rú yàn
白鸟乘风啼云散 水岸倚柳望青山
你轻轻摇曳在心畔 冬去春来江风暖
庭前花好月亦圆 星光如雀 你如雁
The white birds scattered in the wind
Leaning on the water bank and looking at the green hills
You gently sway in my heart, winter goes to spring, the river breeze warms
It's a full moon to spend in front of the courtyard,
starlight is like a bird and you are like a wild goose

Tiānjì de wèilán yǎndǐ de hú'àn
Rú huàjuàn dàoyìng nǐ róngyán
Rú jīng xiàng hǎi bān dé nǐ cái rúyuàn
Hóngxiù yī qiān cǐshēng wú yuàn
天际的蔚蓝 眼底的湖岸
如画卷 倒映你容颜
如鲸向海般 得你才如愿
红袖一牵 此生无怨
The blue sky, the lake shore under my eyes
Reflecting your face like a picture
Like a whale facing the sea, it takes you to get what you want
Red sleeves, are no resentment in this life

Jǐn xīn liúzhuàn qíng qiānqiān liúguāng sì yùzhào mèng jiān
Qiān sī wàn lǚ yī zhēn yīxiàn huā mǎn tiān
Jǐn xīn rúyuè bān liú yuǎn liǎngxiāng qíngyuàn
Zhào liúnián wǒ yǒu nǐ nǐ yǒu wǒ de rénjiān
锦心流转 情芊芊 流光似玉 照梦间
千丝万缕 一针一线 花满天
锦心如月 般流远 两厢情愿 照流年
我有你 你有我的人间
Brocade heart flowing of love, the flow of light is like a jade shining in a dream
Inextricably threaded, stitch and threaded, it's full of flowers
The brocade heart flows away like a moon
Love between the two sides is willing to shine in the fleeting years
I have you and you have my world

Jǐn xīn liúzhuàn qíng qiānqiān liúguāng sì yùzhào mèng jiān
Liǎng qíng xiāng yuè liǎng xiù chánmián yǒng bùyàn
Jǐn xīn rúyuè bān liú yuǎn liǎngxiāng qíngyuàn zhào liúnián
Nǐ shì wǒ wǒ shì nǐ de juànliàn
锦心流转 情芊芊 流光似玉 照梦间
两情相悦 两袖缠绵 永不厌
锦心如月 般流远 两厢情愿 照流年
你是我 我是你的眷恋
Brocade heart flowing of love, the flow of light is like a jade shining in a dream
The two love and each other and the sleeves are wrapped around each other, never get tired of it
The brocade heart flows away like a moon
Love between the two sides is willing to shine in the fleeting years
You're me and I'm your lover

Cǎomù liú yún jiān qìngxìng bèi nǐ qīn diǎn
Pánshí yě rú yù bān guāngxiān
Fānyúnfùyǔ jiān shéi kě chéng yǒngyuǎn
Nǐ wǒ xiāng jiàn dá'àn fúxiàn
草木流云间 庆幸被你钦点
磐石也 如玉般光鲜
翻云覆雨间 谁可成永远
你我相见 答案浮现
Between the clouds of grass and trees, I'm glad to be chined by you
The rock is as glamorous as jade
Between the clouds and the rain, who can be forever
You and I meet the answer emerges

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