关晓彤 ~ Drunk Happiness (醉清欢)

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Song from A Girl Like Me

Guan Xiao Tong: Qīngfēng chuān fúguò lòngtáng yōuyōu nǐ sòng lái mò xiāng
Pōmò wān yán bǐjiān zhǐ shàng cǐ qíng zuì miáncháng
Yuè sè qīngxiè shuǐ zhōngyāng qíng nán zì jīn qīng qīng chàng
Nǐ fǔqín yī qū yōuyáng jìzǎizhe wǒmen tiánmì shíguāng
清风穿拂过弄堂 幽幽你送来墨香
泼墨蜿蜒笔尖纸上 此情最绵长
月色倾泻水中央 情难自禁轻轻唱
你抚琴一曲悠扬 记载着我们甜蜜时光
The breeze blows through the alley, faintly, you send Mo Xiang
The ink-sprayed pen nib paper is the longest love
The moonlight pouring in the middle of the water, I can't help but sing gently
You play the piano with a melodious song that records our sweet time

Rénjiān zuì qīng huān fúshēng yǔ nǐ zuò bàn
Kàn cénglín jǐn rǎn cè mǎ kàn biàn wànshuǐqiānshān
Yúshēng yǒu nǐ bù jù fēng xuě mànmàn
人间醉清欢 浮生与你作伴
看层林尽染 策马看遍万水千山
余生有你 不惧风雪漫漫
Drunk happiness in the world, floating life is with you
Look at the forest, ride a horse to see thousands of waters and mountains
Have you for the rest of my life, not afraid of the wind and snow

Rénjiān zuì xīn'ān ěr pàn yǒu nǐ nínán
Yáoyuǎn de hūhuàn wǒ zhuì rù nǐ nà dào guānghuán
Zhēngtuō huáibào tài nán zuì dào shíguāng rěnrǎn
人间最心安 耳畔有你呢喃
遥远的呼唤 我坠入你那道光环
挣脱怀抱太难 醉倒时光荏苒
The world is most at ease, I have you whispering in my ears
Calling from afar, I fell into your halo
It's too hard to break free, drunk time flies

Yuè sè qīngxiè shuǐ zhōngyāng qíng nán zì jīn qīng qīng chàng
Nǐ fǔqín yī qū yōuyáng jìzǎizhe wǒmen tiánmì shíguāng
月色倾泻水中央 情难自禁轻轻唱
你抚琴一曲悠扬 记载着我们甜蜜时光
The moonlight pouring in the middle of the water, I can't help but sing gently
You play the piano with a melodious song that records our sweet time

Rénjiān zuì qīng huān fúshēng yǔ nǐ zuò bàn
Kàn cénglín jǐn rǎn cè mǎ kàn biàn wànshuǐqiānshān
Yúshēng yǒu nǐ bù jù fēng xuě mànmàn
人间醉清欢 浮生与你作伴
看层林尽染 策马看遍万水千山
余生有你 不惧风雪漫漫
Drunk happiness in the world, floating life is with you
Look at the forest, ride a horse to see thousands of waters and mountains
Have you for the rest of my life, not afraid of the wind and snow

Rénjiān zuì xīn'ān ěr pàn yǒu nǐ nínán
Yáoyuǎn de hūhuàn wǒ zhuì rù nǐ nà dào guānghuán
Zhēngtuō huáibào tài nán zuì dào shíguāng rěnrǎn
人间最心安 耳畔有你呢喃
遥远的呼唤 我坠入你那道光环
挣脱怀抱太难 醉倒时光荏苒
The world is most at ease, I have you whispering in my ears
Calling from afar, I fell into your halo
It's too hard to break free, drunk time flies

Rénjiān zuì qīng huān fúshēng yǔ nǐ zuò bàn
Kàn cénglín jǐn rǎn cè mǎ kàn biàn wànshuǐqiānshān
Yúshēng yǒu nǐ bù jù fēng xuě mànmàn
人间醉清欢 浮生与你作伴
看层林尽染 策马看遍万水千山
余生有你 不惧风雪漫漫
Drunk happiness in the world, floating life is with you
Look at the forest, ride a horse to see thousands of waters and mountains
Have you for the rest of my life, not afraid of the wind and snow

Rénjiān zuì xīn'ān ěr pàn yǒu nǐ nínán
Yáoyuǎn de hūhuàn wǒ zhuì rù nǐ nà dào guānghuán
Zhēngtuō huáibào tài nán zuì dào shíguāng rěnrǎn
人间最心安 耳畔有你呢喃
遥远的呼唤 我坠入你那道光环
挣脱怀抱太难 醉倒时光荏苒
The world is most at ease, I have you whispering in my ears
Calling from afar, I fell into your halo
It's too hard to break free, drunk time flies

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now