丁当 ~ Sigh (叹)

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Song from Good And Evil

Ding Dang: Shēng shēng suǒ yuàn yīwàng qiānnián tīng bàn qū lí shāng
yún shēng wù liǔchéngshuāng xǐng lái mèng yī chǎng
yōuyōu xiéyáng rǎn jǐn hóngyán kàn qiánchén rú yān
Ài wú jiě láishì zài shù hóngzhuāng
笙笙所愿 一望千年 半曲离殇
云生雾 柳成双 醒来梦一场
幽幽斜阳 染尽红颜 前尘如烟
爱无解 来世再束红妆
My wish is a thousand year old wish, to listen to the song and a half from the war
Clouds produces mist, a pair of willows, wake up to a dream
The setting sun, dyed the red face, to see the dust
Love has no answer, put on the red makeup again in the next life

Tàn líbié tài màncháng wǒ ná jǐ shēng huàn hé nǐ yù shàng
Shìjiān zì qiān wàn wéi yǒuqíng zuì shāng
Tàn xiāngsī tài duàncháng wǒ yòng shēnqíng kèhuà nǐ múyàng
Wàn qiān hóngchén xiě bù jìn wǒ chīkuáng
叹离别 太漫长 我拿几生 换和你遇上
世间字千万 唯有情最伤
叹相思 太断肠 我用深情 刻画你模样
万千红尘 写不尽我 痴狂
Sigh, farewell is too long, I'll spend a few lives in exchange for meeting you
There are thousands of words in the world, but only love hurts the most
Sigh, lovesickness too heartbroken, I use affection to portray your appearance
In the world of mortals, I can't write enough, it's crazy

Shēng shēng suǒ yuàn yīwàng qiānnián tīng bàn qū lí shāng
yún shēng wù liǔchéngshuāng xǐng lái mèng yī chǎng
yōuyōu xiéyáng rǎn jǐn hóngyán kàn qiánchén rú yān
Ài wú jiě láishì zài shù hóngzhuāng
笙笙所愿 一望千年 半曲离殇
云生雾 柳成双 醒来梦一场
幽幽斜阳 染尽红颜 前尘如烟
爱无解 来世再束红妆
My wish is a thousand year old wish, to listen to the song and a half from the war
Clouds produces mist, a pair of willows, wake up to a dream
The setting sun, dyed the red face, to see the dust
Love has no answer, put on the red makeup again in the next life

Tàn líbié tài màncháng wǒ ná jǐ shēng huàn hé nǐ yù shàng
Shìjiān zì qiān wàn wéi yǒuqíng zuì shāng
Tàn xiāngsī tài duàncháng wǒ yòng shēnqíng kèhuà nǐ múyàng
Wàn qiān hóngchén xiě bù jìn wǒ chīkuáng
叹离别 太漫长 我拿几生 换和你遇上
世间字千万 唯有情最伤
叹相思 太断肠 我用深情 刻画你模样
万千红尘 写不尽我 痴狂
Sigh, farewell is too long, I'll spend a few lives in exchange for meeting you
There are thousands of words in the world, but only love hurts the most
Sigh, lovesickness too heartbroken, I use affection to portray your appearance
In the world of mortals, I can't write enough, it's crazy

Tàn líbié tài màncháng wǒ ná jǐ shēng huàn hé nǐ yù shàng
Shìjiān zì qiān wàn wéi yǒuqíng zuì shāng
Tàn xiāngsī tài duàncháng méi jiān xīn shàng shì ài jiē chīkuáng
Kàn jǐn yuánfèn què nánkàn pò guòwǎng
叹离别 太漫长 我拿几生 换和你遇上
世间字千万 唯有情最伤
叹相思 太断肠 眉间心上 是爱皆痴狂
看尽缘分 却难看破过往
Sigh, farewell is too long, I'll spend a few lives in exchange for meeting you
There are thousands of words in the world, but only love hurts the most
Sigh, lovesickness too heartbroken, between the eyebrows, love is crazy
Seeing fate, but it's hard to break through the past

Niànniànbùwàng shì zuìshēn de qíng cháng
念念不忘 是最深的情长
Unforgettable is the deepest love

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now