张哲瀚 & 龚俊 ~ Faraway Wanderers (天涯客)

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Song from Word of Honor

Zhang Zhe Han: Tiān cāngcāng shìle gōng chéng dù hán jiāng
Yè mángmáng bēi zhōng yuèyǐng xiào huāngtáng
Shéi xǔ wǒ cè mǎ jiānghú chuǎng sìfāng
Shéi zuì biàn tiānyá mèng xǐng bùjiàn gùxiāng
The heavens have done everything and they have successfully crossed the cold river
The moon shadow smiles in the cup of the night is absurd
Who allowed me to ride the horse, rivers and lakes go everywhere
Who is drunk all over the world and wakes up from dreaming but never sees his hometown

Simon Gong: Xīlíng xià qī qiūliáng yǔ wěn wǒ chuāng
Rèn rén zēng rèn rén bàng wèi fáng chóuchàng shì qīng kuáng
Chūnfēng chuī dé lǜ jiāngnán shuǐ àn chuī bù nuǎn rénxīn shuāng
Cùbùjífáng nà shì bùshì wǒmen de guāng
Xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn xìng wèi wǎn bù zài gūfù sìjì huā
Jiāng gǔdào xīfēng shòu mǎ huàn xiǎo qiáo liúshuǐ rénjiā
任人憎任人谤 未妨惆怅是清狂
春风吹得绿江南水岸 吹不暖人心霜
猝不及防 那是不是我们的光
相见恨晚幸未晚 不再辜负四季花
将古道西风瘦马 换小桥流水人家
Xi Ling under the desolate autumn rain kiss my window
Let others hate others to slander, not to hinder melancholy is innocent
The spring breeze blows the south shore of the Green River
Caught off guard and is that our light
It's not too late to meet and no longer live up to the four seasons flower
Replace the old west wind and thin horses with small bridges and flowing water

Zhang Zhe Han: Wànlǐ héshān wàn jiā dēng wǎngshì rú yān làng táo shā
Jiāng píngshēng shuāng xuě yǔ jūn zhǔ jiǔ pēngchá
万里河山万家灯 往事如烟浪淘沙
将平生霜雪 与君煮酒烹茶
Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and home light, the past is like smoke and waves
Will life frost and snow, make wine and tea with Jun

Simon Gong: Fāng cǎo zhǎng yānbō liú yún yìng xiéyáng
Wèn héchùxiān xiāng húdié wèi gǔ yù wèi liáng
问何处仙乡 蝴蝶为骨玉为梁
The smoky grass and the flowing clouds reflect the setting sun
Ask where is the fairyland, the butterfly is the bone and the jade is the beam

Zhang Zhe Han: Nǐ yì jiān dān bù jìn wàngǔ chóu bùrú fēn wǒ jǐ liǎng
Péi jūn zuì sān wàn chǎng cóngcǐ bù yán lí shāng
你一肩担不尽万古愁 不如分我几两
陪君醉三万场 从此不言离殇
You can't bear all the sorrows on your shoulders, it's better to divide me two
Accompanying you to drunk 30,000 games

Simon Gong: Xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn xìng wèi wǎn zàibu gūfù sìjì huā
Jiāng gǔdào xīfēng shòu mǎ huàn xiǎo qiáo liúshuǐ rénjiā
相见恨晚幸未晚 再不辜负四季花
将古道西风瘦马 换小桥流水人家
It's not too late to meet and let's live up to the four seasons flower
Replace the old west wind and thin horses with small bridges and flowing water

Zhang Zhe Han: Wànlǐ héshān wàn jiā dēng wǎngshì rú yān làng táo shā
万里河山万家灯 往事如烟浪淘沙
Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and home light, the past is like smoke and waves

All: Jiāng píngshēng shuāng xuě yǔ jūn zhǔ jiǔ pēngchá
Will life frost and snow, make wine and tea with Jun

Simon Gong: Wúbiān luòmù xiāoxiāo xià bù jìn chángjiāng gǔngǔn lái
Fēng dāo shuāng jiàn jiē bù jù zhǐyào (All: Nǐ wǒ hái zài)
无边落木萧萧下 不尽长江滚滚来
风刀霜剑皆不惧只要 (All: 你我还在)
The endless fall of the woods, the endless Yangtze River rolls down
Wind knife and frost sword aren't afraid as long as (All: You and me still)

Zhang Zhe Han: Dé jì gāogē shī jì xiū wújūwúshù yì wú ài
Dàn dé yī zhījǐ wèi jǐn fēngchén wúnài
得既高歌失既休 无拘无束亦无碍
The gain is both singing and losing
But a confidant is relieved and helpless

All: Rèn shāngāo shuǐ yuǎn nǐ zài wǒ yě zài
You are here and I am here

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now