張碧晨 ~ The Direction of Light (光的方向)

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Song from The Long Ballad

Zhang Bi Chen: Wú chù kě táo wú zhī kěkào
Nìxíngzhe wéixiào bùqūbùnáo
Wàngle niánshào bùcéng wèi jìmò chéngxíng
Lèi yǔ hàn chéng shuāng xīn yǐ gǔntàng (Xiàngzhe yuǎnfāng)
Guòwǎng fēngshuāng chéng kè dāo
Zhé lièle chìbǎng hái yào fēixiáng
无处可逃 无枝可靠
逆行着微笑 不屈不挠
忘了年少 不曾畏寂寞成行
泪与憾成双 心已滚烫 (向着远方)
折裂了翅膀 还要 飞翔
Nowhere to run, no branches, reliable
Smiling retrograde and indomitable
I forgot my youth and never feared loneliness
Tears and regrets become double, my heart is hot (Toward the distance)
Past winds and frosts turned into a knife
I've broken my wings and I'm still flying

Xúnzhe guāngzhào de fāngxiàng bǎ nǐ yíwàng
Huíyì zhéjiù chéng wǒ juéjiàng de múyàng
Wǒ yào píng zhè ànyè lǐ de guāng
Hái tā yǔ yī qū cháng gē xiāng wàng
Tàzhe shēngmìng zhī hé bù wǎng chīkuáng
循着光照的方向 把你遗忘
踏着生命之河 不枉痴狂
Follow the direction of the light and forget you
Memories of depreciation become my stubborn appearance
I want to rely on the light in the dark night
It also faces a long song
It's not in vain to walk in the river of life

Dúxíng de liáo píjuàn de ào
Hái shèng xià duōshǎo xīn ruò nízhǎo
Shéi huì zhīdào bùcéng wèi jìmò chéngxíng
Lèi yǔ hàn chéng shuāng xīn yǐ gǔntàng (Xiàngzhe yuǎnfāng)
Guòwǎng fēngshuāng chéng kè dāo
Zhé lièle chìbǎng hái yào fēixiáng
独行的寥 疲倦的傲
还剩下多少 心若泥沼
谁会知道 不曾畏寂寞成行
泪与憾成双 心已滚烫 (向着远方)
折裂了翅膀 还要 飞翔
Lonely lonely, tired and arrogant
How much is left, heart is like a quagmire
Who would know that I never feared loneliness
Tears and regrets become double, my heart is hot (Toward the distance)
Past winds and frosts turned into a knife
I've broken my wings and I'm still flying

Xúnzhe guāngzhào de fāngxiàng bǎ nǐ yíwàng
Huíyì zhéjiù chéng wǒ juéjiàng de múyàng
Wǒ yào píng zhè ànyè lǐ de guāng
Hái tā yǔ yī qū cháng gē xiāng wàng
Tàzhe shēngmìng zhī hé bù wǎng chīkuáng
循着光照的方向 把你遗忘
踏着生命之河 不枉痴狂
Follow the direction of the light and forget you
Memories of depreciation become my stubborn appearance
I want to rely on the light in the dark night
It also faces a long song
It's not in vain to walk in the river of life

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now