薛之谦 ~ Facade (被人)

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Song from Falling Into Your Smile

Joker Xue: Yún méiyǒu dòng zhōng méiyǒu dòng
Nǎlǐ lái de fēng lǒu nǐ zài huái zhōng
Xīn gēnzhe dòngxīn shīle zōng bèi zuānle gè xiǎo dòng
Yī jiànmiàn jiù tòng biǎoxiàn yào wěnzhòng
云没有动 钟没有动
哪里来的风 搂你在怀中
心跟着动 心失了踪 被钻了个小洞
一见面就痛 表现要稳重

The cloud doesn't move, the clock doesn't move
Where does the wind come from, hold you in my arms
My heart moved, my heart disappeared, a small hole was drilled
It hurts as soon as you meet, but your performance should be steady

Wǒmen dōu bù shàncháng bèi rén chuǎng rù xīnlǐ shàng suǒ de mén
Ránhòu kāishǐ yòng qūké yìng chēng quán shìjiè zhǐyǒu nǐ zhīdào wǒ zài piàn rén
Wǒmen dōu bù shàncháng bèi rén hǎn chū nìchēng cháo nǐ kuángbēn
Yào zǒu gè guòchǎng yào zhēngzhá jǐ fēnbié jiēchuān zhè tiáo jiē zuì kèyì de lùrén
我们都不擅长被人 闯入心里上锁的门
然后开始用躯壳硬撑 全世界只有你知道我在骗人
我们都不擅长被人 喊出暱称朝你狂奔
要走个过场要挣扎几分 别揭穿这条街最刻意的路人

We're not good at being broken into the locked door of our heart
And then started to hold on to the body, only you in the world know that I'm lying
We're not good at being called out by people and running towards you
It takes a little bit of struggle to walk through, it's going to take a cutscene

Yún méiyǒu dòng zhōng méiyǒu dòng
Nǎlǐ lái de fēng lǒu nǐ zài huái zhōng
Xīn gēnzhe dòngxīn shīle zōng bèi zuānle gè xiǎo dòng
Yī jiànmiàn jiù tòng biǎoxiàn yào wěnzhòng
云没有动 钟没有动
哪里来的风 搂你在怀中
心跟着动 心失了踪 被钻了个小洞
一见面就痛 表现要稳重

The cloud doesn't move, the clock doesn't move
Where does the wind come from, hold you in my arms
My heart moved, my heart disappeared, a small hole was drilled
It hurts as soon as you meet, but your performance should be steady

Wǒmen dōu bù shàncháng bèi rén chuǎng rù xīnlǐ shàng suǒ de mén
Ránhòu kāishǐ yòng qūké yìng chēng quán shìjiè zhǐyǒu nǐ zhīdào wǒ zài piàn rén
Wǒmen dōu bù shàncháng bèi rén hǎn chū nìchēng cháo nǐ kuángbēn
Yào zǒu gè guòchǎng yào zhēngzhá jǐ fēnbié jiēchuān zhè tiáo jiē zuì kèyì de lùrén
我们都不擅长被人 闯入心里上锁的门
然后开始用躯壳硬撑 全世界只有你知道我在骗人
我们都不擅长被人 喊出暱称朝你狂奔
要走个过场要挣扎几分 别揭穿这条街最刻意的路人

We're not good at being broken into the locked door of our heart
And then started to hold on to the body, only you in the world know that I'm lying
We're not good at being called out by people and running towards you
It takes a little bit of struggle to walk through, it's going to take a cutscene

Wǒmen dōu bù shàncháng bèi rén yù yán yòu zhǐ yòng xìngshì quèrèn
Nándào huán yào wǒ huílǐ yìng chēng quán shìjiè dōu zhīdào wǒmen liǎ zài piàn rén
Wǒmen dōu bù shàncháng bèi rén yòng hǎo yán xiāngquàn yòng cháoxiào pánwèn
Zǒng yào yǒurén lái jù lǐ lìzhēng quán shìjiè zuì yíhàn de àiqíng jiàozuò wǒmen
我们都不擅长被人 欲言又止用姓氏确认
难道还要我回礼硬撑 全世界都知道我们俩在骗人
我们都不擅长被人 用好言相劝用嘲笑盘问
总要有人来据理力争 全世界最遗憾的爱情 叫做我们

We're not good at being confirmed by people's last names
Do you want me to pay back the gift, the whole world knows we're lying
We aren't good at being persuaded with kind words, ridiculed and questioned
There will always be someone to argue for the most regrettable love in the world is called us

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now