徐佳莹 ~ Time Monologue (光阴独白)

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Song from You Are My Glory

Lala Hsu: Wǒ mèngguò xīngguāng qiān yī xiù báisè chènshān
Fù qīngshòu jiāntóu wǒ kànguò liúnián yù shāngkǒu
Zǒng huì yǒurén bēnfù zhè tiānchángdìjiǔ
Fánhuá lùkǒu lánshān dēnghuǒ xià mòrán huíshǒu
我梦过星光牵衣袖 白色衬衫
覆清瘦肩头 我看过流年愈伤口
总会有人 奔赴这天长地久
繁华路口 阑珊灯火下蓦然回首
I dreamed of starlight pulling sleeves white shirt
Covering my thin shoulders, I have seen fleeting years heal wounds
There will always be someone who will come here forever
At the bustling intersection, I suddenly look back under the dim lights

Àiguò nǐ wàngzhe xīngkōng ānjìng de yǎn móu
Yě àiguò nǐ xīnzhōng de yǔzhòu
Shíjiān bù tíngliú jìzhe yíhàn zhēncáng de yèzhòu
Fēng jīngguò gāolóu yǐ wú rén děnghòu
爱过你 望着星空 安静的眼眸
也爱过你 心中的宇宙
时间不停留 记着遗憾珍藏的夜昼
风经过高楼 已无人等候
I loved you, looking at the starry sky, quiet eyes
I also loved the universe in your heart
Time doesn't stop, remember the nights that regret and treasure
The wind passes through high-rise buildings, no one is waiting

Wǒ yě céng chōngjǐng yóu xīngqiú chuānguò yúncéng
Kàn yínhé bēnliú wǒ yě céng chóuchàng wàng shān qiū
Mèng de chūkǒu huì bù huì tōng xiàng xīngkōng jìntóu
Mòrán huíshǒu wǒ zài nǎ yītiáo xīnghé piāoliú
我也曾憧憬游星球 穿过云层
看银河奔流 我也曾惆怅望山丘
梦的出口 会不会通向星空尽头
蓦然回首 我在哪一条星河漂流
I also dreamed of traveling the planet and passing through the clouds
Watching the Milky Way rush, I once looked at the hills in melancholy
Will the exit of the dream lead to the end of the starry sky
Suddenly looking back in which galaxy am I drifting

Yáowàngzhe nǎ yī kē xīng shì nǐ de yǎn móu
Chù bùkě jí cuǐcàn nán sīyǒu
Guāngyīn bù wǎnliú hé shàng shíguòjìngqiān de chūnqiū
Fēng qīng sòng zìyóu wǒ qīngtīng suìyuè wēnróu
遥望着 哪一颗星 是你的眼眸
触不可及 璀璨难私有
光阴不挽留 合上时过境迁的春秋
风轻颂自由 我倾听岁月温柔
Look into the distance to wear, which star are you looking at it's your eyes
To make a contact with me, shouldn't you reach it, bright and difficult to private
Time is not saved, close the spring and autumn when times have changed
The wind sings freedom, I listen to the tenderness of the years

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