毛不易 ~ Years Old (年岁)

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Song from Ancient Love Poetry

Mao Bu Yi: Rì shēng yuè luò xià chán dōng xuě gēngdié cúnzài
Bié pà mìngyùn bǎi zhuǎn qiān huí zhōng huì chóng lái
Yǔ màn yān chénghǎi huíyì cháng qīngtái
Sīniàn wú āi wàn qiān zhāoxì lǐ wú gǎi
日升月落 夏蝉冬雪 更迭存在
别怕命运 百转千回 终会重来
雨漫淹成海 回忆长青苔
思念无埃 万千朝夕里 无改
The sun rises as the moon falls, summer cicadas are followed by winter snow
Don't be afraid of fate will eventually come back
While rain floods the sea and memories covered in mosses
My longing will not change despite the passing years

Kàn duōshǎo gè chūnqiū láihuí shǒuzhe nián suì
Bēishāng zhōng bù tíng lúnhuí yě bùcéng líkāi
Yuǎn yuǎn de cúnzài ài ruò míngyuè zhào shānhǎi
Yòng yīshēng shūxiě děngdài
看多少个春秋来回 守着年岁
悲伤中不停轮回 也不曾离开
远远的存在 爱若明月照山海
用一生 书写等待
Watching the seasons change, I stood through years old
Despite the endless sadness, I refuse to leave
Loving you from afar, like the moon shining upon the mountains and seas
I'd wait through the lifetime

Pàn duōshǎo cì hòuniǎo qiān huí shǒuzhe nián suì
Wàng duàn tiānyá zhōng bù huǐ shéi bùcéng tìdài
Yuàn yǒu tiān xǐng lái wǎngshì qiánchén bèi jiě kāi
Xīn zhōng jiāng wèi nǐ tǎnbái
盼多少次候鸟迁回 守着年岁
望断天涯终不悔 谁不曾替代
愿有天醒来 往事前尘被解开
Awaiting for migratory birds to return, I stood through years old
Despite the end of the world, I never regret and let no one replace you
Hope we'll figure out the past when we wake up
My feelings would then be revealed, finally

Duōshǎo yántú kànguò de huā bàile yòu kāi
Yěxǔ lísàn fúbǐ wèilái zhōng huì liúzhuàn
Lèi huà zuò yúncai yǔdī luò xīn hǎi
Děngdào yún kāi tiān qīng yīsè rǎn jiānglái
Yǔ nǐ yōurán shì wài ài yǐguò qiān zǎi
多少沿途 看过的花 败了又开
也许离散 伏笔未来 终会流转
泪化作云彩 雨滴落心海
等到云开 天青一色染 将来
与你悠然世外 爱已过 千载
Along the way I watch flowers bloom and wither
Maybe we part because we'll meet again
Tears turn into clouds and rain drops
When the sky finally clears, an azure color with dye the future
I'll enjoy a free life with you for a thousand years

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Where stories live. Discover now