司南 ~ Spring Breeze is Helpless (春风无依)

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Song from Time Flies And You Are Here

Si Nan: Duōshǎo luò yīng màntiān piāolíng zài yǎndǐ fēnfēn tú mí
Nǐ yānmò zài wǒ shìxiàn lǐ yī zhuàn shēn yáoyáo wúqí
Mǎtí shēng biàn qīng huòxǔ nǐ
Cóngcǐ báshānshèshuǐ de fēnlí
Bù bù tòng zàixīn wú biānjì mùguāng zài wú kě jí
多少落樱漫天飘零 在眼底纷纷荼蘼
你淹没在我视线里 一转身 遥遥 无期
马蹄声变轻 或许你
步步痛在心 无边际 目光 再无 可及
How many cherry blossoms are floating in the sky, all in full bloom
You drown in my sight, turn around, indefinitely
The sound of horseshoes becomes lighter, maybe you
Since then, the separation of mountains and waters
Pain in my heart every step of the way, my eyes are no longer reachable

Gū cǎoshēng huāngdì wǒ zài tiānyá liúlí
Yěhuǒ ruò liúqíng yījì chūnfēng yòu qǐ
Wúshù niǎnzhuǎn de mèng lǐ wàng dào nǐ jǐ duō bēiqì
Qīngxǐng shí què zhǐ dào yīxī
孤草生荒地 我在天涯流离
野火若留情 一季春风又起
无数辗转的梦里 望到你 几多悲泣
Lone grass grows wasteland, I'm wandering away
If the wildfire is merciless, the spring breeze rises again
Seeing you in countless dreams, how much weeping
When I'm awake, I only vaguely say

Duōshǎo lí rén jiù xiàng gū xīng sā zài kōng dàng de yèlǐ
Nǐ chūxiàn zài wǒ lèi guānglǐ yī bì yǎn nǐ yǐ yuǎn xíng
Mǎtí shēng biàn qīng huòxǔ nǐ
Cóngcǐ báshānshèshuǐ de fēnlí
Bù bù tòng zàixīn wú biānjì mùguāng zài wú kě jí
多少离人就像孤星 撒在空荡的夜里
你出现在我泪光里 一闭眼 你已 远行
马蹄声变轻 或许你
步步痛在心 无边际 目光 再无 可及
How far away is like a lone star, scattered in the empty night
You appeared in my tears, closed your eyes, you have traveled far
The sound of horseshoes becomes lighter, maybe you
Since then, the separation of mountains and waters
Pain in my heart every step of the way, my eyes are no longer reachable

Gū cǎoshēng huāngdì wǒ zài tiānyá liúlí
Yěhuǒ ruò liúqíng yījì chūnfēng yòu qǐ
Wúshù niǎnzhuǎn de mèng lǐ wàng dào nǐ jǐ duō bēiqì
Qīngxǐng shí què zhǐ dào yīxī
孤草生荒地 我在天涯流离
野火若留情 一季春风又起
无数辗转的梦里 望到你 几多悲泣
Lone grass grows wasteland, I'm wandering away
If the wildfire is merciless, the spring breeze rises again
Seeing you in countless dreams, how much weeping
When I'm awake, I only vaguely say

Gū cǎoshēng huāngdì yīshùn báijūguòxì
Yěhuǒ ruò liúqíng hékǔ chūnfēng wú yī
Zhè piàn tiān zhǐyǒu yīn qíng wúguān bēi xǐ
Tú liú wǒ róuqíng qiān wàn lǐ nǐ de míng wǒ gāi zěnme tí
孤草生荒地 一瞬白驹过隙
野火若留情 何苦春风无依
这片天只有阴晴 无关悲喜
徒留我柔情千万里 你的名我该怎么提
The lone grass grows in the wasteland for a moment
If the wildfire is merciless, why the spring breeze is helpless
This sky is only cloudy and sunny, nothing to do with sorrow and joy
Just leave me tender for thousands of miles, how should I mention your name

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