张禄籴 ~ Just A Few Years of Beauty (寥寥几载红颜)

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Song from Honey, Don't Run Away 3

Zhang Lu Lai: Yīshì lúnhuí bùguò bǎi yuè xìng'ér zhōng dé yǔ nǐ xiāng jiàn
Shì liǎng yún yù yú tiānjì jiān què bùtóng gāo bùtóng yuǎn
Xiāng shì yīshùn húnrán bù jué yù ér yuánqǐ zhī ér wàn jié
Ài nǐ wèi mǎn nà jiù chéngquán
一世轮回不过百月 幸而终得与你相见
似两云遇于天际间 却不同高 不同远
相视一瞬浑然不觉 遇而缘起知而万劫
爱你 未满 那就成全
The reincarnation lasts for only a hundred months, but luckily I will see you in the end
It seems that two clouds meet in the sky, but at different heights and different distances
Seeing each other without realizing it for a moment, when you meet, you know, but you know
If you aren't full of love, then it will be fulfilled

Qīng qīng yī fǔ huā xuě liáoliáo jǐ zài hóngyán
Xīnshì mǎn mǎn què chángcháng biàn xiào juéjué
Yīniàn wǔ rán yīshùn xǐyuè cùncùn chéng shìyán
Cǐshēng wèi nǐ zhí niàn láishēng bù fù xiāng jiàn
Ruò bù kāishǐ yòu hé tán wúyuán wèi nǐ qíngyuàn nǐ kě liǎojiě
轻轻一抚花雪 寥寥几载红颜
一念憮然 一瞬喜悦 寸寸成誓言
此生为你执念 来生不复相见
若不开始又何谈无缘 为你 情愿 你可了解
Gently caress the flowers and snow, just a few years of beauty
I'm full of thoughts, but I often laugh and decide
A single thought, a moment of joy, a vow of making an oath
I'm obsessed with you in this life and never see each other again in the next life
If you don't start, why don't you talk about being unfavorable for you, I hope you can understand

Yīshì lúnhuí bùguò bǎi yuè xìng'ér zhōng dé yǔ nǐ xiāng jiàn
Shì liǎng yún yù yú tiānjì jiān què bùtóng gāo bùtóng yuǎn
Xiāng shì yīshùn húnrán bù jué yù ér yuánqǐ zhī ér wàn jié
Ài nǐ wèi mǎn nà jiù chéngquán
一世轮回不过百月 幸而终得与你相见
似两云遇于天际间 却不同高 不同远
相视一瞬浑然不觉 遇而缘起知而万劫
爱你 未满 那就成全
The reincarnation lasts for only a hundred months, but luckily I will see you in the end
It seems that two clouds meet in the sky, but at different heights and different distances
Seeing each other without realizing it for a moment, when you meet, you know, but you know
If you aren't full of love, then it will be fulfilled

Qīng qīng yī fǔ huā xuě liáoliáo jǐ zài hóngyán
Xīnshì mǎn mǎn què chángcháng biàn xiào juéjué
Yīniàn wǔ rán yīshùn xǐyuè cùncùn chéng shìyán
Cǐshēng wèi nǐ zhí niàn láishēng bù fù xiāng jiàn
Ruò bù kāishǐ yòu hé tán wúyuán wèi nǐ qíngyuàn nǐ kě liǎojiě
轻轻一抚花雪 寥寥几载红颜
一念憮然 一瞬喜悦 寸寸成誓言
此生为你执念 来生不复相见
若不开始又何谈无缘 为你 情愿 你可了解
Gently caress the flowers and snow, just a few years of beauty
I'm full of thoughts, but I often laugh and decide
A single thought, a moment of joy, a vow of making an oath
I'm obsessed with you in this life and never see each other again in the next life
If you don't start, why don't you talk about being unfavorable for you, I hope you can understand

Qīng qīng yī fǔ huā xuě liáoliáo jǐ zài hóngyán
Xīnshì mǎn mǎn què chángcháng biàn xiào juéjué
Yīniàn wǔ rán yīshùn xǐyuè cùncùn chéng shìyán
Cǐshēng wèi nǐ zhí niàn láishēng bù fù xiāng jiàn
Ruò bù kāishǐ yòu hé tán wúyuán wèi nǐ qíngyuàn nǐ kě liǎojiě
轻轻一抚花雪 寥寥几载红颜
一念憮然 一瞬喜悦 寸寸成誓言
此生为你执念 来生不复相见
若不开始又何谈无缘 为你 情愿 你可了解
Gently caress the flowers and snow, just a few years of beauty
I'm full of thoughts, but I often laugh and decide
A single thought, a moment of joy, a vow of making an oath
I'm obsessed with you in this life and never see each other again in the next life
If you don't start, why don't you talk about being unfavorable for you, I hope you can understand

Nǐ kě liǎojiě
You can understand

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 2/25)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora