"That too," Taehyung said, "I don't have anyone special in my life, ok? Not now anyway. I have more important things to think about than getting my dick wet,"

"Or ass wet,"

"Hana!" Taehyung exclaimed, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I am not saying sorry for that comment," Hana laughed, "You do you,"

"Ugh. I hate you so much,"

"Lies," Hana grinned, "Hey, Tae,"


"Thank you,"

"For what?"

Hana shrugged, "Everything I guess. Despite all the differences and disagreements we have had or still have, you are the best brother I could ask for. You've never turned your back on me and always stood by me,"

"What else was I meant to do?" He asked, "I punched Namjoon so I feel better about this situation anyway. But...I do have to tell you something,"

"Shit. You got a girl pregnant. Taehyung, what have I told you about wearing a rubber jacket?"

"I have not got anyone pregnant so you can shut your face," Taehyung said, "This is something completely different and it is not easy to talk about,"

"Hmm. Can't get it up,"

"For fuck sake! Stop! You are my sister,"

"Ok, ok. I'll stop," Hana laughed, "Go on. What's up?"

Taehyung ran his hand through his hair and folded his arms, "Um, my friends...they kinda were at this club, and uh, they called me the next day,"

"Oh. Fuck," Hana said quietly.

"They, uh, said you were dancing on stage and-"

"Ok!" Hana said cutting him short, "We are not going to have this conversation and you are going to forget that they ever told you that,"

"Already done,"

Hana grabbed her drink and Taehyung grabbed his. They sat for a few minutes in awkward silence when Hana looked at her brother, who was sipping his drink slowly.



"Was that why your friends were all over me at your graduation?"

"Yup," He said, "Why do you think I tried to drag you away all the time?"

"Shit," Hana said with a big sigh, "Good thing photos weren't allowed, eh?"

"Fuck you," Taehyung said, "I don't like the idea of my friends touching themselves over you,"

"And why the hell did you just say that?" Hana said, "When I get home, I'm telling Jimin you wank over him at night with your finger up your bum,"

"I am going to kill you!"

"I dare you," Hana said, "We all know that I come better off and anyway, you're smart enough to know better,"

"I've been training,"

"What? Your asshole?" Hana laughed, "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone you train your butt hole to get it ready for-"

"That's it!" Taehyung said getting to his feet, "You and me, outside. Right now!"

Hana looked at her watch, "That's a good call. I should probably get home and talk to Namjoon. I think I scared him a bit,"

"Hana, you scare everyone," Taehyung said, "Get up. We need to fight this out,"

Hana paid for the bill and went outside with Taehyung who was rolling up his sleeves. Hana couldn't help but laugh as she watched her brother prepare himself for a fight, but they both knew that he could never win a fight.

"It's about time I showed you who was boss," Taehyung said, "I'll have you know, that Jungkook has been training me,"

"Uh-huh," Hana grinned, "Training you how to fight, or training your butt?"

Taehyung let out a strangled scream and put Hana in a headlock, making her laugh even harder and put her arm around his waist.

"We can't walk home like this,"

"You won't make it home. I'm about to kill you,"

Hana laughed, "Taehyung, you are stupid to think that you can beat-ugh!"

A sudden shock shot through her body and she dropped to the floor with Taehyung groaning next to her. She pushed herself onto her hands and cried out in pain when someone kicked her in the face, knocking her back.

Blood filled her mouth and trickled from her nose and she looked over at Taehyung who was being punched and kicked. He curled into a small ball protecting his face and Hana tried to get to her feet, but was slammed back into the pavement, with a heavy boot to the chest.

"This is just a warning," The man said, pressing down hard on her, "Tell Namjoon that he better think long and hard about what he has done,"

"Who are you?" Hana coughed and the man chuckled from behind his mask, "Well?"

"You don't need to know that," He said, "But we know who you are,"

"You think Namjoon won't find out and get you back for what you have just done?"

The man laughed and nodded, "We are hoping for it,"


Hana's words were cut short when the man stomped down on her face, knocking her out. He looked over at Taehyung who was knocked out and he smirked.

"Let's go," He said, "I think we've given a good enough warning,"

A/N: dum dum duuuuuuuum~

Yup. I've decided to carry this book on in a second book. Since a lot of people have asked me to carry this on, I will do another book. You will probably get more of Darcy and Yoongi as well but I'm not sure about the smut for them...we will see.

Of course, it will be dark as usual but hopefully, you will love it as much as you loved this one.

THIS is going to be the book cover so watch out hoes.

THIS is going to be the book cover so watch out hoes

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Stay weird <33

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