Forbidden Eternity. (21).

Start from the beginning

Yeah, but he could also be trying to cover himself, fooling you into thinking he doesn't know.

That's ridiculous.

An echo of doubt still lays in my mind though, refusing to move.

"It's not important now." She says cautiously, turning to face me again. Shadow nuzzles into my side, pushing Ara out of the way.

"Seriously, I don't know what happened, but I'm damn fucking sure I'll find out." I say casually, the anger I felt earlier rises in me like a tsunami, utter outrage at the person who is tormenting me.

A yawn explodes out of Kurt and he tries pathetically to muffle it.

My eyes droop as banter is taken up again, but even though I'm half asleep, I still have enough energy to have a staring contest with Daniel. While the others start debating, Ara saying she thinks it is a conspiracy while Laura chuckles at her, Daniel ignores them again.

"Well, I'm fucked, so I'll see you all later, don't wake me up." Kurt threatens, his eyes going from one to another. He blurs and the door slams shut.

"You guys should go too, we can talk about this later." I smile at all of them, hoping it gives them reassurance that I'm fine, and I really want them to leave.

I know I'm being a bitch, but all I want is to sleep.

A deep sigh leaves my mouth when none of them move, so I turn over and pull the covers over my head, eventually they'll get bored.

They do, although I can feel the presence of something watching me.

Ara turns out the lights, and I almost wish she didn't.


I sit in the darkness, my eyes already used to it. I guess this is what contemplating does to you.

Thoughts swirl around my head, skipping from one another, trying to connect things and make sense out of everything that has happened through the last month and a half. Failing, miserably. I find my eyes tearing up, finally letting everything out. Me, being turned into something, in a way against my will, being thrust so abruptly into an unreal world, threats, voices. Everything just becoming so overwhelming, and now is my alone time, a time where I can just sit down, and cry. Cry because of the life I have left behind. It wasn't perfect, but it was my life. I have a good life now, at least that's what I'm telling myself. Who wouldn't want immortality, real friends who care about your well being, and a gorgeous guy - who's not mine, yet - who is so enticing and has an actual personality, a guy who isn't like regular boys, the ones I was used to. Maturity is something to be treasured sometimes.

Suddenly I realise what I need, I need my mum. I need to hear her voice and for her to reassure me that I was a big girl now, and I have a new life ahead of me. That she will make the bad guys go away.

I know it's childish, but that's what I need right now. I creep out of bed; it is day by now so she should be up. I stop though, realising, I do in fact have a phone, and if I turn off my Bluetooth, I won't get caught.

After a five minute rooting session I slip on some comfortable shoes, and go into the corridor, sitting down against the wall. Even though it's basically out in the open, I have noticed through the past weeks that during the day, no one, and I mean no one is up. Apart from Daniel, obviously.

I press the phone to my ear, and chew on my thumb nail. A few years ago when I first adopted this habit, my mother went ballistic, constantly telling me it wasn't lady like, and thousands of germs resided under my nail. I ignored her, but I did stop. The only times when I do it now is when I'm nervous or stressed. I can't tell which one it is yet.

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