Mitch/Merome- See You Again? Part 4

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I yawned, rolling over in bed- only to be met with a peaceful face. Smiling to myself, I just admired my boyfriend for a moment- fast asleep, tiny snores emitting from his mouth, shirtless and- only when I looked really close- I could see bite marks along his collarbones and neck. I giggled just thinking about it, things had gotten a bit frisky while the kids were at kindergarten.

"Mornin' Jerome." I mumbled as he began to stir, throwing his arm up above his head. He smiled tiredly at me through half lidded eyes, kicking the duvet off him. "Time to get up I think. The kids 'ill be up soon."

"Mm, give me a sec." He whined, throwing the duvet all over the place.

"Sure, sure, but only a few minutes."

He did get up after a few minutes, literally 30 seconds before the first kid clambered down the stairs, Lily, whining that she was hungry. She had no qualms about clambering into Jerome's lap to whine, even in the 6 months they had known each the kids had fallen in love with him and he had clearly fallen in love right back.

"Alright, breakfast time then!" Jerome said, scooping her up into his arms. "What'da you want?"

The call of "pancakes!" came as he carried her away and I laughed, leaning back on the couch. I knew he would take care of her for the time being so I could take a few moments to myself before the rest of the hoard arrived. My eyes flickered closed- I wasn't tired, my brain was just working itself up and I wanted to relax.

I was hearing the sizzling of the pancakes in the kitchen when the next kid came down the stairs, not alone however, no, Rob was carrying Daniel while he clung to him. Preston was close behind him, grumbling and rubbing his eyes like the kids did when they were tired, clearly having just woken up. Rob smiled at me, flopping down on the couch with Daniel still tucked up on his chest.

"Mornin'." He mumbled, gesturing to Preston to sit down beside him. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, kids all slept through and I only got up 10 minutes ago." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "Jerome's cooking pancakes with Lily."

"Oh awesome, I bet you want pancakes Daniel?" He directed the last part at my son, who nodded enthusiastically but tiredly. "Is Violet awake or is she sleeping in?"

"Not sure, probably still sleeping." I said, yawning. "She'll be up soon, don't worry."

"Oh I'm not." Preston said sleepily. "Having two is sooooo much quieter than three."

"You have no idea." I laughed. "They're so much quieter alone but when they're together they're monsters."


That evening was date night for Jerome and I, something we tried to do every couple of weeks to get some time without the kids, and while we were out the other boys from the Pack were looking after them. The other 4 were all staying over for about a month and considering they loved the kids, I was more than happy to let them look after them for a few hours.

"Ready babe?" Jerome asked, rounding my door looking very casual and fancy in a patterned button up shirt. "The kids are settled and the boys are excited to be looking after them, so it'll all be fine here."

I nodded and quickly pulled on my last shoe, stuffing my phone and wallet into my back pocket before standing up and following him. Before we left I gave each kid a gentle kiss but none of them tore their eyes off the screen, and Lachlan just laughed and gave me a thumbs up. It'll be chill. He mouthed, smiling. Go have fun.

"We will." I grinned, waving goodbye to the kids.

Out in the hall Jerome peppered my face in gentle kisses while he smiled, glad to get some alone time with just the two of us. We didn't get much with the kids around us all the time and work, but now they were going to kindergarten a couple of days a week- they were almost 4 and a half, god, it had been over a year since I had reconnected with Jerome- and it was getting easier. I wasn't sure how I would feel when they started going to school, but that was another 7 or 8 months so it wasn't my priority to think about right then.

"We going now?" I laughed, pulling away from his lips. "We're gonna miss our reservation otherwise."

"Yeah, let's go."


I supposed the next big step for me was to come out to my audience, having kept it hidden for so long. They knew some of what had happened over my missing years- they knew it had something to do with children, but I suppose they assumed I had only had one. They knew nothing of the triplets, not their names, not their faces.

Thinking about coming out scared me, especially since my following had grown so much. I could call myself an influencer and not feel like I wasn't telling the truth and the idea of coming out as bi to millions- it made my heart pound and legs shake.

And the other thing, Jerome wasn't out either. For me to come out he would have too as well and although he was constantly telling me he was okay with it, he was ready, I just couldn't to it. Every time I sat down to film that dreaded video I would choke up and eventually break down, the very idea of speaking those words scaring me to no end.

It took Jerome coming to me and getting everything out of me to finally admit why I was so scared- it was because that word, the idea of being bi, it felt wrong. I knew who and what I was but it would feel so much easier to come out as gay even if it wasn't possible, and I knew I would get hate because of it. Being bi wasn't the one everyone heard about, it was different and... greedy. I had repressed my feelings for guys for so many years, pretending I was straight and ending up with kids because of it, that I simply couldn't comprehend that I didn't need to hide it anymore.

The night before the video was finally released I sat awake for hours, shoulders tense and body trembling. Jerome was attempting to calm me but nothing was working, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't lie down without bolting back upright, I could barely think straight.

It was only when Violet crept into our room at just past midnight, a teddy bear clutched in her hands, that I was finally able to forget about.

"Dad?" She called, her voice sleepy. Jerome looked up, gesturing her to come in. "Why're you up?"

"I could ask the same thing kiddo." I whispered, smiling as she crawled in between Jerome and I.

"You're sad." She stated matter-of-factly, looking me right in the eye. "I can tell."

"Yeah..." I sighed, seeing no point in trying to deny it. She was my daughter, she could read me like a book. "Something's just bothering me."

"Cuddles?" She asked, holding her arms up.

"Yeah. Cuddles."

And the next morning, when Daniel and Lily clambered into the bed as well, I was truly able to relax because I knew I would finally be living my truth. I was out to world, and I had my 3 beautiful kids and my beautiful fiancée.

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