Merome- Disaster

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Mitch's P.O.V.

Jerome and I had been sleeping peacefully in bed when there was an ear splitting cracking above us. I bolted upright just in time to half see, it was too dark and my eyes hadn't adjusted, the ceiling collapse inwards and land on top of us, startling Jerome awake.

I screamed in pain as a rafter smacked me in the head, plaster, bits of wood and metal and insulation splintering around me, pinning me half on the bed and half off it. Jerome cried out as well, I could just see his arm pinned underneath another section of the roof and I heard his harsh breathing once everything settled.

"Mi-Mitch?" He stuttered, heaving in pain. I whimpered, my chest was being completely crushed by the weight of the building material and I could barely reply.

"I- ow-" I hacked out a cough, the dust from the collapse being taken in with every breath. "Shit-"

Another ear splitting crack sounded and I jolted, smacking my head again. I knew what that sound was- it was lightening and thunder and it was quickly followed by the pounding of rain. Wind howled, rain poured, all while Jerome and I lay, exposed to the elements and completely trapped.

"Jerome-" I cried out, only just realising that a section of wood was digging into my skin and was likely bleeding everywhere. I couldn't quite tell what the liquid was- if it was blood or water. All I knew was I was in a lot of pain.

I was pinned sitting up, one leg hanging off the bed, and everything was completely trapped. I couldn't move in any direction. There was a rafter either side of my head, one of which I had hit my head on, and the other of which was splintered at the end and was dug deep into my skin. The weight crushed my chest, I could barely breathe and there was water running down the wood and metal, almost choking me because of its volume and speed. My body shook from cold and shock.

Jerome appeared to be pinned lying down, one arm completely crushed and whimpers of pain coming through the wreckage told me that he was hurting. He choked and coughed, spluttering as water ran into his mouth. He was pinned on his back- this wasn't good.

"Mitch-" He gasped, his hand clenching into a fist in my view. "I can't- aghhh!"

I whimpered again, tossing my head back against a fallen rafter. I was running out of air in the tiny space and what with the tiny breaths I could take in, the pouring rain and the overwhelming pain I was panicking, breathing turning to high pitched whimpers of pain and fear.

All I got was a mouthful of water.

Jerome heard me choking and my panicked crying and his hand, the one that I could see, unfurled and reached for me, just barely able to reach my leg. His touch was comforting but it didn't help my panic because he was in just as much pain as I was, spluttering as the water ran onto his face.

"Mitch?" He gasped, squeezing my leg. "Just... just wait for the firefighters to come."

A high-pitched cry exited my mouth when a sudden movement from the debris sent the rafter deeper into my skin, now I knew it was blood. I could smell the metallic tang along with wood, rain and dust and combined with the pound of the rain, the creak of the house and Jeromes carefully muted cries as well as the overwhelming pain, it was getting too much.

Please. I silently begged, crying. Someone, please find us.


Someone did find us, but I didnt know how long it was after the house had collapsed. I faded in and out of consciousness for what seemed like hours, Jeromes cries growing softer with every passing minutes until they almost completely stopped, but I was reassured by his hand gently squeezing my leg. I knew he was alive, even if he had stopped talking.

I heard the sirens screaming down the road as the rain continued to pour, the house shifting every few minutes. The pain in my hip only got worse, the wood continuing to dig deeper and deeper and blood continued to pour out of the open wound, making me feel dizzy and slightly faint.

There were voices, calling for us. I didn't have the strength to reply.

Looking up I couldnt see any daylight, the debris completely blocked my view of the dark night sky. It probably wouldnt have provided any comfort but it was scary looking up and seeing nothing but wood and plaster, and knowing that Jerome was seeing the same thing beside me. He couldn't call out for help either, his breaths were short and sharp.

"Jerome?" I whimpered, a short cry of pain escaping.

"Just hold on Mitch." He whispered, a cry escaping him too. "Only a little longer."

The voices found us not long after and as I was pulled from the rubble, I finally gave into the darkness that had been creeping into my vision. I was glad to pass out, pretend this nightmare wasnt happening.


"Mitch?" A gentle but worried voice reached my ears and I groaned, tossing my head. Everything ached, my body was filled with a fire of pain. "Hey, hey, you're okay, you're safe. It's Jerome."

"J'rome?" I mumbled, my voice slurred. "Wha'... wha' 'appen'?"

I opened my eyes to a bright room, squinting at the light and I closed them again almost at once. The light was painful.

"I'll turn down the lights." There was a pause and the white glow behind my eyelids softened, Jerome's hand slipping into mine. "You can open your eyes now."

When I did I turned my head and met Jerome's eyes, my entire body relaxing at his presence. It didn't help the pain but it was reassuring, knowing that he was both alive and there beside me, looking relatively unscathed. His hand stroked my forehead, running through my hair.

"Hey Mitch, good to see you awake." I winced.

"Wha' 'appened?" I mumbled again.

"You had to have surgery Mitch, one of the rafters broke your hip." I paused, that made the pain make sense.


"Yeah, oh." He smiled, continuing his gentle scalp massage. "God I was worried about you, I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was that bad."

I looked Jerome up and down, noticing a few scrapes and bruises.

"Are you alrigh'?"

"I'm fine Mitch. I'm perfectly fine, most of the injuries are scrapes and bruises. It was mostly crushing from the weight of the building but I'm fine." He gestured to his chest. "Everyone was worried about you."

"But I'm 'ine." I mumbled, tossing my head. I winced. Jerome laughed and pressed a hand to my cheek to stop me from moving too much.

"You tell yourself that babe." He whispered back. "You really aren't."

I stuck my tongue out but settled my head against him, quite happy for him to just be there. I might have been in pain but once everything was explained to me, my recovery plan, things like that, I was quite happy to just lie in a hospital bed, getting pain meds to stop the awful ache, Jerome lying tucked in beside me. He flat out refused to leave, even though had been discharged.

Jerome pressed another kiss to my forehead and I closed my eyes, sighing slowly.

"Love you Mitch." Jerome whispered, a smile on his face.

"I love too." I mumbled back, never even opening my eyes. "I love you with all of my heart."

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