Pitch, Vikklan, WoofASF- Bed Wars

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Preston's P.O.V.

I didn't know what was going on, one minute I was sitting at my computer playing Minecraft with Mitch and the next I was in a completely different environment, we appeared to be on a floating island and right beside was a bed. Mitch was standing beside, looking just as bewildered as I felt.

"Mitch what the hel-" I was cut off by a booming voice in the sky, echoing around and coming from nowhere.

"Welcome to bed wars, rules are simple! Destroy the other teams beds and kill them, no bed means no respawns! Survive to the end to win!"

Mitch gaped, spinning on his heels and looking around. Behind us, all over the island in fact, were bright yellow blocks with a question mark on each side and I jolted, knowing what was going on. We were in a lucky block bed wars game.

Spinning around just confirmed my thoughts, a little ways away was another island and then another behind it and as I peaked me head over a little hill I saw a circle of a dozen or so islands surrounding the centre.


I turned to Mitch, who looked absolutely terrified and confused.

"Come on Mitch!" I said, running up to him. "We can do it! You know how to play." That snapped him out of his daze and he turned, running to the closest lucky block and looking at it for a few seconds before lightly touching it.

It opened in an explosion of colour and a potion smashed, making both of us jump. A colourful array of wool and carpet spilled on the ground at his feet and he looked at me, shrugging his shoulders. Just like the Minecraft version.

I opened the next lucky block and from it came a chain chestplate and boots. They weren't great armour but I knew I could do with some protection so I shrugged on the chestplate and handed the boots off to my boyfriend, who was shuffling from foot to foot nervously, eyeing the other islands around us.

"It'll be alright babe, I promise." I whispered, kissing his cheek to ease his anxiety.

"Promise?" He mumbled, sounding very much like a scared child. As much as I didn't want him to see me hesitate I did, because both of us knew that I didn't have an answer to his question.

"I promise."

With that I turned and smacked the next lucky block, collecting whatever items fell from it.

I wish I could promise that Mitch.


We had some decent armour and weapons within a few minutes, having destroyed all of the lucky blocks on our island. Nothing particularly bad had happened, there had been a giant zombie but it had spawned off the island, falling into the abyss.

Both of us had full iron or chain armour and I was clutching an diamond sword in my hands, Mitch an iron one. We also both had plenty of building resources but people had already made it to the centre, evidenced by the long pathways that had been built and the cannons that went off every few minutes when a bed was destroyed.

There was this huge holographic board hovering above the centre, with our gaming names in our colour, and judging by the colour of the bracelets around our wrists as well, our colour was green. Mitch fiddled with the bracelet as I started to build a path across to the middle, one hand constantly on my back.

And then he screamed.

I turned around just in time to see an arrow piercing his stomach, wrenching his hand from his back and sending him tumbling off the platform into the abyss below. I heard his pained scream until he disappeared below me, causing me to let out my own scream of anguish.

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