Vikklan- Don't Part 2

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

I awoke the next morning a little shaken, a little uncertain, but I was warm and comfortable in a bed that wasn't my own and in a house I didn't know. Vikk wasn't around but I thought I could see where he had been sleeping on the couch, a blanket strewn on the floor.

Slipping off the bed I pattered down the stairs, where I could hear low hums of music echoing up to my ears. It was quiet and peaceful, something I wasn't used to, and I found I liked it because I was so used to chaos and destruction.

"Hey Lachlan." Vikk said, startling me out of my thoughts. I physically jumped when he spoke and the look he shot me was both of concern and pity. "Did you sleep alright?"

I nodded and settled down on a barstool, sitting on my hands because I was nervous and a little uncomfortable. My heart was uneasy, my emotions all over the place and I was simply alone, scared, in one of the most vulnerable places of my life and in a strangers house.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asked, coming to sit down beside me. It didn't even take me a second to shake my head. I wasn't hungry, I was rarely ever hungry and my appetite seemed to disappear whenever my anxiety levels were high. "Are you sure?"

"I'm- I'm sure." I mumbled, rubbing my arm sheepishly. "I can't really eat when... when my anxiety's high."

A look of realization came over his face and he went over to the fridge, grabbing a glass and filling it with orange juice.

"If you aren't going to eat then at least have this, it's got a bit of sugar in it and should get you going for a little."

At first I played with the glass, I didn't even have the strength to lift the glass, and once Vikk saw that he rummaged around in his draw and pulled out a steel straw. That prompted me to begin drinking but still I played with it, pushing the straw around the glass cup and creating high clinking sounds, the only sounds in the quiet room.

I only got through half of the glass before the sugar, the taste, the overwhelming bash of everything got to me. I pushed it away, a little queasy, and gently rested my head on the bench, the cool tiles helping the headache building behind my temples.

"Hey..." Vikk's voice was soft, gentle, soothing. "Do you have a headache?"

I nodded miserably. My mental health was screwed over which was probably effecting my physical health as well, but I was both terrified and broken.

"Do you want some painkillers or do you just want to relax for a little?" I blinked. I hated choices, especially when they were thrown up against one another, and Vikk could clearly see the confliction in my eyes. "Alright, I'll rephrase that."

He gently tapped the underside of my chin, getting me to look up at him.

"Do you want a painkiller?" I nodded my head, and he got up to get one and bring my glass of juice over to me. I took it, hoping it would help. "Do you want to go back to the bedroom?" I shook my head. "Do you want to stay out here?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, not wanting to be alone. I had been alone most of my life, my family, friends and everyone else I had ever known had abandoned me and this friendship, if I could call it that considering I had only met him the night before, was something I wanted to hold onto.

"Alright then." He took the glass from my hand and helped me lie down on the couch, my head resting on his lap. He leaned over and turned the television on for background noise and then started running his fingers through my hair. "Just relax, sleep if you want to. I'll still be here."


I slept heavily for what felt like the longest I had ever slept in my life, and I awoke well rested and feeling much better than I had been earlier. To my surprise my head was still resting on Vikk's lap and he was still on the couch beside me.

"Hey Lachlan." Vikk said softly, muting the TV. "You look better."

"I feel better." I mumbled, pressing my hand to my forehead to check that my headache had indeed gone.

"That's good." He said, now looking a little nervous. "Umm... I didn't realise until just before but one of my friends is coming around in about an hour to film a quick video and I can't cancel it..."

"It's alright..." I said, rubbing my eyes. "I can just go somewhere else."

"You could probably stay in my room if you don't wanna meet him." He smiled softly. "I'm sure he won't mind."

I blinked. I thought he meant I should leave for a little bit, but apparently not. He saw the look on my face.

"You thought I meant something different, didn't you?" I nodded slowly, a little embarrassed. "Hey, look at me. You can stay. Forever if you need it, but I'm not letting you back out there while your mental health is in tatters. I can support the both of us not problem, and after all, I think it's about time to pay you back."

"I- uhhhh- what?" I said, quite loudly. He smiled.

"I didn't think you'd recognise me." He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear "We were 8 years old and you saw a bruise on my arm. You mentioned it to your mum, she talked to the teacher and the police got called. Going in foster care was one of the greatest mercy's the world has ever given me."

I looked at him a little closer, trying to remember him. There had been a little boy when I was young who just didn't come back to school one day but I didn't think much of it. I barely remembered interacting him, let alone his name.

"I don't... think I remember you." He smiled.

"I didn't think you would, but I know I remember you. The kid who wouldn't let anyone on top of the jungle gym cause you had to be the king."

"I remember that." I had been a bit of a self-absorbed kid, but he was definitely talking about me. "Is that... why you took me in? Cause you remembered me?"

"No, of course not! I took you in because you needed help, you needed some time to get on your feet. You needed someone there. I would do that for anyone." He seemed really genuine, gesturing with his arms widely. "I recognised you this morning, the name clicked something for me."

I sighed, both happy and conflicted.

"Stay as long as you want, as long as you need. I'll be here for you."

"Thank you Vikk." I said, genuinely smiling for the first time in what felt like forever. "I mean that."

"I know you do." The kiss on my cheek was gentle, comforting. "Just as I mean everything I said."

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