Vikklan- Teachers Part 2

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

Vikk wasn't exactly impressed with my antics, outing us during a lecture, but after several colleagues and what felt like several hundred students came up to congratulate us on our relationship and coming out, he seemed to get somewhat used to it. I certainly got used to it.

My classes had become a lot more entertaining now that my students knew I was gay, biology involved quite a bit of dissection and some rather unsavoury things and the fact I was out made it much easier. I was able to be much more flamboyant, kicking up a fuss about anything that was particularly disgusting and making it entertaining for my students.

We were both 23 when we, I mean I, came out in the middle of that fateful lecture and 3 years on at 26 we were still doing the same thing. We had a mostly new group of students but there were a couple in the more advanced lectures who had been there on that day, and one day one of them came to ask me an interesting question.

"Have you ever thought about proposing?" She asked, completely nonchalantly as she handed me her essay. I blinked, even though I knew the answer.

"I- uhhhh... yeah? I guess?" She grinned.

"Have you ever thought about how?" I shook my head. "Do you know when you want to propose?" Another shake of my head. "Soon?" I nodded. "Alright, so myself and some other students had this idea...."


The plan was set into motion very soon after I was told about it and agreed to it, a dozen students involved which eventually spread to several dozen. But still none of them spread the plan that was forming, not even a whisper of it made it to Vikk or his students and it was honestly a miracle, but I was so happy.

The first part of the plan was all up to me, and it involved finding and buying a ring and then choosing the date for my proposal. I thought long and hard about what sort of ring I should buy, gold or silver, decorated or simple, diamond or coloured stone? Eventually I went with something simply but not exactly traditional, a silver carved ring with several tiny emeralds in it for him and a similar one in gold for myself. I knew Vikk wouldn't like it if they were matching, and I remembered that.

Following that, almost everything was planned by my students. The girl who had first told me about the plan came in at least three times a week to update me on what was going on and how the plan was unfolding and occasionally invited me to a meeting to discuss ideas and get my input on what I wanted to do.

It was so sweet, everything they were doing for me because they were giving up hours of their own time to plan this for me while expecting nothing in return except being able to witness the proposal. In the end there were 50+ students who had pledged to help on the day and god, it was amazing. Almost all of them were my bio students but a couple of their friends and some of Vikk's students snuck in as well, adding to the total.

The day before everything was set into action, three of the main students involved popped into my office to say high while Vikk was in a lecture. I was already nervous for the next day, bouncing my leg and hardly able to sitting still.

"Are you ready?" I shrugged, biting down on my lip.

"I guess, yeah, it's not like I've got much choice after all of the work you lot have put into this, like holy hell it's unbelievable." They all grinned, glancing between each other.

"Bye Professor! See you tomorrow!"


Vikk knew something was up the next morning when we got up, even though I was trying as hard as I could to hide it. He always knew when I was hiding something but when he tried to ask, genuinely curious with nothing hidden behind it, I just shook my head. I'll tell you later. He knew not to question it after that.

That day in particular Vikk had a morning lecture and I had nothing but as always my office was open for my students to come in and ask any questions they had about assignments. It was the same as most days really but my heart was beating out its chest and saying goodbye to Vikk before his lecture was followed by 4 of the most difficult hours of my life.

In the end there were two many students to fit into mine and Vikk's office so we managed to find an empty classroom, and I was simply overwhelmed with the amount of support that I had to sit down. There were almost 60 students in the room and apparently there were another several dozen that weren't there but had helped out and I almost burst into tears right then.

The plan was for some of Vikk's students, who were in his lecture, to lead him outside afterwards into the college gardens. The college gardens were gorgeous, especially in autumn, and there was an orange willow tree draping over the small stream where I planned to be waiting. There were other willow trees around, their leaves touching the ground, where groups of students planned to be waiting silently until Vikk arrived with his students.

"Ready Professor?" One student asked, grinning while they held on of several cardboard signs.

"I think it's just Lachlan." I said back, my face as pale as a sheet of paper. "Especially after all you lot have done for me."


The waiting was the worst bit, especially as the time ticked by and there was no Vikk. There were so many things that could have gone wrong, Vikk could have not followed them, he could be still doing something and he could not show up. All I knew was I had the ring in my pocket.

One of the students sidled up to me while I was bouncing my leg, feeling nauseous with nerves.

"They're coming now." I nodded shakily and took in a deep breath, steeling myself. Be brave, I told myself, you can do this.

I saw the group coming from a mile away, some of the students pealing away and disappearing into the trees as they got closer. Vikk was chatting animatedly to a couple of them and didn't seem to notice them go, and slowly I relaxed because I knew it could do it. It was Vikk and the students I knew.

As Vikk was lead to where I was standing some of the students with signs began appearing in his view from undergrowth, each sign carefully created and hand drawn by some many awesome people. On each sign were several words from the little speech I had written for him, each held by a group of students.

Vikram Barn, I've known you for 16 years now, read the first one, and Vikk's eyes widened with shock, and you're one of the most amazing people I've ever had the fortune of meeting.

It's been 16 years of friendship, 8 years of dating, a lifetime of love. I love you with all of my heart and I hope you know that. We've been through a lot together, but I hope you're ready to make it a lifetime as one.

"Vikk," I pulled the ring out of my pocket and got down on one knee as he passed through the leaves of the tree I was under, "will you marry me?"

His hands were raised to cover his mouth but he wasn't able to say anything, happy tears falling down his cheeks. Instead he just nodded and I went in for a hug, which was followed by celebratory screams and whistles from around us. I looked up with blurry eyes to see almost every one of my students and quite a few of Vikk's surrounding us, numbering hundreds.

I kissed him slowly, interrupted by sobs and his arms squeezing me tightly. We were both crying like babies, but I didn't care because Vikk was there and now our futures were aligned.

I almost couldn't speak so instead I gave several nods of thanks to the students still surrounding us, multiple of whom had their phones out and were recording the whole thing. Someone had a professional camera too and had filmed the whole thing from when the plans first started to form and that could be edited into a shorter video.

Slipping the ring onto his finger I took his hand, smiling shakily.

"God I love you Vikk."

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