Wooflan- Carnival

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Rob's P.O.V.

It was nearing Christmas and, of course as it was Canada, it was snowing quite heavily and we had been trapped inside for almost 2 weeks. Lachlan was bored and spent most of the last few days bouncing around the apartment, wanting to go somewhere.

Finally, once I got sick of my boyfriend jumping on the couches, I told him that if there was a day where it wasn't snowing as heavily as it had been, we could go down to the Christmas fair about a 10 minute drive away from my house.

The look on Lachlan's face was priceless when I told him that, and I didn't have the heart to mention that we might not even get there because of the weather. I didn't want to destroy that hope because he was so happy and excited at the thought of getting out.

"We'll see Lachlan, maybe tomorrow." I said as Lachlan pouted, looking out the window at the thick and heavy snow that was still falling for the third week in a row.

"But I wanna go now!" He said, throwing himself backwards onto the couch. He looked so sad and put out that I really felt bad, but I couldn't do anything about the weather. "I'm bored! We've been stuck inside for weeks, I want to get out and do something!"

"I know." I said, pulling him onto my lap. "Maybe tomorrow, just like I said. We'll have to wait and see."

"Fine." He huffed, rolling over and burying his head in my chest. "But if we don't go you gotta make it up to me."

"Oh I will, I promise." I whispered, trying not to smirk. "I'll make it up to you if we don't get to go."


As it turned out, the snow slowed overnight and the next morning I knew we were going when Lachlan looked out the window and squealed excitedly. The snow hadn't cleared but it was only a few inches deep now, shallow enough to drive with chains, and it was only snowing lightly.

"Come on Rob!" Lachlan squealed, tugging on the duvet and then on my hands to try and get me up. "We can go to the carnival!"

"Later Lachlan!" I said, laughing. "We go at night! It's prettier then!"

Again he pouted, but he was much happier now that he knew we would go. So the two of us settled down for another day of recording and editing, ready for later that night.


Both of us, especially Lachlan, were bundled up in coats, hats, gloves, trackpants and thick socks. It was freezing outside, around 3 degrees according to the weather forecast, and I didn't want either of us freezing to death.

Lachlan was back to bouncing again, incredibly excited not only to get out, but to get into a public space where we could actually do stuff. The carnival was a mix between a fair, with all of the small rides, carnival games and food trucks and a market, with stalls run by the locals. But it was a Christmas carnival, so there were lights everywhere and a centrepiece tree.

"Come on!" Lachlan begged, tugging on my hand and the sleeve of my jacket. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

I grinned but let him do his thing as we went out to the car, Lachlan's knee bouncing the whole drive and his fingers tapping on the door rest or dashboard. But there was a grin on his face and I couldn't help but smile every time I glanced over at him, because if he was happy, then I was happy too.

We spent a while just wandering around, browsing the stalls to see if anything they were selling piqued our interest and pointing out things to each other. The stalls mostly sold clothing or home goods so we weren't that interested, but occasionally we came across something cool like Pokémon stuffed toys that Lachlan went crazy over or a painting that I thought would look cool in the office.

After that it was time for food, and like shitty, sugary, definitely-not-good-for-you, I-should-reassess-my-options, fair ground food. There were chips and hotdogs and candy floss and mini donuts and pizza and burgers and corn dogs and every type of candy imaginable, and of course we got pizza, chips, a soft drink each and mini donuts.

Pizza was my favourite food, it was Lachlan's favourite food, throw in some chips, a drink and something sweet for desert, and we were sorted. There were a couple of tents dedicated for seating so visitors could take a quick break, so we ducked in one of them to be out of the snow to eat and chatter.

Then it time for the thing that Lachlan was looking forward to the most, and I was silently dreading; the games. I knew they were rigged and we were just paying to lose, but that didn't stop Lachlan from going to every stall and playing every game no matter how expensive it was, just because he loved it.

It wasn't like I was complaining either, he was so happy and joyous when he was concentrating on something like that that I just let him do his thing. I stood back and watched, smiling like an idiot while the love of my life ran around like a child.

"Come help Robby!" Lachlan said, bouncing up down as he stood in front of another game that was about throwing a ball at moving targets.

I did as he asked and came and stood by his side, throwing every second ball to see who could knock down the most targets to get the biggest prize.

I won.


"That was so much fun!" Lachlan squealed, dancing around the car park as we headed back to the car. His coat had come off because we were inside now and he was lit up like a lightbulb, bright red with happiness and just generally looking like a little kid.

"I'm glad you had a good time Lachy." I said, sliding into the drivers seat of the car. "I just hope you can sleep cause you have quite a bit of sugar."

He shrugged, still smiling.

"I think I will, I'm not hyped up, just happy."

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence and Lachlan leant his head up against the window, closing his eyes. Although I supposed he only meant to rest his eyes, for a few minutes at the most, but by the time we got home his head had dropped onto his chest and he was snoring quietly.

I smiled to myself and pressed a light kiss to his forehead, taking in the moments when he was still asleep. I hated having to wake him up because I knew he would complain and then would be grumpy until he got back into bed.

"Wake up Lachy." I whispered into his ear, shaking his shoulder to get him to stir. He groaned and shifted, squinting up at me, but he knew where he was and that if he got out of the car, the quicker he could be in bed and asleep comfortably.

I took his hand and helped him out of the car, letting him lean heavily on me while I tugged him up the stairs to get him into bed. He stumbled and almost fell onto his knees coming up the stairs but I caught him, my arm tightening around his waist to keep him on his feet.

"Robbyyyyy" He whined, clinging to me.

"I know, just a second okay, you're almost to bed."

It took another minute to get him into our bedroom and onto our bed. I helped him tug off his shoes and then his layers and layers of clothing so he could sleep comfortably, all while he lay on the bed, blinking slowly.

I stripped off all of my clothes, leaving me in just boxers and a t-shirt, and then flopped down beside him. He had already struggled underneath the covers and as soon as I crawled underneath the covers with him, he reached out to hug me.

"Did you have a good day?" I asked softly, running my fingers through his hair.

"Yeah." He mumbled, smiling into my chest.

"That's good." I said, holding him tighter. "That's good."

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