Vikklan- Save Me

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

I shuddered, pulling my raincoat up over my head as the rain poured down around me. I was trying to find some place to spend the night that was a little bit sheltered, where I could be hidden from the rain, and get some sleep for the first time in days.

There was no way to keep track of the days anymore, all I knew was the Christmas decorations were coming down so it must be sometime in early January, in other words the middle of winter. It was freezing but I was lucky it wasn't below zero, or freezing.

Ducking into an alleyway I covered myself with a massive plastic sheet that I supposed must have been a lid to something but it gave me shelter. I was sitting on another plastic sheet so I wouldn't be sleeping on the cold, wet concrete.

From my backpack I dug out my tiny sleeping bag, the one for below freezing temperatures and tiny so it could be stored in smaller spaces. I clambered ungracefully into it, curled up, and fell asleep.


I wandered, aimlessly, for hours. There wasn't really anywhere for me to go so I just walked up and down the streets with my backpack slung over my shoulder, staring into windows of coffee shops wishing I had the money to buy something.

My fingers were blue that was how cold I was and I desperately wished for a hot chocolate or maybe even a coffee to warm myself up, but I didn't have the money for it. I didn't have a job, no one wanted to hire me without a permanent address, so the only money I earned was what I was given.

I hated begging with everything I had in my body because I felt so pathetic. I was young, tall and most people would call me handsome and the looks everyone gave me were withering. I was a mess, dirty, clearly exhausted and weak and anything they could give me I was thankful for.

I got almost everything through begging, they gave me food and money to get everything else because I couldn't get it any other way.


I was leaning up against the wall of an empty shop, my head falling onto my chest every few seconds. I was trying incredibly hard not to fall asleep considering I was on a public street and there was a sign begging for help beside me and an upturned hat.

My head nodded and once again I jerked it back up, sighing. As much as I wanted to go find somewhere to sleep, curl up on the ground somewhere out of sight of the public where I could be alone but I couldn't. I needed the money, even if I had to suffer through the embarrassment and belittlement.

"Hey, you alright?" I looked up through half lidded eyes and saw a young man about my age, 19, crouching down to my eye level. I went red, embarrassed that he caught me with my eyes closed, so I turned away and pulled my hoodie around my face tighter. There was a pause. "I've got a sandwich, do you want that? You look hungry."

I was hungry but I wouldn't admit it, at least until my stomach growled, loudly. It sounded like the call of a whale and the boy standing beside me giggled a little, sliding down the wall to sit beside me. He handed me the sandwich, a chicken BLT.

At first I didn't open it, I was shy, didn't really know who offered me the sandwich and felt really rude for no reason.

"You can eat it you know, it's for you. You're really skinny." I didn't acknowledge his sentence, instead I put the sandwich on the ground, wrapped my arms around my knees and buried my head in them. "Hey, it's alright. What's your name?"

It took me almost a minute to answer his question, every time I opened my mouth I choked up.

"L-Lachl-lan." I stuttered, sniffling now. This was the first time someone had ever talked at me as a person, rather than glaring at me because I was a dirty homeless person in the middle of the street, destroying their view that their city was perfect with no poverty anywhere.

"Lachlan, huh. That's a nice name." He paused. "I'm Vikk by the way."

He then leaned over and took the sandwich, making me sigh because I knew he would take it back. But to my surprise, he just opened the plastic container it was in and handed it back to me, pushing it gently into my hand.

"Eat, I know you're hungry." He said softly, his hand resting on top of mine. "You don't have to be shy, it's alright. I know you're in a hard place right now, maybe you have been for a long time but for now just know that I'm here for you."

I blinked, surprised. I didn't know this man, he had simply come up to me on the street, handed me a sandwich and then told me his name, Vikk. I didn't know what to think of him.

He treated me as human, something that I found surprising after the events of my life over the last few years. I was so used to being kicked, spat at, yelled at or told to go away that his kindness and help was so surprising that I could help but start to cry.

Vikk, now sitting so close that I could feel his heartbeat, gently ran his thumb over the back of my hand comfortingly and he didn't say anything until my chest stopped heaving and the tears stopped flowing. He squeezed my hand tightly.

"It's alright Lachlan." He said, and when I looked at his face I knew he truly believed what he was saying and was gonna try goddamn hard to make sure it was true. "I'm gonna make sure of it."


Vikk really tried his damned hardest to make sure that I got off the streets as soon as I could. That day he met me he dragged me home and introduced me to his roommates who were all older than him by a few years and working as some sort of online video maker? I didn't understand it, but they were kind so I didn't mind.

For the first week I didn't know what to do. This boy had invited me to his house to stay because I didn't have anywhere else to go and I felt like an outcast, a pity case, an oddity and a burden to them. I didn't want to stay, but Vikk insisted.

Slowly I found myself growing used to living in Vikk's house, he made sure that I was alright with everything and was always there to help me or answer questions. I began to come out of my shell too as his roommates began talking to me as well, asking questions to get me to open up.

Something also began to form between Vikk and I. He had rescued me from the streets so I was forever grateful and forever in his debt, but over the months as I started to admit I wasn't just a charity case, Vikk and his friends really did care about me, a little ball of emotion formed in my chest.

Our first kiss was soft and gentle, shy and our lips were almost barely touching but it was a kiss never the less. Vikk pulled away giggling and I went red, all the way up to the tips of my ears.

"Remember when I told you that I would make sure that it was alright?" I nodded, smiling at the memory on that fateful day.

"I do. How could I forget?" I smiled.

"Was I right?"

"Of course you were. You're always right." He leaned up and kissed me, a light and gentle kiss. "You saved me Vikk."

"And I'm so glad I did." He whispered, smiling. "Because now I don't know what I'd do without you."

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