Vikklan- Teachers Part 1

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

Both Vikk and I graduated young, we knew that. 23 and both college level teachers was something of a miracle, but having both graduated high school at 16 with top grade and the 4 year degree that followed to become teachers meant that many of our students were the same age as us or even older.

It was crazy to think that we were both so young with such successful careers that normally took decades to obtain, but I loved it anyway. The amount of times we had been mistaken for students was crazy but it also meant we could go undercover among them without being spotted.

"Hey Vikk." I mumbled, pressing a kiss to the side of his face. He grinned back at me, leaning back in his chair. It was far too early to be up really, 7am ready for an 8am lecture for both of us but the day ahead of us was busy and we were getting ready to go.

"Mornin' Lachy." He said back, reaching up at wrap his arms around my neck. "Ready?"

"Course I am." I paused. "I'll see you after the lecture."

We could only really be affectionate behind closed doors because we didn't really want the students to know about our relationship; we would rather keep things on the down low. After all, they were only a year or so younger than us, some of them maybe a little older, and I knew how some of them would react to two of their teachers, two guys, being together.

But that still didn't stop me from going into his lecture when I was free and annoying Vikk, sitting in his desk, kicking my feet up on it, interrupting his lecture with my comments and generally making it more enjoyable for the overworked students.

I could tell the students shipped us too, the way some of the girl whispered in the back or squealed when we interacted, and I could tell some of them liked us too. I supposed that was why the college liked us, they didn't normally like having teachers so young but because we were together they knew that we weren't fucking the students.

"Bye Lachy!" Vikk said, gathering his things for his own lecture. I was the biology professor and Vikk was flitting between all of the histories; human history, natural history and political history, so I taught a variety of different people. "Have fun!"


It was in the afternoon that I got up to my usual antics, I didn't have a lecture but Vikk did. There was quite a fair amount of giggling as I waltzed into the classroom and Vikk, who had been in the middle of speaking, turned and glared at me before continuing.

I sidled up to him and took his hand, whispering in his ear quietly enough that no one in the lecture hall could hear me.

"Hey babe, I'm here to invade." When I pulled away Vikk was bright red so I sauntered over to his desk, flopping down in his chair. He went on with his talking still glancing over at me occasionally to see when I would interrupt him next.

This was a political history class and Vikk was talking about the political structure of ancient Rome and the way the Senate worked. It had been a mess during Caesars rein, Rome was meant to be a democracy but to get him to become leader the guys in the senate essentially said hey, become a dictator for 10 years in exchange for, you know, not letting Rome fall.

"They allowed several Gaelic leaders into the senate as repayment for supporting them and the public didn't like that, as far as they were concerned the Gaelic's were a conquered people, why were they allowing them into the Senate? The senate was meant for nobles-"

"Cause Caesar had no better idea, that's why." I commented, swinging around on the chair. Vikk went red, but he was smiling.

"He was a dictator essentially, Rome had a dictator-"

"And that's why he got sTabBbBbedDddDDDddddddd!" I said in a sing-songy voice, resting my feet on the edge of his desk. "And even though like 60 people said they would kill him he only had 23 stab wounds and that's why group projects suck!"

"Lachlan." Vikk said with one eyebrow raised. "They're literally about to do a group project, please don't encourage mutiny."

"Why not, there'd be nothing for you to mark that way."

"Yeah, I'd be dead. I'm Caesar in this situation." Vikk said with a not-so-subtle roll of his eyes.

"Alright I give y'all permission to mutiny but no one is to stab my boyfr- I mean your professor!" There was a wave of giggles and Vikk went an ever darker red, because I had literally just outed us.

"Are you together!?" Came the yell from the back, and Vikk was about not nod when I interrupted.

"No I'm Pompey and he's Caesar!" There was a pause. "And yes we're together!"

"Lachlan!" Vikk whined, coming over to me from where he had been standing, hiding behind me. "Why!?"

"Cause. It's about time we came out." I checked my watch, the 3 hours were up. "Also the lecture is over!"

I snatched Vikk's laptop from his desk, took his hand and then waltzed from the room, giving the stunned students one last shout.

"Later guys, do the homework! Next lecture is same time next week!"

And then Vikk and I ran from the room, laughing and giggling even though we probably shouldn't have been considering we were teachers, professors, but did we care? Absolutely not. Vikk was bright red and laughing but was also clearly embarrassed, and gave me a hard but friendly punch once we were in his office.

"What?" I asked, giggling. "You laveeeeee me!"

He grumbled and mumbled but let me make a grab at him, hugging him to my chest while placing my hands on his hips or occasionally reaching around to grab his ass. I got a glare for that, but he let me continue.

"I guess it would have happened eventually." He said, his eyes half closed.

"Mm, I'm just glad it happened on my- our- terms." Vikk rolled his eyes again, his head resting in the crook on my shoulder.

"Your terms Lachy, your terms." He smiled though.

"Still lave you though Vikk." I said into his ear, giving him a quick kiss.

"Love you too." He whispered back, still smiling. "Laveeeeeee you."

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