Vikklan- Marvel Movie Marathon

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Vikk's P.O.V.

Even though I knew I had so many responsibilities for the day, it didn't stop me ditching all of my friends and my job for a while to just hang out with my boyfriend while he was with me. I didn't get to see him often because he lived in Australia and I lived in London, so him being with me was one of the greatest times of the year.

Did I care that I had to record? No. Did I care that I had to edit? No. Did I care that I was supposed to record with the Sidemen for the Sidemen Sunday the next day? Of course not. I just wanted to hang out with my boyfriend and have a good time with him for the time he was with me.

Lachlan, of course, was super happy to hang out with me and had no qualms about me not working and just relaxing with him because otherwise he would have been nagging me about taking a break. When I told him that I would just be spending the next few days just with him, no work or anything, he squealed and hugged me tightly.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked excitedly, bouncing on his knees on the bed. "Watch movies? Go somewhere? Eat a bunch of junk food because we've got nothing better to do?"

I laughed at his excitement but I had a plan forming in the back of my mind. I loved Marvel and every Marvel movie there was, but I had a few I had yet to watch and Lachlan, who I ranted to about Marvel on a regular basis, hadn't seen most of them.

"Marvel movie marathon?" I asked, and he lit up, nodding his head enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Movie marathon!" He crowed, throwing his arms up into the air. "And popcorn?"

"And popcorn."


48 hours and 11 minutes worth of movies was a long time, but with the week we had to do it Lachlan and I were determined to get through all of them by the time he left. I told the Sidemen not to bother me or Lachlan for at least 4 days, tweeted out not to expect many videos and went shopping for a bunch of junk food to gorge ourselves silly on.

Lachlan was very happy to join me in escaping the world for a few days, curled up on my bed beside me with the TV on the end of it, beginning with the movie that started the whole story, Captain America: The First Avenger . After the I absolutely refused to watch The Incredible Hulk, mostly because it sucked, and then we continued in the order of the timeline, not the order they were released.

We stayed up almost 20 hours watching movies before the sugar and the caffeine high wore off and Lachlan fell asleep in my lap. My eyes were flickering open and closed so I paused the movie, shut off the television and curled up on the bed with Lachlan, his arms tightly around my waist. I smiled to myself, snuggling down in his arms.

"Love you Lachy." I whispered, even though he couldn't hear me. "Thanks for being here."


The next day, after sleeping for a solid 13 hours, we spent more time watching the next lot of Marvel movies. In the first day we managed to get all the way to about half way through Thor: The Dark World which was roughly 20 hours of movies, with 28 hours left to go.

Lachlan was a little more restless than the day before because of all the time he had spent sitting down and all the sugar he had consumed, so we kept the food away for most of the morning. But still, he was content to lie up against my shoulder and watch the movie, laughing and giggling when I pointed out something random that I knew about.

We decided to split the remaining movie time over the next three days, 9-ish hours each day, so we could actually get some proper sleep and have some proper food that wasn't chips, sugar or soda. Both of us were alright with that plan, but we didn't plan for exactly how that went.

Thor: The Dark World had a reputation of being a pretty shit movie in general and it did get pretty boring at times and before I knew it, Lachlan's hand was venturing into places it shouldn't have been. At first I slapped his hand away playfully, but once I realised that I was bored as hell and the movie sucked, plot wise especially, I rolled over and faced him.

"You're bored?" I asked, lust in my tone. He nodded, smirking. "Then let's do something else."


Captain America: The Winter Soldier had started by the time that Lachlan and I had come down from our highs, giggling and laughing and naked except for the blanket that covered the both of us. Lachlan was coughing and he was hardly able to catch his breath, his chest heaving up and down as he laughed.

"That was fun." He giggled, his arm sidling around my waist. "And this is a better movie too."

We were both quite tired, so we settled down with a bowl of popcorn until a thick layer of blankets with the television playing the next movie in the order. Lachlan's hand was wrapped in mine and even when I shifted he refused to let it go, squeezing tighter.

"No." He mumbled, holding me close. "Don' go."

"I'll stay." I whispered back. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."


Just as he had done the night before, Lachlan fell asleep on me. It was only 7 when his head fell onto my shoulder and we had had dinner about half an hour earlier after spending almost all day watching movies, so I wasn't surprised that he was tired. I just smiled to myself.

Because Lachlan was much taller and therefore heavier than I was, I did struggle a little to get him off my shoulder and onto the bed in a comfortable position. I also had to fight to get him underneath the blankets with his head on the pillow because I had to shift him down the bed, but after a couple of minutes of struggling while trying to be gentle, I got there.

Lachlan slept heavily throughout the whole thing, never stirring even when I dropped his head onto the pillow but I was grateful because I really didn't want to deal with a sleepy and grumpy Lachlan when I was tired and annoyed myself. I sighed and slid down in the bed beside him, going through the same routine as the night before.

I held his hands in mine and closed my eyes, flat out exhausted.

"Night Lachy." I mumbled, and I saw his eyes flicker open for a moment.

"Night Vikky." He whispered back. "Love you."

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