Ministar- Stomach Flu

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Simon's P.O.V.

I was surprised it took me so long to notice that Vikk was ill, normally I could tell almost at once that he was under the weather but this time I didn't work it out until almost 3 days later. He was still on his normal recording schedule, that is pushing himself until he fell asleep at his desk, and I supposed that contributed to the fact he got very ill, very fast.

We were meant to be going out to record a Sidemen Sunday and JJ and Josh were already in the car waiting when Vikk came up behind me, pale as a sheet of paper and barely on his feet.

"Simon?" He asked weakly. I turned to him and my eyes widened as I saw his state, scooping him up in my arms before he could pass out and hurt himself. "I don't feel well."

"No shit Vikky, you look like a ghost!" I reprimanded, picking him up bridal style. "Why didn't you mention it earlier!"

"Cause I felt alright earlier." He mumbled, burying his head in my chest.

"Well that was silly, wasn't it." I said, placing him down on his bed. He was so out of it that I had to tuck him into bed myself, pulling the blanket up around him. "Do you reckon you'll be alright on your own for a couple of hours? I don't know if I'll be able to skip this too."

He nodded listlessly and although I really didn't believe him, I knew I couldn't stay. I thought of it as the faster I got it over and down with the faster I could get back with Vikk and look after him and as a precaution I plugged his phone in within his reach on vibrate so I could call him, put a bucket on the floor and placed a bottle of water and some pain pills on the bedside table beside him.

By the time I was done Josh was yelling up the stairs for him.

"Just a minute!" I yelled back, whispering a hushed sorry as Vikk winced. "I'll be back soon, alright Vikky? I'll call you halfway through but you call me if you really need me okay?"

He just nodded again and tucked himself under the covers. I pressed one kiss to his forehead because bolting down the stairs, grabbing my hoodie and phone and rushing out the car.

"Sorry!" I panted as Josh glared at me. "Vikk's ill, he's not coming."


I checked in at what I thought was halfway through the video and he seemed alright, if not a little tired, but after several technical difficulties and a longer than anticipated recording session we ended up staying three hours longer than I thought we would. I was a little nervous about staying so long but there were no calls or messages from Vikk and assumed he was alright and probably asleep.

Josh and JJ both saw my nervousness so the second we were packed up JJ, who was driving, made sure to rush to get me home and back to my boyfriend. They both knew I was incredibly protective of him and if he was ill then god help anyone who got in the way of me and Vikk.

I knew something was seriously wrong the second I walked in the front door and rushed up the stairs, only to hear retching coming from Vikk and I's shared bathroom. I groaned sympathetically and headed into the room, finding exactly what I feared.

Vikk was crouched over the toilet, gagging and retching with bile dripping from his mouth, but almost the second I entered the room he collapsed against the wall, sobbing.

"Oh Vikky...." I whispered, taking a bit of toilet paper to wipe his chin before just letting him rest his head on my chest, curling up against me and whimpering lowly.

I bundled him back into his- our- bedroom and sighed at the mess, clearly caused by Vikk tossing and turning and then rushing to the bathroom to be sick. The duvet was on the floor, the bucket had been kicked halfway across the room, the drink bottle knocked over and the room was stuffy and hot.

I sighed and instead grabbed the drink bottle and the bucket and instead carried him into my room, which was both cooler and tidier. I tried to tuck him into bed and then go downstairs to grab some medicine and a thermometer because he felt really warm, but Vikk grabbed at me.

"No..." He moaned, blinking lowly. "Stay Si..."

Closing my eyes, I gathered myself for a moment. I should have known he was going to be clingy but it did tell me exactly how sick he was, because normally he tried desperately to hide it.

"Alright." I whispered, sliding down beside him. "I'll stay."

I quickly flicked Josh a text, asking to bring up some medication and other things I needed, and then looked down at Vikk. He was already half asleep and curled up on me but the thing that told me he really was sick was his face. He was still pale but he was burning up, he was curled up as small as possible and was making low whimpering noises. I knew he hated being sick.

Josh came up the stairs quickly, hands full of medication and gave me a strained smile when he saw Vikk and his state.

"How's he?" He asked quietly, watching Vikk's eyes flicker.

"Not great." I whispered back, taking everything he gave me. There was a thermometer amongst the pile and I took it, taking Vikk's temperature while he wasn't really paying attention. "Yeah... really not great."


"Shit." Josh said, eyes wide. "I'll- I'll just leave you alone."

He left pretty hurriedly after that and left me alone with Vikk, still half asleep. I sighed but continued to hold him, whispering comfortingly into his ear. He whimpered.

"Simon..." He whimpered, tossing his head. "I don't like it... make it stop..."

"Shhhhh, it's alright." I whispered, smiling a little as he tucked his head into my chest. "I know you aren't feeling good but you'll feel better if you sleep, it'll pass."

He only whined again and his eyes looked up at me pleadingly, begging me to do something to make him feel better.

"Please..." He whimpered. My heart panged, but there was nothing I could do.

I instead, knowing he wanted comfort, just bundled him up in a thick blanket and swaddled him like an infant, tucking it tightly around him so he couldn't move but so I could hug him tightly. He gave me a flicker of a smile and finally, finally, closed his eyes.

"Love you Vikky." I whispered, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. "I hope you feel better soon."

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