Merome- Kitty

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Mitch's P.O.V.

Jerome knew that I was allergic to cats and even since 6th grade I had been talking about getting a cat when I moved out because my parents wouldn't be there to stop me. He did try to talk me out of it, being around cats gave me hayfever, itchy eyes, runny nose, a rash and it could devolve into sneezing fits or a cold if it got too bad.

We got together about half way through high school and even then I was still talking about getting a cat when I moved out, excited just at the thought. I talked about what type of cat I would get, what I would name it, where I would get it from etc.

Jerome knew it was a bad idea, he tried to convince me that getting a cat wasn't a good idea and it would just increase my allergies, making my life miserable. I didn't give up though, and continued to insist that I was going to get a cat.

We were both 18 when we finished high school, found starting jobs and began our lives after school that most people did. There was a little bit of a gap growing between us because we didn't see each other every day, but soon Jerome suggested moving into an apartment together.

I quickly accepted. Moving into an apartment with my best friend? Yes please!

Jerome was happy that I agreed to the idea and we started to look for apartments almost at once. We wanted something small, two bedrooms in the city, not right in the centre but somewhere where we could walk to our jobs. Also we didn't want anything too expense, something we could split the rent but continue saving.

We found something after a couple of months, it was small and a little cramped but it was nice and definitely not expensive. I was happy with and Jerome seemed alright with it too because once we started moving in he began talking about furniture we would buy and what would go where.

We were both content with what we have, at least until I started asking to get a cat again.


"No Mitch." Jerome sighed as I pouted. "We can't get a cat, you're allergic, we're out of the house a lot, it's an apartment, and you know we're really irresponsible." I pouted again and scrabbled at his arm, desperate to convince him otherwise.

"Please!!!" I begged. "I want a cat! I really, really want one and I promise I'll take good care of it!"

"Mitch..." He said, but I could see the confliction in his eyes. "You're allergic, you can't get a cat."

I stuck out my bottom lip and then stormed away to my bedroom. I knew I couldn't be mad at him because he was simply being responsible because lord knows I wasn't being responsible myself. But I still couldn't help being disappointed, because it had been my dream for years.

Did I care was allergic? No.

I supposed it wasn't just the rejection Jerome said to the cat that got me to break down but it was the last straw. Everything had been piling up on my shoulders for quite a while, stress of the job, worrying about the apartment, keeping up with everything socially, thinking about what my friends thought of me, you know, the usual. Depression and anxiety.

I simply wanted a cat to keep me company because I worked quite a few hours less than Jerome and I didn't like being alone in the apartment. My anxiety built up when I was alone and eventually, like right then, it would all bubble over and I couldn't keep it inside anymore.

Lying on my bed, bawling, I knew Jerome would think it was his fault if he heard me. He didn't have troubles with anxiety so didn't understand that it was simply because my emotions had exploded and I couldn't hold it in anymore. It wasn't his fault, but I wasn't in any state to tell him that.

"Mitch?" Jerome pushed my door open, his voice high with worry. "Are you alright?"

I simply hiccupped and rolled over, burying my head in the blankets. I didn't want to talk to him and I just wanted to be alone, but still he didn't understand that. He sneaked closer and sat down on the edge of my bed, rubbing his hand on the back of my leg.

"Mitch? Talk to me, please?" I shook my head and started sobbing all over again.

"Go away Jerome!" I yelled into the pillow, crying painfully. "I don't want to go talk."

He gently patted my back, uncertain what to do. I pulled myself away from his touch because I simply didn't want to be near him and he finally got the message because he stood up, tiptoed away and pulled the door closed.

"I'll see you in a bit Mitchy." He whispered. "Hopefully we can talk then."


I didn't leave my room for almost 24 hours, I just couldn't face what Jerome would have to say to me. Sure my stomach grumbled and I ran out of water in my water bottle, but still I didn't want to leave my room because I knew exactly what would come.

Jerome was actually the reason I even left my room. He came and knocked on my door, begging me to come out and talk because he just wanted to know what was going on. I ignored him for hours, I didn't have the strength to tell him what was wrong.

"Please Mitch?" He whispered through the door, begging me to open it. "Please, I want to know what's wrong. I don't know what's wrong."

"Go away Jerome!" I yelled, beginning to cry again.

There was silence on the other side of the door, but then I heard a meow. I jolted up in bed because why was there a cat outside my bedroom door? I tiptoed over to it and unlocked it, and there was Jerome standing outside my room with a tabby cat in his arms.

I gasped and looked between Jerome and the cat and then squealed, reaching out for the cat. Jerome handed the cat to me and I took him into my arms, squealing happily and hugging the cat tightly. The cat didn't seem to mind, they were just lying in my arms, purring, and my heart had leapt into my throat.

"Oh my god..." I whispered, hugging the cat tightly. I could already feel my nose twitching and the beginnings of a runny nose, but still I didn't care because oh my god it's a cat! "Wait? Why do you have a cat?"

I said, reality hitting me.

"I- I didn't know what else to do. You got really upset when I told you we couldn't get a cat and even though I think there's more reasons for you getting upset than that, I wanted to do something to make it up to you." He patted the cat in my arms.

"I- don't know what to say." I mumbled, thinking. "But you've been saying no because I was allergic... why change?" He smiled.

"Because I found these." He pulled a box from his pocket and handed it to me, and it read antihistamines. "They help with cat allergies, they stop the hayfever like symptoms."

I lit up like a lightbulb. I had never heard of medications that could stop the symptoms or at least help the symptoms of my cat allergies.

"Does that mean... we can keep the cat?" Jerome nodded and I squealed again, placing the cat gently on the ground and throwing myself against him in a huge hug. "Thank you so much Jerome!"

I leaned in and kissed him. I don't know why I did, but I did and too my surprise after a few shocked seconds and I pulled away, embarrassed, he kissed back. We held the kiss, both of us bright red, until the cat started meowing between us.

I picked them, her as Jerome later explained to me, up and set her on my lap. She pressed her head into my hand and I smiled.

"Does she have a name?" Jerome shook his head.

"No. That's your job." Looking down at the little cat in my arms I knew I couldn't decide then.

I kissed him again, and then hugged him close.

"I love you Jerome." He smiled.

"I love you too."

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