The Pack Ships- Set Up

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Rob's P.O.V.

No matter what I told Lachlan, he refused to believe that Vikk had a crush on him. Their crushes on each other were painfully obvious but even with the amount of times we had tried to set them up, leaving them alone together, getting them to room on every trip, but nothing worked.

Even Merome got together before them, they had known each other for years and years and the sexual tension between them was palpable. But somehow, after skirting around their feelings for years, they found a way to talk it out, probably fucked, and then got together.

But still Vikk and Lachlan skirted around each other, ignored their feelings and tried to pretend that they didn't like it other. They blushed every time they went near each other, talked well into the night about everything and we just perfect for each other in every way.

But they never got together.

It was the middle of summer and the entire Pack were in Florida, at Mitch and Jerome's house. It was fuck off degrees and all of us, expect Lachlan maybe, were dying of heat stroke and so all of us were just standing in the pool hoping that we wouldn't die.

"Oh my God...." Jerome groaned, splashing his boyfriend from behind. Mitch was leaning up against the hot concrete, absolutely soaked. "It's too fucking hot."

Vikk was sitting on the steps with Preston beside him, and even though Preston was one step further into the pool they were both the same height sitting side by side. It was quite funny because even though Preston wasn't that tall the height difference was hilarious, another reason that he and Lachlan were perfect for each other.

As the sun set over the horizon and the air started to cool we climbed out of the pool one by one, settling on the couches or in the hammock by the pool side. None of us were really hungry and it was just nice being in each others company so no one was in any hurry to go inside.

Preston and I ended up on one of the two couches, Mitch and Jerome in the hammock, entangled so tightly that I couldn't tell whose limbs were whose. Vikk and Lachlan were on the couch, one on either end of it because they obviously found it awkward to be so close.

Both of them passed out in the heat just before 7 o'clock and the rest of us lay awake, chatting away quietly.

"We so need to set them up." Preston mumbled from my lap, glancing over the two sleeping boys. Yes, we really did need to set them up because it was awkward and the tension was huge and I just wanted them to get together because it would fix the group dynamics and their friendship.

"Alright, let's do it then." I said, and a plan began to form.


It was still fuck off degrees the next morning, reaching 100 by 10am and all of us were slowly dying. Even with the air conditioning on full blast and cups of cold water and lounging around shirtless and in only bathing shorts, everyone was still dying.

Lachlan was the only on unbothered by the intense weather and was also the only one who was able to any sort of work, and was editing on his laptop while the rest of us whined. Vikk was quiet, he didn't like to complain, but even I could see the beads of sweat on his forehead.

At just past noon the rest of us got sick of it and decided to go out to the pool, leaving the two youngest of the Pack in the living room. Lachlan was again, unbothered, and Vikk didn't really want to swim which exactly what we had hoped would happen because it left the two of them alone, sweaty, hot and shirtless.

I had noticed them taking sneaking glances at each other throughout the morning, admiring each other, and now they were alone I hoped something would finally happen. I took quick glances back at them often through the window while we mucked around in the pool, and slowly I saw exactly what I hoped for.

Vikk's P.O.V.

I glanced up at Lachlan through my eyelashes, hoping that he wouldn't notice me staring. God he was hot like that, shirtless and leaning up against the couch, cool as a cucumber despite the fact that I was sweating and it was 100 degrees outside. Goddamn Australians.

I was reading, trying to ignore him even though we were on the same couch and I could hear his breathing, frustrated and heavy because he was editing and something must have been going wrong. It was a little distracting I must admit and eventually I stopped caring that he could notice I was staring, because abs.

I saw his gaze flicker up to me quickly and I looked away, but he had seen my eyes on him and knew I had been staring.

"Vikk?" He asked, sounding curious. "You alright?"

"Hmm? Wh-what? Yeah I'm fine."

Goddamn it! I cursed myself for stuttering, it gave away both that I was lying and also that I was embarrassed.

"No you're not." He pushed his laptop from his lap and crawled over the couch until he was beside me, plopping himself down and plucking the book from my hands so I had to talk to him. "Come on, talk to me. You're acting weird."

"It's nothing Lachlan." I mumbled, rubbing my arm sheepishly. "I'm fine."

But that only made him crawl closer, placing his hands on either one of my knees and leaning up so we were an inch apart. I blinked, startled, and suddenly I was lost in his baby blue eyes that were staring right into my soul and I couldn't look away.

"Hey Vikk." Lachlan snapped his fingers in front of my face and I jolted back to reality. Lachlan was still an inch away from me. "Earth to Vikk. Anyone home?"

"Wh-what? Yeah I'm here." He looked me right in the eyes, his head tilted to the side like a child.

"Are you sure you're alright? You're acting weird and I know it's not just the heat." No it was not alright, but I wasn't about to admit that. He was too close, I was blushing and flushed and embarrassed and my crush on him was probably painfully obvious to him now.

Normally he was oblivious to others emotions and feelings, he wasn't good at picking up what others were feeling but my reaction was so obvious that even he had to know. He blinked, red also flooding into his cheeks.

"I- I uhhh" I stumbled, but before I could say anything Lachlan leaned in.

He captured my lips on his and kissed me fiercely, one hand coming up to my cheek to hold me tightly. I kissed back but my mind was blank and I didn't realise how much time had passed until Lachlan pulled away, gasping for breath, and both of us were red in the face.

"I- I'm sorry." Lachlan stuttered, looking away, but I cut him off.

"It's alright. I- you acted first. We've been skirting around each other for so long, far too long."

"Yeah." He blushed but then leaned in again, capturing my lips all over again. I practically melted into him. He tasted so sweet and was warm and loving and I just fell into him.

"YES!" Mitch shrieked from behind us and the two of us turned to see all 4 other Pack members standing in the doorway, silently cheering and laughing. "FINALLY!"

The two of us went red again, but we were together and that was what mattered. The tension was gone.

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