Poofless- Almost

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Preston's P.O.V.

Thinking back on my life, especially over the last 5 or so years, was sad and basically derailed my entire day. I hated thinking about my past simply because I hated thinking about how much I had and how much I had lost when it all came crumbling down around me.

With flowers in hand I made the walk I did every week, through the iron gates and into a church garden, where gravestones lined the path. The oldest were at the front and I knew them almost by heart now because of the amount of times I had walked past them, but the stone I was looking for was right at the back, squashed into a lonely corner.

I set the flowers down on the stone, brushing away the ones that I had laid there last week that had began to rot. I hated to see grave abandoned with no one to care for them and even 6 years on I still took the 30 minute drive each week to lay new flowers and clean the little picture on the top of the grave stone, wiping the dust away.

In Loving Memory Of Robert Aaron Latsky, 28-06-1992 - 26-11-2019, beloved son, brother and friend.

My lip trembled and I turned away for a second to gather myself, before turning back.

"Hey Rob." I whispered, placing a hand on the cool stone. "It's been a long week."


Although Rob and I didn't live together, we might as well have been because of the amount of time he spent with me in Texas or I spent with him in Canada. There were constant flights, trips all the time and I loved it because I got to spend more time with my best friend, and I found I happier and more motivated when he was around.

I didn't even know the reason behind it, either, his presence simply made me more productive than normal and I felt happier and bouncier, which was great. Rob seemed to be happier too, he was more willing to get out and about, go out to lunch or dinner with me rather than hiding away for days upon end.

There was also this niggling feeling in my stomach whenever I was around him, it felt like I had butterflies in my stomach every time I was around him and it was almost like I was flying, which was an amazing feeling. I didn't know the reason behind it, but I never wanted the feeling to fade.


The confession came as something of a surprise to me, because I really never expected it. We were just hanging out, sprawled on the couch with some terrible movie playing on the television when Rob suddenly leaned over and spoke up, looking incredibly nervous.

"Hey Preston?" He asked, catching my attention. I raised my chin in acknowledgment. "Do you know what it's like to be in love?"

The question shocked me, because I had no idea where it came from. He had clearly been thinking about it for a long time and his face burned red as I thought, his hands coming up to cover his red cheeks.

"I- I'm not really sure but... I think it'd be like... feeling constantly happy around them and getting butterflies in your stomach and just... they make you feel awesome." I didn't realise until much later that I was just listing the feelings that Rob was giving me. "And you don't wanna let them go."

I glanced back at Rob and saw he had lowered his hands and was looking at me sideways, a curious look on his face.

"Have you ever been in love?" This time I could hear the genuine curiosity in his voice. I thought back to the feelings he gave me.

"I think... just once. I've been in love once and I think I'm still in love now." There was a cheesy smile plastered on my face. "I get all of those feelings, and I can't stop thinking about them."

There were several emotions that flickered across his face, but the one I got first was rejection. He felt rejected by my statement? Why? I was about to open my mouth and ask him about it when he got up very suddenly from his chair and left the room. I called after him, but got no reply.

"Rob!? Where are you going!?"

The front door slammed, and that was the last time I saw him.


I had heard his car driving away but thought nothing of it, maybe he was just going to clear his head or gather his feelings, I could ask him when he got back. I still couldn't help but feel a little worried for him though and texted him a few times, even though I got no reply.

The call came in 3 hours later. I didn't know who the caller was, there was no caller ID, but I picked up anyway.


"Is this Preston Arsement?"

"It is, may I ask who this is?" I was always incredibly polite on the phone, it was just something my mum had taught me to do.

"This is Dr Thomas from the Central Hospital, you are listed as the number 1 contact for Robert Latsky." I jumped up from the couch.

"Yes?! Is he alright!?" My heart was beating frantically.

"There's been a car accident, your friend is gravely injured. I suggest you come down here as fast as possible, he's in emergency surgery at the moment. Ask for Dr Thomas when you arrive."


I did exactly what the doctor directed, but I was too late. He was standing in the door of the room when I arrived and before I could say anything he shook his head, laying a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. His heart stopped during surgery and they couldn't get him back. You can have a few minutes with him."

I pushed open the door, shaking and crying. He was there, looking almost like he was asleep except for the almost waxy appearance of his skin and the fact his chest wasn't rising and falling anymore. There were no signs of life and when I laid my hand on his it was still warm but the warmth, his life, was fading.

"Please Rob..." I pleaded with the lifeless body, knowing there would be no reply. "Please tell me this isn't happening..."

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and I laid my head on the bed, bawling for several minutes until I gathered myself again. He was still there, his position hadn't changed and he still looked like a wax statue.

"It was you Rob." I whispered. "You were the one I was in love with. Please... please... I need you."

But my pleas went unanswered and whatever God had taken my best friend from me laughed.

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