Leston- Time With Friends

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Preston's P.O.V.

It was odd for me, being at the Sidemen house, simply because I didn't really know any of the members of the group enough to consider them friends. I thought of them more as acquaintances, friends of a friends or more specifically friends of Vikk.

But I wasn't alone fortunately, my tall, blonde, sometimes crazy boyfriend had come along with me and he knew his way around London and the boys a lot better. He had been around them a lot and knew that I was a little unnerved, so for a the first few days he stuck by side while I was properly introduced to the boys and got to know them a little better.

I actually found I was getting along with Simon the best, a bit of a laugh considering when he was asked who out of the Pack he would kill, years ago, he said me. Simon had told me it was all a joke and although I hadn't helped feeling hurt at the time, I knew it was true.

"You right?" Lachlan asked me, leaning over my shoulder. I nodded, tucked my head back into the crook of his neck. Even days after getting off the flight I was still tired and jet lagged, running on a time zone that was 12 hours behind that of the UK's.

"Mm, 'm fine Lachy." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes like a toddler.

It was just the two of us in the living room, everyone else was either out or recording or editing or even sleeping, even though it was 3 in the afternoon. I was just lying on the couch, Lachlan leaning over me but eventually he got sick of staying and threw himself over the top of the couch, landing on top of me.

"Oof! Lachlan!" I whined, even though my automatic reaction was to wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. He giggled and just clung to me, leaving the two of us in silence again, for a while at least until Vikk stumbled down the stairs, half-asleep.

"Hey guys." He mumbled, falling down onto the couch opposite us. "How long have you been up?"

"Uhhh all day? It's 3 o'clock."

"Oh." He mumbled, seemingly not caring that he had been sleeping when he probably should have been awake.

That was normally the attitude he had when he woke up, grouchy, half-asleep and not wanting to converse with anyone until he had had two cups of coffee.

"Do you want some coffee Vikk?" Lachlan offered, rolling off me and landing on the floor with a thump. He nodded tiredly and glanced up at the two of us, smiling when he saw me lying on the couch and Lachlan sprawled on the floor.

Lachlan disappeared for a couple of minutes and there was some loud clattering in the kitchen before coming back with three mugs, two of coffee and one of hot chocolate. The coffee was for me and Vikk, Lachlan should never have coffee, ever. Unless you want him bouncing off the ceiling.

"Thanks Lachy." He mumbled, sipping from the steaming mug. "You're the best."

Lachlan came back and sat down beside me, and I could smell the sugary drink from where I was. He just grinned at me over the rim of the mug and finally leaned up against me, his head resting lightly on my shoulder and one of his legs slung over my crossed ones.

We just sat in silence for a little while, sipping on our hot drinks and made the most of not having to work. I knew we would have to get back to recording and editing soon but it was better to make the most of having time off and time with my boyfriend and friend.

JJ was the next to stumble down the stairs, I could hear his stomach growling from where he was in the kitchen. He had been up for at least 16 hours by that point and probably hadn't eaten in that time too so once he had sorted a mountain of food he came into the living room to sit with us.

"Afternoon." He mumbled, already stuffing his face with food. "Who just got up."

"Me." Vikk said, raising his hand a few inches. "The others have been up all day."

Then we lapsed back into silence, the only sounds were JJ's fork scraping the plate, one of the rest of us sipping on our drinks or Lachlan leaning over to press a kiss to my cheek.

Simon and Josh came down about half an hour later, both stumbling and giggly. They were almost acting like they were drunk but I knew they weren't, they were drunk off the lack of sleep and would probably end up sleeping on the living room floor if someone didn't do anything.

Both of them fell onto the beanbags, giggling, and interrupted the peaceful silence. It took a few minutes for them to settle down and realized that we were all in silence, so settled down in silence as well.

It was peaceful.


Lachlan sighed happily, nuzzling his head into my neck. His mop of blonde hair tickled my neck and I leaned down to squeeze his hand, and it was silent enough that I could hear and feel his heartbeat.

We were less than a week away from leaving London and both of us were heading back to Texas to spend some time with my family over thanksgiving. After that we would go to Australia to spend some time there, as we tried to spend equal amounts of time in each of our home countries.

It was nice spending time with friends, who I considered friends now, especially as Lachlan and I didn't get to see them often. Really it was the first time I had been around with all of the Sidemen together since there had been a Pack and Sidemen meet-up lord knows how many years earlier. It had been a good time, yes, but I hadn't known them.

It had also been interesting seeing them react to our relationship. They had obviously know we were together, Vikk had told them months before we had even planned to go over to London, but their reaction when they had seen us holding hands, kissing or just being generally close were quite funny.

Vikk had seen us together before, so he didn't care, Simon had just grinned before purposely bumping into us to knock us around, Josh rolled his eyes but he couldn't talk considering he and Freya were like us when they were together and JJ pretended to gag, whispered 'PDA!' across the room or ran away screaming.

Vikk said just to ignore him, he was both jealous that we were together considering he was single as hell and just liked making fun of us for being close.

"You ready to go home soon?" I asked, thinking about the 16 hour plane ride we had ahead of us, less than a week away. He shrugged his shoulders, looking decidedly indifferent about the thought.

"I don't know. I want to stay on longer but at the same time I don't cause it's a mad house here. At yours at least it's quiet some sometimes." He shrugged again.

"True. It is a bit crazy around here." I saw the smile on his face though, and knew he had had a good time. "We had time with friends, and now it's time to go home."

"Yeah." He said, happily this time. "It's time to go home."

The Pack and Sidemen OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora