Vikklan- Watery Secret Part 1

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Vikk's P.O.V.

Not many people understood who or what I was, and even if they did they often didn't care. Not that I minded, because it meant that I didn't have to worry about keeping my secret too much, as no one paid attention enough to pick up on anything.

My friends never knew, not even Lachlan, who I had known the longest out of anyone and was the closest too, more than my family even. We were so close that we knew practically everything about the other, and I mean everything, simply because we had been so close for so long.

He was sitting beside me now, head in his phone and paying no attention to the world around him, kicking his feet back and forth under the table. He had been staying with myself and the Sidemen for a couple of weeks for a convention and although that had only lasted two days he had decided to stay for a little longer.

I was glad he decided to stay actually, we didn't get to see each other often other than in calls and recordings, so being face to face was a privilege and a great time. He was happy go lucky and free willed most of the time, never seemed to be in a bad mood and managed to get me up anytime I was feeling down.

The boys were planning the next Sidemen Sunday in the next room, which we were filming today, and I could hear them yelling at each other across the room. I think it was going to be a questionnaire sort of thing, quiz questions and if we got them wrong we had to do a forfeit or something, but I didn't really care.

"Oi Lachlan!" Ethan yelled from next door, gaining the younger boys attention. "Are you gonna take part or nah? You can if you want."

He had stuck his head around the door to say the last part of his sentence and although Lachlan looked a little startled he shrugged.

"I don't think I will... I'll just stick behind the camera." He nodded and then turned to me.

"We're gonna do like a quiz thing but Sidemen related, Simon already tweeted out for questions and if you get it wrong you're gonna get pushed in the pool. Alright?" I nodded, although my heart had sank at the mention of being pushed into the pool.


I could feel my fingers trembling, I was getting worried. This was the last thing I wanted, especially since Lachlan was here and he had no idea and also because none of the boys had any idea either. I always swam alone, and for a very good reason as well.

Lachlan smiled sideways at me, knowing that the video was going to make me go through hell and back, just as they did every time. Each recording was a huge effort, it required everything I had in me to keep filming and often I couldn't do anything for the rest of the day, and I knew this would be even worse.

"Have fun filming." Lachlan snickered, his hand over his mouth. "I'll try not to laugh."


I glared at Lachlan as he sat cross-legged behind the camera, sniggering into his hands. He had had a look over the questions that were about to be asked by Con, and was giggling away at them which didn't give me any reassurance about how the video was going to go.

Simon rolled his eyes at me as I huffed and crossed one leg over the other, sitting uncomfortably on the shitty plastic chairs that we were all sitting on. He was completely at ease with what was about to happen but after all, he didn't have anxiety or a huge secret resting on his shoulders.

"Welcome to a Sidemen quiz! It's simple, you get a question wrong, you get pushed in the pool!" Ethan yelled, throwing his hands up into the air. "Con will read the questions!"

Con waved at the camera and the rest of the boys took their seats, I squeezed my knees together nervously and waited for the onslaught of questions and the likely several times that I would be thrown into the pool. Lachlan winked, still giggling.

"Which Sidemen has posted the least videos on their main channel this year?" Con started off, asking Josh, who was first in the line of chairs and probably the first to go into the pool.

Although, that question was super easy.

It was Harry, obviously.


Somehow, I won. I managed to not get pushed in the pool at every question that was asked and was the last one up on the pool deck, all 6 other boys were splashing around below me. I thought I might have gotten away with it, I thought I might not have to go into the pool, but then Con spoke up.

"So Vikk won! But I don't think that means he can get away with it, so I'm going to ask him 3 insanely hard questions and if he gets even one of them wrong then it's into the pool!" I sighed and buried my head in my hands, cursing him silently.

Why Con? Why?

Lachlan was giggling with his hand smothering the sounds so the camera wouldn't pick up his voice. I glared at him over my hand and he poked his tongue out back, red in the face from laughing so hard at my situation and at the antics of the boys.

"To the nearest thousand, how many subscribers does you main channel have?" I threw my arms up into the air, looking around at Lachlan.

"Really!? Why would I know! I don't keep track unless I'm approaching a milestone!" I didn't even try to keep track half of the time.

"Uhhhh 5 million... five point five million... oh fuck off that's literally all I know." Con raised an eyebrow.

"Do you have an answer?"

"Five million, five hundred and.... fuck it, seventy thousand. I dunno." He paused, looked down at his phone, looked back up and grinned.

"And you are right! Right now your sub count is five million, five hundred and sixty nine thousand, two hundred (5,569,200). You were like 800 off." I placed my hand over my heart, which was still pounding so fast that I could feel it in the back of my throat.

"You're a dickhead Con." I mumbled.

"It's not my fault you won!" He said cheerfully. "You could be in the pool! Second question! How many videos are there on the main Sidemen channel right now, including this one, and I'll give you 2 either side as leeway."

"Oh fuck off! I don't know!" I knew before I even answered that it was wrong. "78."

"Is that your final answer?" Con asked, and I knew from his tone that my answer was wrong but I was ready for it now. I knew I was going to go in, no matter what. I sighed.


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