Vikklan- Watery Secret Part 2

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Vikk's P.O.V.

Con stepped towards me and then gave me a massive shove, sending me and the chair toppling backwards into the pool. I landed with a huge splash, choking and spluttering.

There were a shouts of laughter as my head broke the surface and I stood, already feeling the tingling in my legs. It could take a couple of minutes for me to transform and just as I stood up I saw Con doing the outro to the video and some of the boys climbing out of the pool, shivering.

The boys were all gone within a minute and Con dragged away the cameras, leaving Lachlan and I alone, myself still in the pool. My legs were stuck together and when I looked down I could see the green scales forming on my thighs. I couldn't get out of the pool, not while Lachlan was there.

It could take up to half an hour for my legs to return to normal after being submerged in water for 5 to 10 minutes so I would either have to get out and risk Lachlan noticing something or stay in until he left and hide for an hour until I was back to normal.

Lachlan sat in silence, watching me as I floated in the water with my arms up on the side of the pool, not really sure of what to say.

"Are you getting out?" I shrugged, trying to seem like I was indifferent.

"Dunno, might stay in for a while."

"Al'ight." He said, lying back on the ground and pulling his phone out. I swore under my breath and muffled it by kicking a water with my legs, which was now almost completely a tail. The scales had completely grown in now and the only thing left to change were my feet, slowly morphing in thin green fins.

I was so busy concentrating that I didn't notice Lachlan pulling his shirt off and run at me, divebombing off the tiles and into the pool beside me, sending spray everywhere. My first reaction was to panic because now he could see my tail very clearly.

I saw both shock and hesitation on his face as he stood up, wading his way towards me. His eyes flickered between my face and my tail, wavering through the layer of water, and up until he was a metre away he didn't say anything.

"What... Vikk? Is that... a tail?" The disbelief in his voice was incredible and I nodded.

"Yes." I whispered. "It's a tail."

I knew there was no getting out of it now so I turned around and jumped up onto the side of the pool, sitting up and turning around so he could it properly. It was a bright emerald green and I thought it was very beautiful, but I also hated it because it made me different.

"But... how?" Lachlan said, still stunned and also mesmerised. "This is so freaking cool!"

He was bouncing up in down in the water, sending low waves splashing against the base of my tail. He waded so he was leaning on the edge of the pool beside me and looked up at me with a childlike wonder in his eyes, bright happiness and curiosity.

"I don't really know..." I said. "I was just... born this way. I'm part merman."

"Can I... can I touch your tail?" He asked shyly, not actually looking me in the eyes as he said it. I was a little hesitant because he was the first person who had found out about my tail and I normally hated touching it myself but I slowly nodded.

His touch was gentle, slow and jumpy and I could tell he wasn't completely sure if I was comfortable with it or not. He looked up at me nervously but I nodded, letting him continue because he was being so careful and so ginger, he wasn't going to hurt me.

When he pulled away, holding his hand up in front of his face, he spoke again.

"It's.... smooth? It's weird, I thought I would be rough." I smiled, my scales did actually did look a little rough but they were incredibly smooth. I understood his surprise.

"I know." I shrugged myself up onto the side of the pool and reached over for a towel, drying myself off so I would change back to normal quicker. Lachlan looked at me curiously but didn't say anything, hauling himself up onto the side of the pool and taking another towel, wrapping it around my shoulders.

We sat in silence, a comfortable silence not an awkward one, while I waited for my tail to disappear. Lachlan watched, curious, as the scales faded back into my skin and my legs reappeared, finally allowing me to stand and walk. My legs wouldn't be back to normal for another hour, they were still slightly green and there were still scales on my uppers thighs, but I could easily hide them.

I dried myself off and got up to go inside. I glanced back at Lachlan and he scrambled to his feet too, following me inside like a little puppy with wide eyes. He was still curious and still a little stunned I think, because he stared at the ground for a few seconds before looking up and trailing me to my room.

He had his shirt and phone in hand and shrugged it on, now dry. I pulled out a different shirt and pulled that one, scanning my legs to check the scales that were still there. I flicked them, wanting them to disappear back into my skin faster.

"Vikk?" Lachlan said, finally catching my attention as I plopped down on my desk chair and sighed.

"Mm? Yeah?" I looked at him in the eyes and I saw the shyness but also the burning curiosity. I knew he wanted to ask me something but was either too shy to ask or too nervous that what he was about to say might offend or scare me.

"Can I... can I asked you something?" I nodded.

"Of course."

"Why did you never tell anyone?" He went red.

"Because I was too scared. It makes me different, it makes me a freak and if I told someone I had no idea how they would react." Slowly he inclined his head and then looked away, opening and closing his mouth like wanted to say something more.

And then he kissed me.

He moved over and captured my lips on his, kissing me fiercely and suddenly I kissed back, because it was everything I ever wanted. We pulled away, bright red and hardly able to look each other in the eyes because we were so embarrassed and shy.

"How long have you holding onto that Lachlan?" I whispered, finally looking up.

"Too long. Far too long." He mumbled back, his eyes flickering between me and the floor.

I kissed him again, slow and passionate and brilliant.

He knew my secret, and now I knew his.

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