Vikklan- Sweater (Smut)

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

I felt the bed squeak and as I glanced behind me I found Vikk sitting right about against me, his arms around my waist. I don't need this right now. I sighed just as Vikk whimpered, pouting and his big chocolate eyes begging for my attention.

"Vikk stop." I said sternly, only to make Vikk huff and cross his arms across his chest. I rolled my eyes but then looked across at him again, he was wearing a pastel pink sweater that was pulled up around his hips to reveal white lace panties.

I squirmed in my position but continued to ignore him, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of giving him what he wanted. Does he really have the right to do this right now? I thought to myself, growling when Vikk tugged on my arm.

Just seeing Vikk with his thigh high white socks and the pink sweater and the lace panties had me sweating. A tag on the sweater caught my eye all of a sudden and my eyes went wide because the giant letter written on it was a huge H.

I raised one eyebrow, I had bought Vikk many, many sweaters but no, because pink on Vikk made me go crazy I had never once bought him a pink sweater and then it suddenly hit me. It's Harry's sweater. Why is Vikk wearing one of Harry's sweaters? Oh, that was making me so mad.

Vikk knew not to wear his roommates clothing, he knew that it made me mad and it was someone elses, not his. I had caught him with others clothing on a few times but I had most ignored it, sending him a few warnings and giving him a quick punishment, but apparently he wasn't a very good listener.

I stuck my bookmark in my book and tossed it onto the floor. I slid over to wear Vikk was lying on the bed, his phone out, scrolling through Instagram and looking at some pictures that weren't exactly... PG.

I snatched his phone and roughly threw it onto the floor, Vikk knew exactly what he was doing.

"What game are you trying to play Vikk?" I hissed, seeing red. Vikk shrugged and smirked before rolling his eyes and turning away from me. I growled, Vikk knew he was being incredibly rude and disrespectful but still he knew exactly what he was doing.

I roughly grabbed his shoulder, pushing him back down into the bed before climbing on top of him. My nose flared in anger and Vikk yelped in surprise.

"Ignoring me baby?" I whispered into his ear, grabbing hold of his thighs and pulling him down underneath me. I placed my arms either side of his head and I could tell that Vikk's heart was pounding with excitement and also fear. This was exactly what he wanted, I'd hardly played with him since we moved in together because we'd been so busy and tired, but he just wanted some fun.

"Scared now kitten? Scared about what I'm going to do to you?" I said, pushing his chin back so he was looking at me. "Look at me when I'm talking to you slut."

I knew what Vikk liked and I was going to take advantage of it that night, especially since Vikk had been such a tease. Humiliation was one of his kinks and he loved to be called names, pulled around and degraded and I took that in my stride.

"Look at you, getting all hard for me." I teased, pushing his pink sweater up over his chest. "You like it when I talk to you like this hmmm? Want me to touch you?"

Vikk squirmed beneath me, a whimper leaving his lips every few seconds. I took hold of one of his nipples and squeezed and twisted, hearing him cry out. The pain kink was the second one. I roughly pulled his sweater over his head and rolled him over onto his stomach.

Vikk moaned as I rubbed my hand against his crotch, teasing him, and he desperately tried to find more friction but I forced him back down.

"No, not yet you little whore." I spat out, hearing him whimper again. I slapped his ass hard, hearing it echo throughout the room and I watched as he tried to squirm away but I knew he wanted it. His eyes were just begging for it and he had the safe word, if he wanted to stop he could.

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