Merome- Break Up With Your Girlfriend I'm Bored

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Jerome's P.O.V.

At first I didn't understand what was going on when Mitch came home and ignored my greeting, running up the stairs and slamming his bedroom door behind him. I blinked, surprised, and my first thought was to text Jess because he had been out with her.

Jerome: Hey do you know what's up with Mitch? He's ignoring me and he seems pretty upset

Jess: He's got no right to be upset rn

Jess: He broke up w/ me

I didn't even bother to reply to that, my heart dropped and I practically sprinted up the stairs, knocking on the door a little more respectfully. I didn't believe for a second that Mitch had broken up with her, he loved her, and something was up.

"Mitch? You there?" There was nothing but harsh sobbing on the other side of the door. "What's going on Mitch?"

"Leave me alone!" Came the yell back and then his voice dissolved into sobs again, telling me everything I needed to know.

There was no way in hell that he had broken up with Jess willingly, he loved that girl and had for a long time so something had clearly happened that Jess hadn't told me. Cheating maybe, an argument, but I didn't doubt that Mitch hadn't wanted to break up.

"Mitch?" I knocked lightly on the door again, my heart sitting in my throat. "Can I come in? I talked to Jess but I don't think she's telling me everything. I want to know what happened. I'm gonna open the door, alright?"

He didn't say anything, just sniffled.

I pushed open the door and my heart sank from my throat all the way down to my toes at Mitch's state. He was curled up on his bed under several layers of blankets, his eyes ringed red and tears still falling from them, his lip trembling while his shoulders shook.

"Oh Mitch..." I said sadly, sitting down on his bed and reaching out to take his hand in mine. It only took a couple of seconds before he fell completely limp against me, his head resting on my shoulder, his hand in mine and his eyes flickering closed.

He was still hiccupping occasionally, painful for me to hear because I just wanted to coddle him, hug him until he was calm again, but I knew he wouldn't appreciate it.

"What happened Mitch?" I whispered after about half an hour, once he was mostly calm. His head was still on my shoulder.

"Sh- she che-cheated." He hiccupped, hardly able to hold back the tears as they began to flow again.

"God Mitch, that..." I couldn't even think of the right word to say, that was how bad it was. "I think I know what to do to cheer you up. Do you reckon you'll be alright for 15 minutes?"

He nodded so I set him up with my laptop and covered him in layers of blankets, enough to stay warm for the time I was away.

"I'll be back in a bit, alright?" I said, pressing a quick kiss to the side of his head after pushing his curls out of the way. "Text me if you need anything."


Four pottles of ice cream in the front seat of my car later I was on the way back home. They were each different flavours; cookies and cream, French vanilla, mint chocolate chip and Neapolitan. Cookies and cream and Neapolitan were Mitch's favourites, and I knew it would cheer him up.

Mitch lit up like a lightbulb the second I stepped into his view, his eyes widening at the number of containers in my arms. His mouth dropped open.

"That's... a lot of ice cream." I nodded, grinning.

"I think the right of passage after a break up is to gorge yourself on ice cream, watch cheesy comedy movies and build a blanket fort, so that's exactly what we're going to do."

I bundled him off the bed with my laptop and the pile of blankets, leading him down the stairs, hand in hand. His eyes were still rimmed red but the tears had stopped falling, and he didn't seem to be visibly upset and was instead apprehensive and bright.

"Blanket fort!" I yelled, throwing the blankets up into the air. Mitch smiled but didn't make any effort to help, so I settled him on the couch with the ice cream and laptop in his arms.

I then set about building a huge blanket fort, draping duvets over the couch and chairs, setting up the laptop so we could watch movies and then I grabbed the pottles of ice cream and several spoons, throwing them in there as well. I smiled at my work.

"That's better." Mitch stood up from the couch and slid his hand into mine, the flicker of a smile on his face. "Come on, let's eat ice cream and watch stupid movies."

And with that both of us crawled into the fort, ice cream in hand, and Mitch curled up with his head on my chest. I started up a playlist of cheesy movies, something to cheer him up and we lapsed into silence with the only sounds being spoons digging into the ice cream.

I ran my hand through his hair and occasionally I saw the flicker of a smile, telling me it was alright. Maybe it wasn't perfect, but it was alright.


Mitch fell asleep leaning against me, his head on my chest and several blankets pulled tight around his shoulder. I managed to sneak out and put the ice cream in the freezer so it would melt and thankfully he was still asleep when I got back.

As I passed the couch I noticed his phone buzzing away, so I picked it up. On it were almost 200 unread messages, every single one from Jess. I felt sick going through them and although I couldn't really summarize so many messages a few short sentences, most of them contained the same things.

You're an asshole, you should be more grateful to have had me, it's your own fault that I cheated, get back with me, some more unsavoury words, slurs and finally, Jess called him a whore, loose, greedy and a bitch for being bisexual.

By the time I could through it, I was fuming. I knew Mitch was bi, I had known for several years and not once had I thought anything of it. He liked girls and guys, cool. End of story. Jess had decided to attack him for it, even though it was her own fault that they had broken up. I decided to settle it once and for all, so he would never have to deal with her again.

Mitch: Jess, this is Jerome. I've just read your messages to him and I have to say I'm utterly disgusted in you. I thought you were at least a half decent person. Don't ever contact me or Mitch again, this number will be blocked, and don't even try to go through social media. If you contact him, I will know.

Jess: Oh come on, it's his own fault for being such a slut, I bet he's already got a boyfriend. Or maybe he's your boyfriend and you're a whore as well.

Mitch: DON'T try and contact this number again.

And with that I blocked her, preceded to go onto every one of Mitch's socials and block her there, delete all of the messages and then do the same thing on my phone. Never again would she talk to him, not on my watch.

I ran my hand lightly through his hair, smiling as he sleepily pushed his head into my touch.

"I'm glad you go out of that one Mitch." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his waist.

I pressed a light kiss to the back of his head and closed my eyes, ready for anything to come.

I would fight to protect him with everything I had in me, and he knew that.

No matter what came, we would be together.

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