Vikk + Sidemen- Seizure

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I knew something was wrong even before I started the live stream. I was woozy and there was a pounding headache burning behind my eyes, meaning I could hardly concentrate on the screen in front of me. I was setting up to stream Fortnite, but now I didn't want to.

Simon and Josh were going to be streaming with me but right before we were set to start, Simon came into my room. I was resting my head in my hands and blinking slowly, wincing when I felt his footsteps vibrate the floor as he stepped gingerly towards me.

"Vikk?" He asked, placing his hand gently on my shoulder. "You alright?"

I nodded but moaned in pain at the movement, the room spinning in front of me.

"Are you sure you're up to livestreaming? You don't look so good." I waved my hand at him.

"I'm fine Si, just need a minute." I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair, trying to find something to pass the dizziness. I knew that it was likely to do with my epilepsy but the symptoms had changed almost every day so I didn't know for sure.

Simon stood in my doorway and waited, watching me closely for a few minutes and once I had my eyes open again he came back over to me. He carded his hand gently through my hair, pressing two ibuprofen into my hand for me to take.

"Are you sure that you're up for streaming Vikk? You don't look very good." I sighed and nodded, I didn't want to disappoint my fans by not streaming, I had already tweeted that I would be streaming and I couldn't cancel now.

"I'm fine Si!" I said, waving him away. "I'll be fine to stream."

He sighed and then left, looking back at me once or twice worriedly because I knew he didn't want me to stream. He was worried about my health and I knew he always had been, but I had to do this. I couldn't give in now.

Two minutes later I had started my stream and Josh and Simon had joined me, we were streaming like normal and for a little while at least I felt okay because I could concentrate on something else. I didn't feel the headache or the nausea or the weakness in my arms or the black dots dancing before my eyes.

I managed to act normal for half an hour but my eyes couldn't focus enough to read the chat and some people noticed that I was a little off. I knew I was a little off too because I kept dying every round, my reflexes were off and my head kept dropping because I was on the verge of passing out.

"Hey Vikk?" Josh said on the other side of the call, his voice fading in and out. "You alright?"

There were voices in my ears and I could decipher what they were saying, I faded in and out on consciousness and finally I felt myself slump sideways off my chair and landed with a thump on the floor. My eyes flickered closed and I remembered nothing more.

Simon's P.O.V.

My first thought was to end his livestream, I wanted to protect his privacy and stop his condition from being broadcast to the entire world. I, I and the other Sidemen, all knew he had epilepsy and we knew how to deal with his seizures but not many others did, and he had chosen to keep his condition a secret, for now at least.

Vikk had fallen off his chair and was lying on the floor, shaking like lightening was running through his veins. His arms seized across his chest, his muscles convulsing and spasming in waves that I couldn't do anything about, I had to wait for it to pass.

His eyes rolled back into his head and he making terrifying choking noises that made my heart leap, his face going blue because he wasn't pulling in any air. I turned him over onto his side just as Josh ran in, blurting out that he had ended both of our streams.

"How long?" He asked, crouching down beside me. Vikk was still shaking, but the convolutions were slowing.

"2 minutes, maybe longer." Vikk jolted heavily one last time before going still, his breathing returning to a normal but heavy rhythm.

It was like he was asleep, he was breathing slowly and although his face was pale and still tinged blue, the seizure was over and he wasn't in danger anymore. I breathed a sigh of relief, 2 minutes and 30 seconds, that was a long one but not so much that there was anything seriously wrong.

"Did anyone see the seizure in the live stream? I know he fell of his chair but did it just look like he passed out or did anyone see him seizing?" Josh shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not. Just wait until Vikk's conscious, tweet that he's okay and then wait until the morning. This has to be his decision, not ours." I nodded and leaned back, waiting Vikk for any signs on movement.

For a few minutes there was nothing, just slow breathing and the occasional twitch of a finger but eventually he started to wake up. The first thing that happened was he groaned in pain, turning his head as he started to open his eyes.

I caught Josh's eye and he nodded, disappearing down the stairs to grab a bottle of water. I stayed by the younger boys side, squeezing his hand gently to let him know that I was there and whispering comforting words.

"It's alright Vikk, you're alright." He blinked open his eyes, squinting up at me. His eyes met mine and although there was bit of confusion at first, that gave way to relief when he saw it was just me.

"Hey Vikky, you alright?" He nodded slowly, moving each part of his body separately to find out where it hurt. Nothing seemed too bad, just general aches and pains, so I wasn't too worried. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Seizure." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"No what specifically happened. Where were you?" He always answered seizure when he came out of unconsciousness so I wasn't sure if he actually remembered what happened or if it was just a default answer to get me off his back. I always doubled checked.

He squinted and thought for a second, clearly uncertain.

"Video?" He paused. "No... I was.. live- livestreaming?"

He hesitated but I nodded and I saw the panic flood his eyes. He had had a seizure while he was streaming, everyone must know about it now!

"Vikk it's alright, you fell off your chair before you started seizing. It looked like you just passed out." I, of course, didn't actually know that, but I wanted to wait until he was awake and functioning before I panicked him. He nodded slowly, a little distrustful, but when Josh came back in with a bottle of water he held out a shaky hand for it.

"You'll have to sit up first Vikk." He said, sitting down beside us and helping the shaking boy into an upright position. It was only then he handed him the bottle and I fully relaxed, he wasn't stressed about for now at least.

I gave Josh a look. Wait till the morning. I mouthed, looking across at Vikk. Give him some time to recover first.


The video was titled "Epilepsy", giving away exactly what he had to say during the video. The first thing that came up was the clip of him passing out during the live stream, and then several other videos of him having seizures while he had been recording either his own videos or with us.

The other Sidemen and I sat behind the boy as he recorded it, there for moral support, as watched as he told his viewers of his life, how he had his first seizure at 3 and how he had had them almost weekly since then. How they had been so debilitating that he often couldn't function for hours, how he put all of his work into YouTube simply because it was the only work he could do without having to worry about constantly taking sick days.

"I kept it a secret because for so long people have demeaned me for my health and I didn't want you guys to do the same, even though I know most of you wont care. I am only telling you now because of what happened during the live stream, and although I was probably going to tell you guys eventually, it wasn't on my agenda."

He smiled and then leaned back in his chair, looking around at the rest of us. There were smiles and nods of encouragement sent his way and then he turned back to the camera.

"So... yeah. That's it really, there's not much more to say about it. Don't expect any less than normal, I'll still be recording like normal and there'll still be one or two videos up per day."

"Thank you and goodbye."

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