Wooflan- Weighted Part 2

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Rob's P.O.V.

Lachlan was still fast asleep when I awoke the next morning, pancaked peacefully underneath his thick blanket with only the top of his head visible to me from where I was lying across the room. Mitch was no longer there, having disappeared sometime in the night up to his bedroom to sleep but he must have tucked a blanket over me before he left because there was one around me, which made me smile.

It took me a few minutes to stir and drag myself from the couch because my entire body was aching but by the time I was on my feet Lachlan was stirring, blinking blearily over the edge of the blanket. I winced sympathetically because I hadn't meant to wake him up, and he looked exhausted.

"Hey Lachy." I whispered, crouching down beside him so we were eye level. "What's up?"

"Tired." He mumbled, blinking lowly.

I held my hand out towards him and he bowed his head, allowing me to run my hand through his hair gently while he lay there, practically melting into the couch. I smiled to myself. His hair was a little greasy because he hadn't had a shower but I didn't mind, I just massaged his scalp while crouched beside the couch.

"Do you want some breakfast?"

He thought for a second but wrinkled his nose.

"Not right now but I might have a milo. There should be a tin next to the coffee." I nodded and headed into the kitchen, not worried about leaving him for moment. If I was honest I wasn't actually hungry either and so made myself a cup of instant coffee, while trying to find the tin of milo.

"The green one?" I called.

"Yeah." Came the exhausted sounding reply. "You gotta put lots in, do like 3 spoonfuls."

I went back into the living room with two steaming mugs and gave one to Lachlan, sitting on the ground in front of the couch so I was right next to his head. He was still pancaked underneath his blanket but sat up a little to drink whatever it was milo was, kind of like hot chocolate but not really. It certainly didn't smell like it.

"Are you alright this morning?" I asked gently, resting my elbow in the couch. He gave me a confused look.

"Y-Yeah? I was alright last night?"

"No you weren't really, you were super tired and I could tell you were anxious."

He went a little red around the tips of his ears and bowed his head, burying himself in his drink.

"Hey, no need to be ashamed about it. I get anxiety too you know, no matter if you've got something to comfort you." He went even redder.

"How... how did you know about that?" He stuttered a little, staring at me wide-eyed.

"Mitch told me when I asked."

"I had to." Mitch said from the doorway, Lachlan and I both spinning our heads around to face him, and he stood looking decidedly ashamed. "I didn't mean to without your permission but I figured it was better for him to know."

Lachlan smiled a little, gesturing for Mitch to join us.

"It's alright, he would probably have worked it out soon enough."


It was a quiet day, all three of us spent it in the living room watching television while lounging around lazily. None of us really wanted to do any work so none of us bothering to get up, Lachlan curled up underneath his blanket, Mitch lolling on the chair with his phone in hand and myself moving from sitting in front of Lachlan to being faceplanted on a beanbag.

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