Wooflan- So Cold Part 1

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

The boat was crowded, perhaps a little overcrowded, but no one wanted to be left behind at the cottage and I didn't blame them. There were 7 of in in total crowded onto a boat that was meant to seat 6 at a max but we made it fit, some sitting on the back, dangling their legs into the water, and more crowded up at the front.

I also couldn't blame anyone for what happened next. Everyone was facing the front and I was the only one sitting right at the back as Rob revved the engine and over the roar of the motor, the pumping music and the laughter and chatter of everyone, nobody heard my yelp as the boat turned suddenly, my grip wasn't tight enough and I tumbled backwards off the boat.

The turbulence in the water caused by the boat forced me under the water and I couldn't surface, kicking and spluttering. It was disorientating and I couldn't tell where the surface was so for a moment I floated, my eyes bleary underwater.

I surfaced, gasping and choking. My head swivelled around and all I could see through the blur of water and spray was the boat in the distance- moving away from me. It was clear within seconds that they hadn't noticed I had fallen off and that only created more panic because I was floating in the middle of a lake, choking and spluttering with no lifejacket. It would take at least half an hour to swim to any one of the shores.

When I finally stopped choking I lay back, attempting to calm my breathing. I was struggling not to panic because what to do, what to do?! I was verging on a panic attack again and I swallowed thickly, kicking my feet a little to stay about the surface.

The cold shock when I initially fell in wasn't too bad, I had been in the water a couple of times already that day, but even after just a couple of minutes my fingers were beginning to go numb.

Great. I thought. I'm in the middle of a lake with no lifejacket, no one knows I'm missing and I'm freezing.

I just floated there, freezing and scared, hoping they would find me.

I was so, so cold.

Rob's P.O.V.

We had been speeding back to the cottage when I thought I heard something, but I thought nothing of it. The sun was setting and it was getting a bit too cold to stay out, plus everyone was hungry, so we wanted to get back to a place with a heat pump and food. Mitch was asleep in the front, he had been for a solid hour. We were just pulling into the dock when Ilsa looked around.

"Wait, where's Lachlan?"

There was an area of general confusion as everyone looked around the boat and I mentally counted the number of people on board- me, 1, Ilsa, 2, Grace, 3, Elliot, 4, Jake, 5, Mitch, 6, - Lachlan. He wasn't on the boat. I saw the colour drain from Mitch's face as he realised his brother was missing and my heart sank into my feet because how? Had he fallen off? How had we not noticed?

And then I thought back to that noise I thought I had heard, it had sounded like a yelp. That had been well over 20 minutes ago and I knew that was when he had fallen off.

"Shit! Shit, fuck, fuck!" I cursed, ushering the others off the boat. "Jake, jet ski. Mitch, come with me. You lot-" I threw Elliot the keys to the cottage, "stay here."

"Rob what are you-" Grace said, but I cut her off.

"Going back to find him. I think I heard him when he fell, I know the basic area. I trust Jake to do the jet ski on his own and I'm not bringing you all with me." I helped Mitch back onto the boat as Jake ran up the dock, pushing the jet ski off its pad and into the water.

Mitch was as a pale as a sheet of paper and I could see him shaking.

"Elliot I need two- three, three hoodies and some towels and blankets." He took off running without another word while I shoved Mitch into a seat and restarted the engine, watching Jake as the jet ski roared to life alongside us. Elliot was back in a couple of minutes, holding what I asked for.

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