Vikklan/Wroetostar- Helping Hand

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Vikk's P.O.V.

Some part of me wished the news had never come to the light of day, that I had stay oblivious to what was going on, but the other part of me was grateful because it was going to end in heartbreak either way. It wasn't me who caught him of course, he wasn't caught at all, I was just grateful that both of them came forwards.

I think Rob must have convinced Lachlan to tell me what was going on because he was in the call, in the background reclined on the couch, when Lachlan finally confessed. He looked so ashamed and embarrassed and just disgusted with himself that I knew he being honest.

"Look Vikk... I'm so sorry but I have to tell you... I think... I think we should break up. I have to be honest with you because I feel so bad for doing this, but I've been cheating." He looked away from the camera, biting down on his lip. "Rob finally convinced me to tell you because he feels bad as well."

It didn't click that he must have cheating on me with Rob until much later and although I was forever grateful that he convinced Lachlan to tell me, it did tear a rift in our friendship. I didn't have the heart to completely break contact with Lachlan, we had only been together a year and I had known him for many years more, so we simply remained as friends.

Although I tried to take it well, I tried to pretend that I simply didn't care, the break up was one of the most difficult things I had ever been though in my entire life. I really had loved Lachlan and I thought he loved me as well even though that turned out to be a lie.

I couldn't face the world, not after everything, so I simply locked myself in my room in the hope that I would be able to sort out my emotions and feelings with time.

Time didn't seem to help.


"Vikk?" A sharp rap at the door startled me from my fitful sleep. "Come on mate you've been in there for three days straight. What's up? We're leaving to record the Sidemen Sunday soon, you gotta come out."

I sighed at Josh's voice and buried my head in my arms. I didn't have the physical or mental strength to deal with going out so I just decided to lie.

"I'm not well Josh." I mumbled, trying my best to sound hoarse. "Just do it without me." There was a second of hesitation before Josh spoke again.

"Are you sure? They'll all ask where you were, we can move it to another day if it's that bad."

"Don't bother." I said, not too loudly. "Just film it, it'll be fine without me."

"O-okay then. Do you want anything?"

"No." Then under my breath I mumbled. "Sleep."


I stayed hidden for quite a long time, barely leaving my room for close to a month. Occasionally I ventured out to grab some food but that was normally in the early hours of the morning between 6 and 9am when I knew the boys would be asleep.

I had a bathroom attached to my bedroom and I could fill my water bottle up in there so there was really no other reason to leave. I did go out every couple of days, I just left with no warning, took my car and drove around London aimlessly just to give me something to do.

Every night one of the boys would come and knock on my door, ask me what was wrong, beg me to come out and talk, anything, but I simply yelled at them to go away. I didn't want to talk to them, I didn't want to talk to anyone, at least that was what I thought until Harry showed up.

He was different to any of the others, he didn't go straight to my door and demand me to open it, tell them what was wrong so they could get it sorted out and get everything back on track. Instead, a month after Lachlan and I had broken up, he knocked on my door, told me he was there and that was it.

I heard him sit down on the other side of the door and then scribbling for a few minutes. About 5 minutes later a folded piece of paper was slid under my door and then he left. That was it. No begging for answers, no telling me that he was always there for me, no demanding. Nothing.

The letter was one of the sweetest things I had ever read, and it went like this;

Hey Vikk,

I know you've been in your room for a while now but no one can work out what's going on. They've said that you don't want to talk to them, you come and grab food at weird hours or just disappear for a whole day with no notice and I want to know what's going on.

I'm really concerned for your mental health, it isn't good to be cooped up in your room like this. Did something happen? I'm assuming so because you aren't normally like this and if you're up to telling me, if you want to tell me, then I'll be there. You don't have to, but I want to know that you're safe.


I read his letter over and over, analysing every word and then putting it down to reflect. It the logical side of my brain I knew I had to get over this break up, I couldn't think about it and act like this forever, and Harry was offering the first road out that I really wanted to take.

I knew I couldn't talk to him, so instead I wrote a letter back.

Hey Harry,

Yeah, I know, I've been in my room for a while. I just don't want to face life right now and I thought locking myself away to work everything out would solve it, but it hasn't. About a month ago something happened. Lachlan and I broke up even though I suppose you never knew we were together in the first place.

He was cheating on me with Rob and admitted it. It's probably the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with and I don't know what to do because I'm just not getting over it. I think I want help.


I didn't get a note the next time, when I pushed the piece of paper under the door while Harry was sitting there. Instead I got a soft knock and an even softer voice, asking me to unlock the door and let him come in.

"Vikky? Can you open the door, please? I promise it's just me." I did as he asked after a couple of minutes and let the taller blonde into my room, the first human in there other than me for the first time in a month.

The first thing he did was open his arms for a hug and I just fell right into them. I was so touch starved, so desperate for any feeling of human contact, that a hug was all I wanted right then and Harry was there to give it to me.

"My god Vikk, I'm so sorry..." He whispered, hugging me tightly. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

I clung to him for quite a while, not wanting to let him go. He didn't seem to mind though because he just held me, his arms around my shoulders and his chin on the top of my head.

I broke down again, knowing that I was safe in Harry's arms and he was able to protect me, something I hadn't had the feeling of in a long time. It was comforting and Harry knew it as well because eventually he tugged me over onto the bed, hugging me to his chest.

"It's alright, it's okay." He whispered, and then something surprising happened.

He leaned down and kissed me, capturing my lips on his and after a few seconds of shock, I couldn't help but kiss back. His lips were soft but chapped and everything was just so perfect that I just melted into him. We pulled away red and gasping.

"My god Vikky..." Harry gasped, giggling. "That was brilliant."

I was still crying but they were just falling down my cheeks from earlier. He just started running his hand through my hair, once again holding me to his chest.

"Just remember, I'll be there for you Vikky." He whispered. "I'll be here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, when you need someone to talk to, when you need support."

"Thanks Harry." I mumbled, sniffling. "Thanks for being here."

"Always." He whispered. "Always."

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