Vikklan- Weight Part 2

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

Obviously nothing got better overnight, in fact it took months and months before I even started to see any improvement in Vikk's overall mental and physical health. I did see a spike in his mental health after I had my conversation with him and he started talking a lot more to me once I went home, a call at least once a day.

"I started going back to the gym today." Vikk said with a shy smile on his face.

I grinned, my heart lifting at hearing that. Part of his downfall was him stopping his sessions at the gym so him starting back up was a great sign that he was finally getting himself back on track. It was brilliant to hear, because hopefully it meant he could get rid of the horrible gaunt look on his face and his bones wouldn't show when he lifted his shirt.

"That's amazing Vikk! It's good! It means you're getting back up there!" He smiled and nodded back, glowing and looking so proud of himself that I almost awed at the hopefulness in his eyes.

"It... it feels good to be back."


It was sad to see that the changes that took less than a month took over a year to reverse, but Vikk's hard work and happiness with himself made the changes possible. He talked to me every day about his progress and I encouraged him to keep going every single time because I knew how much good it would do for him, to be told I was so proud of him for the progress he had made.

The photos that he posted of himself on Instagram and Twitter showed the biggest changes though. In the space of two years he went from a skinny twig living in the Sidemen house, to a happy, healthy boy in his own apartment back to a depressed twig who was constantly being picked on and finally back to the best version of Vikk I had ever seen, healthy, happy, fit and confident.

He had the energy to record, edit and still get everything in his life done to a high standard. He told me that each day he was able to eat three healthy meals a day, go on a walk or a run, take an hour of breaks between recordings to relax and get some projects he was working on done.

It was amazing to see him getting so much done and being so proud of himself for doing so, because I knew he wasn't used to it. He wasn't used to being so productive and so happy about it because of how long he had spent in a depressive state and emotionally numb.

"It's weird." He said, musing. "I've been so used to not being able to things in a day but now I get so much done and it feels like nothing. It's almost like my life was going in fast forward before now."


Vikk called me crying at 3am, bawling his eyes out while he lay on his bed. It was some time in the afternoon for him and I knew he had been recording a Sidemen Sunday earlier in the day so I knew at once that something was up, and it was something to do with that.

"Vikky?" I said, panicked. "What's wrong? What happened?"

It took him quite a while to stop the sobs to the point where he was able to speak, hiccupping and sobbing and shaking on the other end of the call while I could do nothing to comfort him other than offer him meaningless and useless words.

"They- they're doing it again!" He cried, sobbing painfully. "They're commenting on my weight! They kept pointing it out and Ethan tried to pick me up and pretended I was too heavy and I don't know what to do! I've just started feeling better about myself!"

He wailed, hitting the bed in his sheer frustration and sadness.

Already, a plan was formulating in the back of my head because I swear to God, I was not going to sit by and do nothing while my boyfriends supposed friends tore him down, after he had spent so long trying to build himself back up. And yes, we were boyfriends.

I gave him another half an hour before telling him what I planned to do, letting the sobs subside while I whispered gentle words into his ear. Eventually he sobbed himself dry and just lay on the bed, his face buried in his pillow while his chest heaved.

"Vikk, I just can't stand by anymore. I'm booking the next flight I can get up there and I'm going to whoop their asses for what they're doing to you, I swear." Vikk's head shot up, panic clear in his eyes.

"Lachlan no! Just- please, let me deal with it!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you going to deal with it though?" He looked away sheepishly. "That's what I thought. Don't worry Vikky, it'll be alright."


I spent the first few days just being with Vikk, relishing in the fact that we were together again. I was able to pepper his beautiful face with kisses and hold him tight and not have to worry about time zones or being on the other side of the world; he was there and I was there with him.

The opportunity to confront them came when it was announced on the Sidemen group chat that they would be meeting at the local indoor football filed to film the next Sidemen Sunday the following day. Vikk saw the look in my eyes and knew that I was going to talk to them, and he couldn't stop me.

"Can I stay in the car?" He whispered into the dark the night before, his arms around my waist. "When you go and talk to them I mean."

"Of course." I whispered back, my lips pressed to his forehead. "I understand if you don't wanna see it. I'm gonna be pissed and to be honest, I don't know if I want you to see me that mad. I'd never be that mad at you, but let's just say it's my anger at them combined with yours."

"Yeah." He smiled. "Let's just say that."


Vikk stayed in the car just like he asked as I went into the stadium, my shoulders hunched with anger. I had been holding in my anger around Vikk because I didn't want him to see me like that, mad and grumpy and pissed off and so disappointed that they could just treat their friend like that. We had arrived late on purpose so everyone else would already be there.

All of them but Tobi and Josh, sitting on the sidelines, were kicking soccer balls around when I stormed onto the pitch, letting the shock wash over them. They can come to me. I thought as I stood with my arms folded, glaring at all of them.

"Lachlan?" Simon asked, almost timidly. "What are you doing here?"

I waited for all of them to gather around, and then I fucking exploded.

"What am I doing here!? What am I doing here!? You seriously have the fucking audacity to ask that!? You tell me why my boyfriend called me bawling at 3am because of you, you tell me why I could see his fucking ribs when he lifted his shirt, BECAUSE OF YOU!!!"

I gestured to all of them, watching as they took several steps back. Good. Get the fuck away from me.

"You tell me where his self-esteem went! You tell me why he fell into depression again! You tell me why he turned to fucking alcohol again! You can tell me why your friend is covered in scars by his own hand." I inhaled, staring them down. "And if you can't fucking tell me why, I'll tell you. It's because of you. You destroyed him after everything he built up! AND NOW YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT ALL OVER A-FUCKING-GAIN!!!!"

There was silence from the others, and I turned away.

"Vikk's coming to Australia with me. I'm not leaving my boy with the people who destroyed his life."

I was too far away from them to hear if they said anything, I practically sprinted out to the car and clambered into the passenger seat. Vikk smiled shakily at me, leaning over to give me a tight hug.

"Did it go okay?" I sighed, trembling, as his phone started to buzz.

"I dunno. All I know is that we're going to make this work, but not here." Vikk smiled, knowing exactly where I was going. "Come home with me. We'll make it a real home, away from anything that can bring us down. I promise."

His lips touched mine, bringing me into a loving kiss.

"I know you promise." He whispered back. "And I love you."

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