Minilan- Chills Part 2

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Simon's P.O.V.

Lachlan fought through the fever for the next day and night, sleeping through most of it. When he was awake he was unfocused and bleary and let me help him to do everything, which was something he normally fought against.

His temperature was still higher than normal but it had one down from the 40 mark and was hovering between 38 and 39 which I was more comfortable with. He was still quite ill and would undoubtedly be out of it for a while after the fever broke.

Thinking about the kiss still made me go bright red, especially since it had happened only the night before and although Lachlan had been feverish, I knew he knew what he had done. I knew the meaning behind the kiss and the meaning behind me kissing back, and the love on both ends. The tips of my ears were red.

Lachlan was still fast asleep beside me, shivering a little and flushed red, but calmer than he had been when he was sleeping the day before. My hand was still carding through his hair and even in his sleep he was leaning into my touch, nuzzling himself into my side for warmth and comfort.

"Hey sweetheart." I whispered, taking his hand as he squinted and looked around the room. There was sweat on his forehead and his face was flushed around his cheeks and ears and when I placed my hand on his forehead he was still warm, the fever hadn't broken yet.

"Si?" He mumbled, staring up at me with wide eyes. They were blown wide from sickness and they were a little glassy, so I pulled him closer. "What's the 'ime?"

He was stumbling over his words and was barely focused, huddling himself closer to me to try and stop the chills and shudders running through his body. His jaw was quaking, that was how much he was shivering, but I couldn't stop it.

"It's-" I glanced down at my phone. "Just past 9. You've slept quite a while, all night and most of yesterday afternoon."

He nodded and yawned widely, settling back down. He was still in no state to be up and moving and I could tell he didn't feel like getting up either because when I asked he just groaned and shook his head. "Do you want something to eat?"

He wrinkled his nose at the thought but his eyes scanned the bedside table where my drink bottle was resting, and I saw his gaze on it.

"Do you want some water?" He nodded then and I reached for it, handing it to his shaky hand and helping him sip on it.

It was half an hour later when he spoke up again. He wasn't flushed, instead he was pale and looked very sickly, I could tell he was nauseous but was trying not to be sick.

"I don't like feeling like this." He mumbled, trying to bury himself under both the mound of blankets and me.

"I know you don't Lachy." I said back, my heart panging. He sounded so weak and fed up and sick that I just wanted to take all the sickness and fever and aches away, but I couldn't. "But the fever should break soon, it's been going down and that'll make you feel better."

He didn't look like he believed me, but I didn't blame him. I hated feeling sick because I couldn't do anything, others had to look after me and I just felt useless.

I checked his temperature again and was relieved to see that it was in the low 38's, only a degree above the regular body temperature. Considering his temperature had been above 40 just over 24 hours before this was a major improvement and he was definitely getting better, despite the fact the fever hadn't broken.

Lachlan stirred, rolling over against me. He was sleeping, again, and I was on the verge of falling asleep myself but I managed to stay awake.


Vikk came to check on his friend and me about noon, he had clearly just woken up. Lachlan was actually awake this time and was sitting up, blankets still pulled tightly around his shoulders and his hair mussed and wild from having slept for 2 days straight and having not had a shower.

"Hey you two." Vikk said, sneaking in around the door. He smiled when he saw Lachlan was awake and sitting up, although he still hadn't had anything to eat, having refused to eat anything when I offered to go and get him something. There was an empty mug of coffee from earlier in the morning.

"Hey Vikk." I said back, moving my leg so he could sit on the bed beside us.

"You right Lachy?" He nodded and little and leaned his head against my shoulder, his hand snaking out from underneath the blankets to take mine. "Has the fever gone down?"

He directed the last part at me and I nodded. His temp was in the 37's now, still a little high but it was good even though he wasn't eating and I didn't want to force him to.

He gave Lachlan a quick hug before leaving us be, where Lachlan just leaned up against me and watched as I played around on my phone to try and stay awake. Lachlan was barely awake and eventually passed out on my lap which made my heart crawl into my throat. He was so innocent and vulnerable and sick that I just wanted to protect him, even though it wasn't actually that bad.

I hated seeing him sick and even though I barely saw him, I just wanted to look after him.


It took longer than I thought before he was back on his feet, a week at least before he was back to normal. For that week he was miserable, he didn't want to eat and he was still shaky and shivering but slowly his bright eyes and happy chattering came back as he started to feel better.

Neither Vikk and I would let him record until he was back to normal and although he had complained he had let Vikk and I baby him for a bit because he knew he wasn't up to it. His eating went back to normal as well and slowly he perked up, bouncing around like normal.

It was good to see him back, and we also finally got that conversation that I had been hoping for. I asked him what that kiss meant, and I got the reply I was hoping for.

"Everything." He whispered, barely looking at me. "It meant everything."

And I leaned in and captured his lips, feeling his soft lips and his shaky hands but I knew the feelings behind it. I felt the love and the anxiety but the pent up emotion behind it and I knew everything was okay.

I pulled away first when both of us were in red and panting for air, but both of us were giggly and happy.

"Love you Lachy." I giggled, kissing him again.

"Love you too Si." He whispered back, leaning into the kiss. "Love you too."

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