The Sidemen OT7- Angels & Demons Part 2

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Tobi's P.O.V.

I placed one hand on my halo, feeling the glowing warmth of it begin to defrost my freezing hands. Even just walking from the car into the house a couple of times with shopping in the middle of a typical British winter had made my hands freeze, and I was not impressed with the weather.

Most of the other boys were inside, curled up on the couches or beanbags or even on the floor in Harry's case, in front of the fire to keep warm. Josh had offered to help me bring everything inside but I had declined, considering he was stuck under JJ and Ethan and I didn't want to make him move to bring in what would only take me 5 minutes.

Simon was all on his lonesome on one of the couches and Vikk was curled up beside the fire on a beanbag, his tail flicking from side to side every few seconds. Almost everyone was on the verge of falling asleep, so I just unpacked everything as quietly as possible and then snuck into the living room to curl up with Simon.

It was peaceful and everyone was content, nothing something that happened often considering the noise levels of the boys normally.

Simon yawned and one of his horns accidently poked the side of my neck but he was bothering me, so I just pulled him closer. He tucked himself into my side and that was it. The 7 of us, happy and content in front of the fire, living our lives as normal.



The next big interruption to our normal scheduled lives came with the introduction of some of Vikk's YouTube friends. We all did YouTube, that was how we were able to afford our rather affluent lifestyle and the massive house we all lived in together, but before that moment none of us had met Vikk's Minecraft buddies.

All of them lived in countries on the opposite side of the world, three in America, one in Canada and one in Australia, so Vikk was excited to say the least when they all organised to stay for a week. He hadn't been with them in real life for quite a few years and for days after he bounced around the house.

"Come here Vikky." I held out my arms for a hug and he bounded into me, bright and happy like always. His ears were perked up on the top of his head and his tail was swishing happily and he was just so happy that I didn't want to make him stop his energetic behaviour. When he was this excited and happy, no one wanted to put him down. "They aren't coming for another few days you know, there's no need to be this excited."

"Yes there is!" He said, going back to his bouncing but this time while being engulfed in my hug. "We haven't been together for ages and even then it was just a couple of us! This'll be the first time in years!"

I pressed a kiss to his forehead and smiled at his antics. His friends were all human, no demons, angels or cat hybrids, at least from what we had heard from Vikk or from what had disclosed to us, but that didn't worry me. Everyone was so used to hybrids or anything else that not many people seemed to care anymore, even though some attitudes were as they were hundreds of years ago.

But they were friends with Vikk, who was open about him being a hybrid, so they shouldn't mind.


All 5 of them arrived mostly at the same time, only 4 hours between the first arrivals, Mitch and Jerome, and the last arrival, Lachlan. All of them were exhausted so myself, Josh and Vikk showed them to their rooms and then left them to sleep while Vikk explained who was who and who was likely to get along with who the best.

"Mitch and Jerome are best friends-" He explained, while lying in JJ's lap. "They've known each other since 6th grade and are literally inseparable, where ever one goes, the other follows. They are pranksters though and act immature whenever they can."

Harry lit up, as did Ethan. Those two were the pranksters of the group and also the ones who tended to be the most childish when the situation called for it, so I had no doubt they would get along. They were both angels too though, Ethan and Harry, and angels generally got along with everyone.

"Rob's the sensible one, he's the dad like Rob and is probably the only reason that Preston or Lachlan hasn't done something insanely stupid before now, so Josh you'll probably like him. Preston is... well he's like a toddler on steroids a lot of the time, he doesn't want to sit still and is hyper and energetic all the time. He's just happy, constantly."

I liked the sound of Preston, but maybe he was a little too happy-go-lucky.

"Lachlan he's... in the middle I suppose. He can be sensible but he can be a crazy little kid if he wants to. He kinda switches from one end to the other."

That was all Vikk had to say about them, and we found out later that his descriptions were pretty accurate.


It was a week later that we saw them all off again and we were back to our regularly scheduled lives once again of shit sleep schedules, recording at odd hours and trying to make sure that everyone got at least 6 hours of sleep a night. Vikk was the most difficult with that, because he just didn't want to sleep ever.

We were all curled up on our bed when JJ spoke up, his head tipped back so his horns were digging into the bed.

"Your friends are crazy Vikk." He shrugged from where he was sitting in my lap, not a care in the world.

"I know that's why I like them. You lot are all crazy as well so you can't say a thing about them when you act ten times worse." He was smiling as he said it, so I knew he didn't mean it as anything hurtful. JJ grinned, tucking Harry closer to him.

"I know but still, I can understand why they don't live all together though because that would be a nightmare. At least we're somewhat semi-functioning and can live together." Vikk shuddered, at the thought of all of the Pack living together I supposed.

"Oh no, there's no way they'd be able to live together. But we're together, so I suppose that helps in terms of you know, functioning as a unit. But yeah, a Pack house would be a disaster unless Rob somehow managed to pull everything together." He giggled at the last bit. Josh had really liked Rob and the two had got along together well, talking about their experiences as the "grown-ups" in the group.

"Well just be glad it didn't happen then." Ethan said tiredly, from somewhere behind me. Vikk and I were smack bang in the middle of the bed.

"Mmm." Vikk mumbled, leaning back against my shoulder. "I much prefer it here, I've got my boyfriends here."

"Awwwww!" I said, hugging Vikk close. "That's so sweet."

He smiled and leaned up to kiss me, his hand gently brushing my halo. In return I tugged on his tail and he squeaked, going red.

"Love you little kitty cat." I whispered, making him go an even deeper shade of red.

I just got a kiss and a smile back.

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