Minishaw- Trip

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Josh's P.O.V.

I had noticed almost from day one the subtle glances between the two, red cheeks and ears in embarrassment and they way they hardly ever made eye contact. JJ was less observant than me but he told me that Simon, as the two were the closest out of the Sidemen, had confided in him of his little crush.

It wasn't awkward most of the time because Harry didn't live with us and we only saw each other while filming Sidemen Sundays but when we were all together it created some tension. Vikk had told me a couple of times, being the innocent bean that he was, that he thought they had had a fight or something because they didn't want to talk to each other. But I knew better.

JJ came up to me one morning, just as I was packing the last of my belongings into boxes, to talk to me.

"Simon told me that he has a crush on Harry." I raised an eyebrow.

"Like it wasn't already obvious?" I questioned, and JJ went red.

"I hadn't really figured it out before now." He mumbled, rubbing his forearm. "But I swear to God, I think Simon's been hanging over that boy for at least a year now. We need to get them together."

I thought for a second about his plan, the good parts and the bad. Yes it would be good if we got them together and it would ease the tension but there were so many things that could go wrong. Maybe Harry didn't like Simon and he was just awkward, maybe he'd reject Simon and the tension would get even worse, maybe they'd get together and then break up which could cause a massive rift in the Sidemen.

"Let's do it."


We went over our plan a couple of times before we finally got it down and agreed with everything. In the end we had to use Vikk as a distraction without him knowing because if we told him about our plan then Simon would definitely find out because Vikk couldn't keep a secret for anything.

JJ was quite happy with what we were about to do simply because he thought it would make his best friend happy, while I saw the possible downsides to it. I couldn't help but see the negatives, really, and even throughout our planning I couldn't stop thinking about how it could go wrong.

I didn't want to destroy my friendship with Simon our hurt the relationships between the other Sidemen simply because I was doing what I thought was right. I could be wrong.


Harry came over to the Sidemen house a couple of days before Vikk moved out to help him with the last of his furniture and that was when we finally enacted our brilliant plan to get Simon and Harry together.

Simon had been hidden in his room for most of the day, recording and editing. I didn't think he was hidden away for any particular purpose, I didn't think he knew Harry was even coming over, so we could do whatever we could to get everything going.

For about an hour we let Harry help Vikk upstairs while we sorted everything and we saw them coming up and down the stairs a few times, occasionally calling for our help. We did as they asked so no one would suspect we were up to something but once Vikk was done with Harry's help he came downstairs to hand out with us.

"Go time." I mouthed to JJ and he nodded, disappearing up the stairs. Harry looked at him curiously but didn't say anything, instead sipping on the coffee he had in his lap.

There was a minute or so of silence before Simon and JJ came back down the stairs and into the kitchen. JJ had told Simon that he should come down and eat because he had been upstairs all day and he needed to take a break before he burnt himself out.

They were talking as they came into the kitchen but as soon as Simon looked up and saw Harry sitting at the bench he physically started and almost stumbled but managed to catch himself and brush it off as nothing. Harry smiled at Simon over the rim of his cup.

"He- hey Harry." He said, stuttering a little. I grinned.

JJ and I walked circles around them for a little while, trying to get them to converse and talk to each other but Harry just sipped on his drink awkwardly and Simon dug around in the fridge for something to eat. I rolled my eyes after about 15 minutes and gave JJ an 'are you serious?' look.

"Movie?" I asked the others, and there was yeah from everyone.

In the living room there was a few minutes of arguing about which movie to watch and eventually we just settled on something random on Netflix that I couldn't name if I tried. But when Harry came into the living room, after heating up popcorn for all of us and gave bowls to all of us, it gave us the perfect opportunity to set our plan in phase two.

As Harry handed Simon his bowl of popcorn, the last one he had been holding, JJ stuck his foot out from the chair he was sitting on and tripped Harry, sending sprawling on top of Simon, who was lying in a beanbag. There was a loud yelp from both boys and Simon's popcorn went flying everywhere.

"Oof!" Harry yelped, now lying in Simon's lap. Both boys looked shocked and JJ pretended at once to help him, not at all right after tripping one of them. Once the shock wore off both of them went bright red, Harry scrambling off the older boy while streams of apologizes fell from his lips.

"It's alright Harry." Simon said, holding up his hands and still bright red. "It was an accident, it doesn't matter. I'll help pick the popcorn up."


The two spent 5 to 10 minutes picking up the popcorn that had been spilled all over the floor and Simon did offer to go and make up another bag, but Harry refused and said to share his bowl. JJ and I shared a look because finally, it was working, and the two were sitting side by side and talking non-awkwardly.

Harry was still red and he was for most of the movie actually, the blush on his ears and cheeks and nose, and I saw Simon's glances occasionally at him. He looked almost awed, grinning at his cuteness. I was aweing too because yes! finally!

The credits were about to roll when Simon, who had been glancing up and down nervously, leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. They were so wrapped up in their own little world, as Harry kissed back, that they didn't notice JJ and I cheering quietly behind them.

"Yes!" I hissed, grinning at JJ. "Fucking finally!!!"

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