The Pack OT6- Missing Part 2

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

The only thing comforting about being back with the other boys was knowing that they were alive and having Rob and Preston's arms around me while I cried. I was terrified, no one had any idea what was going on and Mitch was so injured that he was unconscious- it scared me.

Rob was mumbling under his breath, his head resting against mine- thank god, thank god, he was whispering, his entire body trembling. Preston was just lying there, his arms tight around me because he couldn't bear to let go and I'm pretty sure he was crying as well, silent tears dripping from his eyes.

Behind us Vikk and Jerome were crouched over Mitch, whispering worriedly. I couldn't hear what they were saying but they were clearly terrified, Jerome was shaking and Vikk was rubbing his face with his hands, Mitch lying unconscious between them.

"Vikk?" I whispered, poking my head up. "Is Mitch..." Vikk sighed.

"I don't... I don't know." He mumbled. "He's not in great shape."


Jerome kicked at where he knew the door was in frustration, slamming his fists on it. He was really scared, his best friend was dying slowly behind him and there was nothing anyone could do about it because we didn't know what was wrong- there were simply cuts and bruises.

Beside Mitch, Vikk was sleeping heavily, having basically passed out from exhaustion after trying to look after him. Preston and Rob were asleep too but they were stirring, occasionally opening their eyes and rolling over on the cold concrete because they couldn't sleep. They were too worried, and I was too.

Eventually I untangled myself from Rob's arms and crawled over to Mitch and Vikk, lying down beside them. I was flat out exhausted but I couldn't sleep, my mind was working and working and it was causing me so much anxiety because I was sore, tired, scared and shaking.

"Jerome?" I mumbled, my tired eyes following him as he stalked around the room.

"Hey Lachlan..." He sighed, coming to crouch down beside me. "I'm sorry, I just can't sit still."

"I know." I whispered, moving my head so I could rest it on his lap. "It's alright."

I saw his glance at Mitch, his teeth gnawing at his lip.

"God... what are we going to do?" He whispered, his hand coming up to run through my hair. "What can we do?"


It seemed like that answer was nothing for quite some time, everyone sat in silence while one person took care of Mitch. He was still completely unconscious, unresponsive to all touch and audio and no one had any idea what was going on- all we knew was that he was dying.

Finally I had enough, I didn't want to sit still anymore and what with Jerome's pacing, Preston's trembling and Vikk's hushed whispers to Rob over Mitch's lifeless body, I couldn't stand it. I got up, stalked to the door and kicked at it, so bloody frustrated and feeling so useless that I just... couldn't. I couldn't sit still, I couldn't think straight. Jerome's eyes followed me but he didn't say anything.

I ran my hands around the edge of the door and continued to kick at it, frustrated and scared- and then it gave way.

I almost screamed in surprise as the giant metal door fell backwards from the force of my kicks, hitting the ground with a massive thud. Everyone turned their heads and I froze, expecting someone to have heard the massive noise of the door hitting the ground.

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