Vikklan- Pretend

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I knew it was a bad idea to let myself to be dragged out to the party, especially when I caught a glimpse of people who I knew. The rest of the Pack was off having fun and Lachlan, our designated sober driver, was sitting in the back corner with a water bottle watching over everyone to make sure that nothing happened to anyone.

The first person that I saw was Cal, dancing with his girlfriend, through the neon lights and our eyes made contact for a second. I wasn't sure that he recognised me because he just brushed over me but I knew that I certainly did and it set me on edge. If Cal was there, then he could be as well.

I made sure that I was hanging around someone I knew and trust, at first Mitch and Jerome because they were just laughing and talking and were quite happy to let me join in on their conversation and then Lachlan when they moved on to grab something more to drink. He could tell that I was uneasy because occasionally he would reach out and touch my arm reassuringly, telling me that he was there and it was alright.

Josh was the next person I saw, squeezing his way along the back wall towards us even though he didn't seem like he had seen either me or Lachlan. He was making his way towards the bathrooms, trailed closely by Freya and as he got closer Lachlan noticed him and turned around, his back to Josh while blocking me from his view. He had seen my look, and jumped to protect me.

He and Freya brushed past us with no sign that he had recognised either of us and I breathed a sigh of relief, but now a lot more on edge because changes were high that he was there. I never wanted to set eyes on him again, but luck was never on my side.

Lachlan had just taken his phone out when my eyes, that he been flickering across guests at the party, found him in the throng of people. He was much the same, tall, blonde and lanky and his eyes glinted as he scanned the guests, looking for someone that would be like me, his victim, I supposed.

We had lived together once upon a time, four members of the Sidemen all in one house, and he and I had been together. We got together about 6 months after we first moved in together and stayed together until everything fell apart, about two years after moving into the second house.

Because, unfortunately, he had been abusive. I hadn't noticed his controlling ways at first, the way he cut me off from my friends and family and wanted to know every little thing I was doing but I was blinded by my love for him and didn't see it. It had developed slowly, and I hadn't noticed the changes in my life.

The physical abuse started not long after we moved into the second house, when he slapped me out of anger. I had been so shocked that I locked myself away for days but Simon spent just as long apologizing and saying it was an accident that I believed him. He didn't mean it.

But it kept happening. The slaps turning into pushes and then he started to hit me, leaving my body covered in bruises. I was so much smaller than him that I didn't have the strength to fight back but after two years of the abuse evolving into much worse things I reached the end of my tether and left.

Lachlan, who lived in London, took me in and I was forever grateful for that.

My eyes widened as Simon turned and looked at me, recognition flooding through him and an evil smirk grew on his face. I panicked as he started towards me and my heart leapt into my throat because omgwhatamIgoingtodo?

I turned to Lachlan, probably the only person who could save me in that situation and did the only thing that I could think to do. I leaned in and, much to his surprise, I kissed him. I don't even know why I did but I supposed later that it was the only thing I could do to get Simon to go away. If he thought I had a boyfriend, a boyfriend who was Lachlan no less, that would do anything to protect me then he wouldn't even try to harass me.

Lachlan almost dropped his phone in surprise when I kissed him but when he looked up over my shoulder and saw Simon coming towards us, which is what he told me happened later, he stopped any questions and kissed back. His lips were soft and chapped and to avoid Simon seeing my scared look when he got closer he cupped his hands on either of my cheeks and stopped me from looking at him, but stopped him from seeing me.

As our lips were still pushed together I heard a loud scoff from behind me and footsteps stomping away over the loud music and sighed in relief, pulling myself away. My head fell forward onto his chest and for a second I just relished in the fact that I had avoided confrontation, but I then jolted up when I realised what I had to do.

My head shot up, eyes wide, but to my surprise Lachlan was smiling and bright red. I blinked, trying to process what had happened.

"You kiss good." He whispered, giggling, and I barely caught it over the pounding music. "But I think it's time to go home."


There were no complaints from the others about going home once they found out why and clambered into the car quietly, none of them particularly drunk. I was glad because I really didn't want to have to deal with drunk friends after that ordeal and at home they all just went off to bed, leaving Lachlan and I alone in the kitchen.

"I- I'm sorry I had to do that." I mumbled sheepishly, looking down at my feet. "But I really didn't want confrontation."

Lachlan smiled, placing a gentle hand under my chin.

"It's alright, you don't need to be sorry for trying to protect yourself. I know why you did what you did and honestly, I'm kinda glad you did."

I wasn't sure what he meant until he leaned down and softly pressed his lips to mine, his hand still under my chin. I was in shock for a couple of second but once I realised that hey, he was doing it of his own accord and hey, I liked him back, my eyes flickered closed.

His thumb ran across my cheek lightly, far more gentle than I remembered anyone else being with me.

I liked this, I decided, smiling through the kiss, and I could get used to it.

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